
Chapter 555 Conflict

Chapter 555 Conflict
In Taihuang Mountain, Yi Tian was walking alone on the mountain path, and the devilish energy pervading around him made people feel very uncomfortable.I had already sent a message to Dongfang Lingyun to give feedback on the situation found here. After receiving the reply later, I realized that for some reason, the wind at the entrance was much weaker. There is no other way.

Dongfang Lingyun got in touch with Zhiying, and they are rushing to join together and will find a way to block this place later.But what disturbed Yi Tian was that Dongfang Lingyun's message mentioned that some Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators had sneaked into Taihuang Mountain.Some of them are actually wearing the costumes of the Demon Dragon Cult. These people are in their own way and it is difficult to communicate with each other.

After reading the message, Yi Tian also felt dizzy. It was okay to deal with individual casual cultivators, but it was difficult to deal with these organized casual cultivators.

Yi Tian didn't want to turn around and continue to walk forward along the stairs. Suddenly, he only felt that the weight of gravity around him gradually disappeared, and this place suddenly became the same as the outside world. flew up.After the figure flashed in an instant, the whole person looked for the source of the screams in Taihuang Mountain just now.

Not long after, he came out of a valley according to the sound. At this time, the screams were still ringing out one after another. Before Yi Tian reached in with his divine sense to investigate for a while, he suddenly felt the magic energy rolling inside him. It seems to be pouring out.

Suddenly a figure rushed out from the valley and directly cut off the back path. After the billowing black magic energy under the entanglement faded away, a nine-foot-tall figure appeared.

Looking at each other, Yi Tian was startled, the person who came to recognize him turned out to be the foreign aid King Li who was recruited by the Shu King's subordinates whom he had met at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference back then.Yi Tian still remembers winning the lottery in a bet with the blood refining demon corpse, and the appearance of King Li at that time is still fresh in his memory.

Now it seems that Li Wang's eyes are not quite right, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the white-haired mouse, and the scream came from the white-haired mouse.

At this time, the white-haired mouse struggled and shouted: "Fellow daoist, help me, King Li has been demonized, please save me quickly, fellow daoist."

After hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly had a glimmer of gloom in his heart. The power king in front of him is a body refiner comparable to the infant stage of the United States, but the power of the soul is pitifully weak. He lost his mind after absorbing a lot of magic energy for some reason. Mind, judging by his current appearance, he should be in a state of madness, which is not easy to mess with for the time being.

In a blink of an eye, after scanning these two people, I realized that they sneaked in while no one else was paying attention, and they didn't expect to cause such a big trouble when they came in.

The most terrible thing is that it directly implicates me. I really don't know why I have been a little bit behind recently and encountered such troubles.

Hearing the white-haired mouse's cries for help, Yi Tian didn't take any direct action, but looked up and down at Li Wang, and saw that his eyes were red and his whole body was demonized, with magic lines appearing on his skin, and after being possessed, there were long hairs on his head. Two long horns came out, similar to the slaughtered clone back then.

Before Yi Tian could open his mouth, Nali Wang slowly opened his mouth and said, "Here comes another boy from the race, who just happens to serve me as an appetizer." Then he waved his left hand involuntarily, but the sound of tearing came out of thin air.

If Yi Tian didn't do it, he wanted to dodge to the side to open the distance, and after a few "poofs", he saw that the bluestone slab on the ground where he was standing just now was lifted up.

Before he could stand still, there was another crackling sound in the air, and Yi Tian didn't dare to take it head-on, so he had to teleport around to avoid it.

The sudden change in the surrounding environment must be related to the person in front of him, but Yi Tian can't think too much now, he stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, and then quickly formed a seal on his chest and manipulated the Spirit Sword towards that Li Wang's body was chopped off.

A sword light flashed across and split the torn air in the air, and then hit Li Wang's face directly. A black devil energy quickly gathered in front of Li Wang and formed a thick shield.

Hearing a 'click', the cyan sword light slashed in front of the magic shield, directly shaking Li Wang back a few steps.

Yi Tian took this opportunity to step back from the stone steps, and then chose a random path to escape.

After flying for ten breaths, I realized that the opponent didn't come after me. I couldn't help but feel puzzled, but I thought it would be inconvenient for me to fight with the opponent. I should find Dongfang Lingyun first and then figure out a solution. After all, the situation here has exceeded my expectations. Too much.

All of a sudden, I noticed hundreds of spirit pressures surged up from the foot of the entire 'Taihuang Mountain', most of them were Jindan monks, and some Nascent Soul monks were mixed in.At the moment, Yi Tian was startled. He didn't expect the situation to be so chaotic. Didn't it mean that the gale in the gap was so violent that even Jindan cultivators couldn't get in.

After feeling the surrounding environment for a while, he immediately understood that it should be the ghost of King Li and the white-haired mouse. The two of them did not know what mechanism they used to cause the wind to weaken rapidly, which attracted hundreds of monks. flocked.

But these are not things that I have to think about. I will inform Dongfang Lingyun of the current situation, and let him worry about the next things.

After doing all this, Yi Tian chose a side road and flew forward. He didn't expect there to be a place where demonic energy gathers in this 'too barren mountain', but it is unknown whether there are other opportunities.

Since I got the first opportunity for a while, I might as well go to the depths of this barren mountain to see if I can find other opportunities, and then I kicked my feet to find a direction and flew straight to the middle of the mountain. .

As more and more monks entered the Taihuang Mountain, it gradually became lively. Suddenly there was a billowing demonic energy leaking out of the mountain depression. I don't know which monk shouted: "What a pure demonic energy!"

Immediately, the demon cultivators and evil cultivators among the many monks all rushed towards the place with strong demonic energy. You must know that demonic cultivators are rare on the Tianlan Continent. The main reason is that the source of the demonic energy on the mainland is not There are many, and they are all controlled by those big sects of magic cultivators.

However, the process of converting aura into demonic energy is extremely complicated, and some demonic cultivators even have to adopt the method of dual cultivation of gods and demons. Although the strength is far superior to that of the same level, the progress of cultivation is slow.

Now that they were able to meet such an opportunity in Taihuang Mountain, all the people were trying their best to reap the benefits for themselves. Those demon cultivators who practiced again for one day were worth the progress of practicing for a month outside.

Although Dongfang Lingyun communicated with Zhiying and others under the command of Wanying King, he couldn't keep his word. There were too many monks here, if he chased them away on the spot, it would be like offending him all at once.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Lingyun decisively took out the communication jade card in his hand and directly sent a message to the heads of the six factions to inform you of the situation here first, and then think about how to deal with it under the communication. Zhiying also hurriedly reported to Queen Wanying and waited for further feedback .

(End of this chapter)

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