
Chapter 558 Emergence

Chapter 558 Emergence
On the top of Taihuang Mountain, Yi Tian arrived with Monk Wuchen and began to think of ways to bless the Buddhist treasure.Monk Wuchen sat cross-legged not far from the seal, then took out the bowl in his hand and the rosary beads on his head and neck and began to recite Buddhist scriptures non-stop.

It's strange to say that after Monk Wuchen said this, the Nagalan pennant seemed to have a response, and gradually the faint Buddha light on it began to become more solid.And the demons below seemed to feel that the dark energy released by the pressure was a little weaker than before.

After Wuchen Monk Nian played a passage of scriptures, he held the bowl in his right hand and flicked it lightly with his left index finger. Suddenly, a sound wave spread out around this center, and Yi Tian felt his heart tremble in the sound wave. It is obvious that it contains the secret method of Buddhism, which makes people awe-inspiring.

When the sound wave swept across the Jialan pennant, the black spots that had been corroded by the black magic energy all faded away one by one.Wuchen opened his eyes and glanced at the back with a look of relief, then slowly closed his eyes and continued to read the scriptures.

The battle between dao and demons was originally a trend of ebb and flow. Under Wuchen's blessing, the Jialan pennant gradually recovered its former power, which made the demon seeds below it stop, and the demonic energy emanating from it was not as strong as before. As strong as before.

Suddenly, Wuchen's voice came from Yi Tian's ear: "Master Yi, can you please use my Buddha Sect's corona golden yang body to bless this Jialan pennant together."

Yi Tian took a good look and slowly replied: "Master Wuchen, I'm still in the early stages of practicing martial arts, and I don't know how to bless the Lingbao?"

Wuchen said: "The benefactor only needs to use the exercises, and then pour it into the pennant. During the period, the pennant may require a lot of spiritual power, so how much to input can be determined by the benefactor according to his own situation."

After hearing this, Yi Tian sat down in an open space next to Wuchen, and then slowly exercised his kung fu to reveal the Buddhist sect's coronal golden sun body kung fu. Just as he was about to inject Buddhist power into the Naga blue pennant, he suddenly heard it Wu Chen shouted loudly: "Who is sneaky, why don't you show up soon?"

Immediately, Yi Tian extended his consciousness and scanned the mountain, but he didn't find anything unusual, but Wuchen's serious face didn't look like a fake.

A flash of golden light flashed, and Wu Chen struck a void space next to the monster. Suddenly, a burst of laughter came out of nowhere, and then two figures slowly appeared.

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the corners of his mouth twitched, the person who came was Tu Slaughter and the demonized Li Wang.

At that moment, his heart trembled, the other party had come to such a close distance without him noticing, could it be that Tu Lu had recovered most of his skills, but he didn't look like him.

Wu Chen stood up with a Buddhist beaded bowl in his hand, stared at it for a while, and then slowly said: "I didn't expect this monster to retain its own consciousness, knowing that it was in danger, it used its supernatural powers to summon the two most powerful demon cultivators. "

I saw that Tu Lu slowly looked at Wu Chen and Yi Tian in front of him, then looked at the demon seed in the blink of an eye, and said: "I didn't expect that my true demon heart is here, it really doesn't take much effort. .”

Wuchen's face changed, and he immediately looked up and down, but he couldn't help frowning after watching for a while, but he muttered in his mouth: "How can there be such a strange person, who is obviously a monk of the human race, but the soul of the soul is so strange. Most of the power is actually from the demon race."

On the other hand, Yi Tian told Wuchen in detail about the massacre and seizing Lu Linsheng in front of him, and Wuchen's face suddenly became solemn.

Then he nodded in understanding and said: "No wonder this person's soul is [-]% golden and [-]% black. It seems that the slaughter was originally incomplete, so even the seizure left a lot of sequelae."

When Yi Tian heard this, he immediately admired Wuchen. He knew that Tulu had a soul and five souls to win Lu Linsheng, but he didn't expect that Wuchen could directly see through the other party's soul by relying on the secret method of Buddhism.

A little later, I saw the two opponents move, and the demonized Li Wang rushed towards him, as if the previous confrontation hadn't decided the winner, this time he had found an opportunity, and the slaughter was very targeted. A black evil electric ball was raised from his hand and struck towards Wuchen.

When Yi Tian saw it, he shouted in a deep voice: "Master, be careful, hold them back, and help will be here soon." Then he sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword with one hand and fought with Li Wang You, and took out the Jade Talisman of Communication with the other hand to report what happened to Dongfang Lingyun He informed Zhiying.

Suddenly there was a burst of "cracking" thunder, and a faint golden streak suddenly appeared all over the body of the King of Power, and he rushed towards him with force under his feet, and at the same time, he tore the air in front of him with his hands.

Yi Tian didn't show weakness, he connected the seal with both hands, turned the Taiyuan Sword Sacrifice into a blue light, and shuttled around King Li, while using all his escapism under his feet to dodge around.

After having the previous confrontation experience, Yi Tian had already thought about how to deal with a physical training like Li Wang, relying on his own advantages in body skills, try not to challenge him head-on, and manipulate the spirit weapon to deal with him by flying a kite.

Unexpectedly, the cyan sword light had only left a trace of traces on Li Wang's body several times, and the originally indestructible spirit sword could only pierce his skin, leaving Yi Tianxin in a daze.

The black devil energy obviously strengthened the physical strength too much, the defensive power could become so abnormal, and the speed of the king of strength also increased.

The entire top of the mountain was originally not open, and after Yi Tian dodged a few times, he could only fly into the air. Fortunately, Li Wang's escape speed was not fast, and for a while, the two of them could only be considered to be evenly matched.

On the other side, Slaughter and Wuchen are also rivals at chess. Although Slaughter's strength is higher than Wuchen's, it is difficult to fully exert his strength due to the lack of spirit and soul. In addition, the Buddha sect's kung fu method restrains demon energy everywhere, and for a while, Wuchen took over. have the upper hand.

The black thunder balls were all taken away by the alms bowl in Wuchen's hand, and then they turned into golden thunder balls and reflected back under the purification of Buddha's light.

After probing with King Li for a while, Yi Tian withdrew the Taiyuan sword in his hand and took out the ghost face flower, and later pinched his hands while dodging and flicking towards the opponent.But even if these seeds can adhere to Li Wang's body, they can't pierce its skin, and they can't grow without flesh and blood.

For a moment, Li Wang seemed to be provoked, and he suddenly increased his speed and hit Yi Tian with both fists.An invisible punch tore through the air and hit Yi Tian instantly.

With a 'coax' sound, Yi Tian's cannonball, which was similar to an off-string, was hit hard and hit the mountain ape directly, and a three-foot-big crater suddenly appeared behind him.Before he got up, he saw King Li in the air turn around and dive straight towards the center of the pit.

But before he reached the cliff, he saw a huge ghost-faced flower bud jumping out of it. On the thick and thin vine head of the bucket, a dark and shiny flower bud suddenly opened, about two feet in size, and caught the Li Wang that fell from it. Then, the buds suddenly closed tightly and locked people in.

(End of this chapter)

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