
Chapter 557 Demon Seed

Chapter 557 Demon Seed
Although he didn't know how he offended Princess Fengyang, Yi Tian couldn't care less now.Picking up the jade token in his hand, he directly sent a message to Dongfang Lingyun, and then briefly talked about the massacre of the Demon Dragon Cult.

I believe that in the near future, the six factions of Dong'ao and the Yaozu will notice this, and then they will go all out to hunt for the slaughter.

Sure enough, Ambassador Zhiying sent a message half a quarter of an hour later, and after Yi Tian scanned the content, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Back then when he was encircling and suppressing the massacre clone in the South China Sea, Zhiying had already experienced it. This time, he heard that there was another demon vanguard officer massacre clone appearing, and he directly negotiated with Dongfang Lingyun to catch a turtle in an urn, and sent someone to guard the exit. The infant monks encircled and suppressed together.

After Yi Tian informed his coordinates and location, he followed up alone. He still knew the basics of this old opponent, and the many ghosts sitting in the Taihuang Mountain made people feel lingering fear after thinking about it.

After flying a certain distance, he found that the devilish energy in the mountains in front of him seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and he didn't need to think about it to know that the slaughter clone would definitely look for the source of the devil inside to temper himself.But now relying on divine sense can no longer pinpoint the exact location of the massacre, Yi Tian can only rely on the source of demonic energy to choose the direction to go for the time being.

After a while, he came to a three-way intersection. Looking at the road ahead, one went up and one went down. The concentration of magic energy on both sides was similar, and he didn't know which way Tulu would go.

When he was hesitating, he suddenly felt a strong spiritual pressure approaching rapidly behind him, turned around and looked back, only to see a golden light rushing through the mountains and forests, and it came to him in a short while.

After the golden light faded, a middle-aged monk appeared, wearing tattered cassock, holding an alms bowl in his hand, and a string of Buddhist beads around his head and neck. Now, I don’t know where to go, how about going with the old monk?”

Yi Tian frowned slightly after hearing this, not knowing what the monk meant, but he didn't dare to underestimate him.

Although this person's spiritual pressure fluctuations do not appear to be obvious, but after discussing the Buddhist sect's kung fu with monk Huiyuan back then, it was obvious that this person's cultivation base was extremely profound, and he was protected by Buddha's light all over his body, but he was not ostentatious.

Since I have no direction for the time being, it is not as good as cooperating with others, and then I salute: "I have no direction for a while in Xia Yitian, it is better to walk with the master, so that there is a support on the way."

The monk continued: "It turned out that Master Yi was in person. I don't know if the Holy Son of King Ming of Nanjiang has another identity?"

Yi Tian was startled, and then he figured it out again. Zhuan'er smiled and said, "Master Meng Huiyuan has invited me many times, but I have never visited Zhongzhou. I don't know if the master is the eminent monk from Prajna Temple?"

"Poor monk Wuchen, Master Nephew Huiyuan has taken care of the Holy Son, and is currently in retreat. In the future, if there is a fate, the Holy Son will be invited to visit the monastery to discuss Buddhism," Monk Wuchen said slowly.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was just taken aback, how could he discuss it if he had never practiced Buddhism, and asked in confusion: "I was born in a Taoist sect and never practiced Buddhism, I'm afraid Master Wuchen will be disappointed."

There was a rare smile on Wuchen's face and he said back and forth: "The benefactor does not need to refuse, since he has practiced the Sun Crown Golden Sun Body of my Buddhist sect, it is destined to be with my Prajna Temple, and the temple will always open the door for the benefactor."

Hearing this, Yi Tian suddenly realized that he was still the same Dao Dao. The cultivation method he found in the sea area of ​​Wandao back then, but now he just practiced the phantom of the corona and was spotted by the other party.

Then he coughed to cover up the shock in his heart, and then changed the subject: "I don't know why the master came this time?"

"Master Yi, do you know why there are so many sources of devil energy in this Taihuang Mountain?" Wuchen asked happily.

"I'm also troubled by this matter, I don't know why?" Yi Tian asked back.

Wuchen sighed and said slowly: "A fierce battle broke out in this Taihuang Mountain thousands of years ago. At the beginning, it was a human cultivator who fought against the power descended by the demon. Although the power died at that time, the body on his body After the demon species escaped, it burrowed into the depths of the mountain. Afterwards, Mount Taihuang was sealed off, but the seal would become weaker every thousand years, and then a large amount of demon energy released by the demon species would flow out."

Yi Tian said solemnly: "Since the master knows this very well, there must be seniors in the Prajna Temple who participated in that battle and banned that monster?"

Wuchen smiled and said: "The benefactor really has deep roots of wisdom, and I guessed it in just a few words. This time, I came here for the seal, and it happened that the benefactor was wearing the golden sun of my Buddhist sect, which was in line with God's will." in this way."

"What did the master say?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Wu Chen thought for a while before saying: "In the depths of Taihuang Mountain, there is the temple treasure 'Galan Pennant' of the General Ruo Temple to suppress the demon seed. Fellow Taoists who practice my Buddhist corona can just bless this treasure. It has nothing to do with it." I hope Fellow Daoist Yi will not refuse when I go to Sheji and Cangsheng."

Yi Tian showed some hesitation about these words, but seeing Wu Chen's sincere attitude, he had to bite the bullet and agree.

Seeing such a dust-free monk, he pointed to the way up the mountain: "Fellow Taoist, please follow me." After that, he took the lead and flew out in the form of a golden light, and Yi Tian followed up with a flash of blue light all over his body afterward.

The journey up the mountain was not too long. It took the two of them less than half an hour to run to the mountainside in one breath, but along the way, Yi Tian found that the surrounding demonization was getting more and more serious, and even the vegetation had already been covered with a layer. Dark magic energy.

Even some spiritual grass treasures have undergone abnormal changes after being demonized. It would be a great opportunity if those demon cultivators saw it.It is very impressive to pick something here and take it out to trade with the magician.

Gradually, Wu Chen, who was opening the way in front, slowed down, just because there were bursts of demonic energy coming from the front from time to time, so the two had to open the protective cover to try their best to resist for a while, and then they could only take advantage of the gap between the gushing out of the magical energy Time flies by.

After more than an hour, the two of them slowly climbed up to the top of the Taihuang Mountain. Looking at the distance, there was a faint golden light shining in the black devil energy constantly gushing out from the top of the mountain.

But the spot of light flickered, as if a fishing boat sailing in a storm would be capsized anytime and anywhere.

When Wuchen saw it, he sent a voice transmission: "That is the Jialan pennant. The demon seeds have been suppressed for a long time and the Buddha light on it has become darker and darker. If this continues, it will be eroded by the demon energy and become a demon weapon."

Following Wu Chen's words, Yi Tian raised his head and cast the 'Clear Spirit Eye' to take a look. Through the layers of black magic energy, he could see a one-inch-sized dark seed on the top of the mountain, with a golden side on top. The pennant firmly suppressed it.

It's just that the demon species seems to be rooted on the top of the mountain, constantly extracting the spiritual power of Taihuang Mountain and transforming it into its own use, and the ebb and flow of the Nagalan pennant without the blessing of mana will cause the demonic energy to leak out.

(End of this chapter)

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