
Chapter 556 Old Enemy

Chapter 556 Old Enemy
In the 'Taihuang Mountain', many human monks within a radius of hundreds of miles fell into it like a piece of loose sand in an instant, and even Dongfang Lingyun and the Nascent Soul monks who were outside could not stop them.

Yi Tian flew alone on the mountainside of Taihuang Mountain, and suddenly the jade tablet in his hand lit up, and a message came into view immediately.

After reading the news, his expression darkened in an instant. Dongfang Lingyun's message mentioned that most of the monks who sneaked in this time were Jindan stage monks, but there were also some Nascent Soul casual cultivators among them, and even the Demon Dragon Sect from the Zhongzhou realm. Monks are among them.

Dong Ao Six Sects and Wanying King are now urgently dispatching elite monks to cooperate to block the entrance of the Taihuang Mountain, and then dispatch Nascent Soul monks to find out all those who have mixed into it.

After putting away the messenger jade token, Yi Tian twitched his lips and let himself fly away into the mountainside. After fighting the King of Power just now, he found that his demonized cultivation level was not comparable to his own.Moreover, the other party was still holding the white-haired mouse in one hand, so his strength should be superior to his own.

It seems that this 'Taihuang Mountain' is very interesting. I don't know what opportunities there will be in the future. Just as I was thinking, suddenly Yi Tian heard a loud noise coming from a distance, and then a strong demonic energy burst out from it.

If you expand your spiritual consciousness a little, you can find that there are several spiritual pressures that are not weaker than your own, and they are rushing towards the source of the devil energy at high speed.After Yi Tian jumped up and used the escape for a while, he found that he could only keep flying in mid-air. If he flew a little higher, he would be affected by the magic energy.

Along the way, I saw many Golden Core cultivators digging ruins or picking treasures. Yi Tian didn't care about these, but just glanced at them with his divine sense and then missed them.

Suddenly a haze flashed in my mind, but I couldn't explain what I saw just now.

After flying three to five miles away from the source of the magic energy, they suddenly found the movement of fighting in front of them. The fluctuation of the spiritual power of the magic attack should be caused by the Nascent Soul stage monks.

Extending the spiritual sense and scanning the range of a hundred miles around, it can be found that many monks have already noticed the situation here, most of them chose to stay away, and only a few people are still rushing here.

Following the sound of the fighting, Yi Tian quickly flew forward for ten breaths, and saw a blue light and a black light fighting each other on a cliff from a distance.

And below is a well, from which a steady stream of demonic energy is emerging. The moment they saw someone coming, the two of them closed their hands, crossed each other, and then separated and confronted each other.

Yi Tian glanced quickly to take a panoramic view of the situation in front of him. In the blue light was a woman in her 20s, whose cultivation had reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

However, it is not difficult to distinguish this person from the breath carefully, and it is not difficult to see that this person is from the Yaozu, and it is the two followers brought by the Zhiying.Judging from his agility, he is obviously good at speed, so it's no wonder he runs ahead of him.

Turning his head and scanning the other person with his spiritual sense, he was wearing a cloak and a mask to completely cover his appearance, but with a strong devilish aura, people could recognize him as a high-level devil cultivator at a glance .

Even Yi Tian felt the slightest uneasiness on him, as if he had seen this person's aura somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for the time being.

The Yaozu woman looked at Yi Tian for a while and suddenly said: "You are the monk sent by Xuanling to help in the battle, help me capture this beast quickly."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I don't know who is the King of Eagles, who is sitting down and how to call you, but I'm being polite to Yi Tian."

After hearing Yi Tian's name, the woman snorted coldly and said: "Princess Fengyang, you human monks are too polite, so don't hurry up. This person is a monk of the Demon Dragon Sect who wants to attract the evil energy of the earth to temper it. Demon body."

Before he finished speaking, the other party dodged and flew in another direction, and he didn't forget to look back before leaving.

Yi Tian's eyes met him for a while, and then suddenly a name popped out of his mouth, "Lu Linsheng, slaughter," and then he saw that the figure of the Demon Dragon Sect person obviously paused, and then he flew towards the depths of Taihuang Mountain with all his strength. go.

Just when Yi Tian was about to catch up, Princess Fengyang next to him said coquettishly: "Don't go yet, the magic spring here has been activated and now you need to seal it, or the magic energy will disperse and make the whole This barren mountain is accelerating its demonization."

Scanning the mouth of the well below, Yi Tian had no choice but to stop first, surveyed the surrounding environment with Princess Fengyang, and then asked, "I don't know if Fengyang Daoist has any good way to temporarily seal the mouth of this well. ?”

A flash of spiritual light flashed and saw Fengyang Princess take out a five-colored spirit stone to sacrifice in the air, and then said: "Use this thing to block the mouth of this well, but we need to do it together," he said Throwing a piece of jade slip for the sealing ceremony over.

After Yi Tian took the jade slip, he put it on his forehead and read it through with his spiritual sense. After ten breaths, he kept the sealing method in his heart.Then nodded and replied: "Let's start, quickly seal this magic well."

Afterwards, he stood facing Fengyang Princess, and stretched out his hands to form a seal according to the record in the seal technique.On the opposite side, Princess Fengyang just curled her lips, then quickly stretched out her hands and began to form the second half of the seal.After three breaths, they both said "seal" at the same time, and the two magic formulas, one blue and one blue, hit the colorful spirit stone in an instant.

Then the five-inch-sized spirit stone instantly soared several times and fell towards the center of the well directly below. With a bang, the five-color spirit stone that fell into the deep well became more than a foot thick and blocked the well. Living.

The concentration of magic energy around him gradually became thinner, and returned to normal within a short while.

After the incident, Yi Tian said again: "I don't know if fellow Taoist Fengyang can tell you the origin of Taihuang Mountain, why are there so many sources of magic energy here?"

Unexpectedly, Princess Fengyang just glanced lightly and asked for no reason: "Your name is really Yi Tian?"

"If it's fake, did fellow daoists know each other before?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"Isn't Prince Ming the Holy Son? I've heard about your name early in the morning. After the Taihuang Mountain incident, I will ask for some advice," Princess Fengyang replied coldly.

Seeing the other party's attitude like this, Yi Tian also felt that he was not interested, and he had never offended the other party when he met for the first time, but since this is the case, it is inconvenient to entangle him any more.Immediately, he cupped his hands and said: "I still have important things to do, and I will learn about your master's brilliant moves after this matter is settled." After speaking, he directly chased in the direction where the slaughter escaped just now without looking back.

Just after flying not far away, I heard the sound transmission from Princess Fengyang: "It's all thanks to Your Excellency that my sister had to retreat for a hundred years. We will settle the account slowly after we go out."

(End of this chapter)

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