
Chapter 553 Invitation

Chapter 553 Invitation

After returning to the cave at Chuying Peak, Yi Tian first checked Xialiu Piaopiao's situation and found that she was still in retreat, and then just sent a message and then sat alone in the cave and thought quietly.

Chiyangzi's last words in the forbidden area of ​​Lava Valley gave him a new understanding of the history of Chiyang Sect.According to Chi Yangzi's description, Lu Jinyuan of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect is actually related to Dongao Chiyang Sect.

His father, Lu Canglong, was originally Chiyangzi's senior brother. About a thousand years ago, when the Chiyang Sect first fought among themselves, Lu Canglong went to Zhongzhou alone. Chiyangzi didn't know about it until Lu Jinyuan visited the Chiyang Sect 300 years ago. .

Facing Chi Yangzi, the descendant of his senior brother, he expressed his feelings, and pulled down his face to ask his future to let Lu Jinyuan go.However, what Zhongzhou Lihuo has done in the past few hundred years is a bit too much. In order to integrate the forces, they even wiped out the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect and the Great Sun Yaoyang Sect, which are both branched.

And the descendants of these two branches are what I urgently need to win over. Just like Huo Chilian has a mortal hatred for Lu Jinyuan's branch, it is extremely difficult to get them to give up.And if he made the other branch disciples feel unfair in order to comply with Chi Yangzi's demands, then things would be very difficult in the future.

After much deliberation, Yi Tian has no idea for the time being, but I haven't seen Huo Chilian for more than a hundred years, and I don't know how he is doing now, and I don't know if he has the six keys mentioned by his brother Chi Yangzi. Will also collect one.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian took out the communication jade slip to contact Huo Chilian, half a moment later there was a reply on the jade slip, Yi Tian just smiled helplessly after reading it.

Huo Chilian's reply mentioned that he was retreating to attack the Nascent Soul, and it might take decades. Yi Tian could only give up on this, and then sent a message to Yang Yanzi to give Huo Chilian the best treatment. The sect he wants must do everything possible to provide it.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian sat down again and practiced silently in the cave mansion.

Time flies. It usually takes 30 to [-] years for a Jindan cultivator to retreat once, while a Nascent Soul cultivator takes longer.But this time, Yi Tian just sat cross-legged in his cave for a while and practiced his skills for a while, and he didn't realize that more than ten years had passed before he was woken up by the sound of a message.

Stand up and look around Liu Piaopiao's closed cave door is still closed, Yi Tian just stretched his spiritual consciousness in to check it out, and found that she was sitting cross-legged in it, maintaining the previous state, and the spiritual power in her body was slowly operating. Xia is slowly prying open the door of the Nascent Soul Stage.

It's just that when it will succeed is unknown, Yi Tian took back the jade slip and read it after withdrawing his consciousness.It turned out to be a message from Dongfang Lingyun, which mentioned that a space gap suddenly appeared at the border between Shiwan Dashan and Dongao, Beiyuan. According to the historical records of Dongao, this gap will appear once every thousand years. It may be related to the 'Taihuang Mountain' recorded in the literature.

The Golden Core monks who were sent there before couldn't get close, because the wind blowing from the gap was too violent, and even the late Golden Core monks couldn't withstand it.

This matter was suppressed by Dongfang Lingyun for the time being and only a group of Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongao were notified, but this time the reappearance of the entrance of 'Taihuang Mountain' has already attracted the attention of Wanying King.And paper can't contain the fire, no matter how the Xuanling faction whitewashes the news, it still gets out.

Now, casual cultivators, large and small, flocked to Dongao's land as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Although the upper echelons of the six sects also restrained their disciples, there were not a few who went to take risks.

It's just that the entrance is hard to pass, and ninety-nine percent of the monks who come here are blocked outside.

Yi Tian only realized at the end of the reading that Dongfang Lingyun did not want the negative impact of the matter to magnify, so he contacted Wan Ying Wang and the top leaders of the Six Factions and decided to investigate.

At the same time, Wanying King sent Zhiying to lead a team to investigate the reality, but there were two points mentioned in the communication, because the gap was located at the junction of Dongao and Beiyuan, so Shuwang's side didn't know what to do. no.

Moreover, the Shu King has always been at odds with the three major demon kings, and his subordinates are all aggressive and ruthless, so if you encounter them, you have to take it easy.Another point made Yi Tian think a little more after reading it. It described that a group of casual cultivators suddenly appeared in Zhongzhou for more than a hundred years called "Dragon Sect", and its strength expanded extremely rapidly.

It's just that Zhongzhou has been controlled by a big cultivator since ancient times, so this "Dragon Sect" has only developed in the fringes and among the hundreds of thousands of mountains, and their main altar is less than a thousand miles away from the place where this gap appears, and it will definitely be destroyed by then. Insert a bar.

Then Yi Tian sorted out the context of the message in his mind, and then took out a jade slip of communication, wrote down the details of his appointment, and then sent it out with a spell.

Although it's not a big deal, I have to explain it to my senior brother Chi Yangzi when I go out.Less than a moment later, there was a message that the jade slip flew back, and Chi Yangzi wrote on it: "Don't be impatient in everything, and make friends with many parties."

After Yi Tian put away the jade slips, he turned around and left his cave, and after ten breaths, he stayed on the top of Chuying Peak and faced his blessed land with a wry smile.

Since I chose this place, I have lived here for less than 50 years in a real sense. Even my wife Liu Piaopiao has lived here longer than myself, but I secretly decided in my heart that I really want to take a good rest here after I have been busy for a long time. After a while, a figure on the Young Eagle Peak quietly flashed past, and Yi Tian disappeared.

From the south of Dong'ao, I feel that the straight-line distance of the Shiwanda Mountain in the northwest is nearly ten thousand miles away. Fortunately, it is not a problem for Yi Tian now, but this time he is invited to go, and the place agreed by Dongfang Lingyun is in Near the monitoring point of Zongmen.

Yi Tian didn't want to show his whereabouts rashly, so he had to rush to the meeting point step by step.After flying in the air for a period of time, I realized that I was already in the [-] mountains. The human monks and monsters coming and going here would keep their distance and pass each other even if they meet each other head-on.

Flying? Suddenly, the divine sense noticed that there were several powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations approaching rapidly not far away, and the other party seemed to have discovered him in an instant, and then both of them flew in the same direction at the same time.

Those waves of spiritual pressure fluctuations looked a little familiar, Yi Tian thought through his mind and immediately recognized that it should be the wise eagle ambassador under the command of the King of Eagles. Not weaker than Zhiying, even slightly stronger.

Now Yi Tian didn't dare to approach easily, so he had to pass the sound transmission in private. After a while, Zhiying's reply arrived, but the words seemed to be evasive.It's inconvenient for Yi Tian to ask more about this, but he just informed about the situation on his side of the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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