
Chapter 552 Token

Chapter 552 Token
After the Battle of the East China Sea, the human race once again repelled the invasion of the Sea Clan and brought the defensive border back to the front line of Ninghai City and Dinghai City on the coast of the East China Sea. After learning this lesson, the Nascent Soul monks of the Six Sects of Dongao agreed to strengthen the island chain. defense.

In the next few days, the reconstruction of Ninghai City and the reset of the defensive island chain were put on the agenda. In view of the heavy losses this time, the three northern factions were temporarily unable to restart the defense of the island chain, so the next work was pushed to Dinghai The city is here.

For a while, the three factions in the south hurriedly recruited formation masters to help Dinghai City, and according to the established plan, not only need to repair the formation system on the original island chain, but also set up many formations in the inland sea on the coast of the East China Sea as the second way. line of defense.

With the lessons learned from the past, everyone generally realizes the importance of these lines of defense, which can be used as a turning point or as a buffer zone in wartime, which can serve multiple purposes.

These matters have nothing to do with Yi Tian, ​​the sect has its own Yang Yanzi to deal with this matter, and the rest of the disciples only need to obey orders.

After returning to the Taoist sect, Yi Tian went directly to the lava valley where his senior brother Chiyangzi retreated. This time, during the fierce battle in Ninghai City, he revealed the real body of King Ming Shengzi. This news must not be concealed. It is better to find Chiyang Zi Dafang admitted it well.

Sitting in the thatched hut in the center of the lava valley, Yi Tian and Chi Yangzi sat face to face for a while.Later, I saw Chi Yangzi slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "This time, junior brother has shared the worries and problems of the six factions of Dong'ao, and also established a relationship with the dragon king clan of the East China Sea. At least 500 years of Dong'ao's sea can be kept safe." .”

"Senior brother holds an important position in King Ming's teaching and has learned the exercises passed down by the holy son of King Ming, so don't you know that senior brother doesn't care about it?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

Chi Yangzi replied without changing his face: "Junior Brother, you are in the dark. You must know that the Dongao Six Sects also have many eyeliners in southern Xinjiang. How could such a big thing as the Holy Son of the Ming King regain control of the Holy Sect from us?"

Yi Tian suddenly said: "It turns out that senior brother knew about this early on, and that was his helpless move back then. Besides, I promised Qin Mingyue that I would help him revive the kingly way, and accept his reincarnation to enter the Tao and practice cultivation."

"Oh, Qin Mingyue, the former holy son of King Ming, is indeed a real person. It seems that you have found his reincarnation. I don't know what sect to introduce him to now?" Chi Yangzi asked.

"Originally, Qin Mingyue wanted to come to my Xuanyang sect, but by chance, he joined the sect of Banruo Temple in Zhongzhou, and was recommended by me to sit with Master Huiyuan," Yi Tian said with emotion.

After hearing this, Chi Yangzi was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and sighed: "I never expected Qin Mingyue to have such an idea, but joining the Buddhist sect is also a chance."

After sighing with emotion, he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Junior brother now has the important task of rejuvenating the two factions. When encountering problems, we must carefully consider and weigh the pros and cons of all parties."

"I don't know what brother means?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"This fierce battle in the East China Sea is a test for you by the third row. Brother Tie Jian and Nangong Ba each have their own plans, and want to see how you, a direct brother, behave in the world," Chi Yangzi explained.

Yi Tian understood these things in his heart early in the morning, but he would inevitably feel resentful when he brought it up to Chi Yangzi, so he asked instead: "Fortunately, it was handled properly this time. Are you satisfied with your approach?"

Chi Yangzi stroked his beard and smiled, "If you're not satisfied, why would you send someone to deliver the sect token?" After speaking, he took out three simple tokens of different colors and handed them over.

After finding the three tokens, Yi Tian carefully scanned the patterns on them, and suddenly his pupils froze. The tokens were engraved with characters from the spiritual world. It is not difficult to find out after combining the three tokens There is still something missing.

Then Yi Tian asked: "Brother, I see this thing as if there are other parts?"

"That's right. This thing was originally a token passed down from generation to generation by the Lihuo Sect. It was originally kept by the suzerain. The three pieces in your hand were tokens bought by Chiyang, Xuanling and Tie Jian. As far as I know, they are still There are a few pieces scattered elsewhere, if we want to revive the Lihuo Sect, we must gather all these tokens," Chi Yangzi said.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian asked again: "I wonder if there are any clues for the remaining tokens? Brother, please let me know."

"And put away the token. As the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, you should have the right to keep it. You need to find out and try to obtain the remaining few pieces," Chi Yangzi said after correcting his expression. : "Junior brother, this matter is very involved. After Lihuo Patriarch built the Ascension Platform, he forged six keys together. In order not to correspond to the six spirit worlds above, these six keys are indispensable for rebuilding the Ascension Platform. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face turned serious. This thing should be one of the three keys. It seems that since the leaders of the three factions are willing to hand over this thing, it is also a recognition of themselves.Then Yi Tian slowly turned to Chiyangzi Jishou and said: "Junior brother dare not slack off with this important task, and will do his best in this life to restore the sect."

Then he flipped his hands and took out a jade box and handed it to Chi Yangzi, saying: "This is my brother's heart, please don't refuse."

Chi Yangzi took the jade box and opened it, scanned it with his spiritual sense, then he showed a bit of surprise on his face, and then said with a smile: "Junior brother has kindly accepted it, I just take one piece of it, Too much is useless," he took out a jade box, picked one out of it, put it away, and returned the remaining Yuanyang fruit to Yi Tian.

Later Chi Yangzi said again: "It's a chance to get this fruit. If you don't make progress, you can prolong your life by 300 years. Junior brother really has a heart."

Yi Tiandao: "It's only a short time since I conceived a baby. In the future, the integration of the sect will still need the guidance of my senior brother."

Chi Yangzi nodded and said: "Junior Brother, your shortcoming now is that you have lost the time to settle down, but you can't rush this matter, just let it take its course." After finishing speaking, he took out a jade slip and handed it over.

After Yi Tian took it over, he checked it directly with his spiritual sense, and his face showed a little joy. It turned out that during this period of time, there was a casual cultivator who worshiped his own token into the sect, and it has now been arranged to be a high-level enshrinement in the Hall of Qi.

This person is exactly the Lihuo fellow Huo Chilian who I befriended when I was living in the Western Wilderness. Since the other party kept his promise to vote, I have to make some proper arrangements.

Then he briefly told Chi Yangzi about Huo Chilian's experience, the latter couldn't stop nodding after hearing it, and was very sympathetic to what happened to the Lihuo branch sect, but when he talked about Lu Jinyuan, the lord of the Zhongzhou Lihuo branch sect, His face became a little unnatural.

I thought that what Chi Yangzi was worried about was the internal disagreement of the Lihuo Sect, but who would have thought that Chi Yangzi suddenly showed a serious expression and said bluntly: "It is a certainty that the younger brother will inherit the Datong as the descendant of the direct line and revive the Lihuo Sect!" But please promise me one thing."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback. It was the first time he saw Chi Yangzi being so serious and didn't know what he had to say, so he slowly replied: "Senior brother, please tell me."

"You have to promise me to let Lu Jinyuan go," Chi Yangzi said without reason.

(End of this chapter)

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