
Chapter 559 Fusion

Chapter 559 Fusion
To deal with a body repairer like Li Wang, Yi Tian had long considered that it would be better to use restrictive spells as softly as possible, and the facts also proved that his thinking was correct.

Li Wang, who was wrapped in ghost face flowers, couldn't get out of trouble for a while, but now he freed up his hands to deal with the slaughter.To be honest, this is the third time I have faced off against Slaughter. The previous two times were due to disadvantages, but now I still have a trump card in my hand. Among the three souls and seven souls of Slaughter, one soul and one soul have already been collected by myself. In the spirit bottle.

Since the other party's soul is incomplete, it will be useless to find the devil's energy to reshape the devil's body, but it is really troublesome that the massacre now occupies [-]% of Lu Linsheng's soul.

If he was killed directly, it would be equivalent to killing Lu Linsheng, but he has no such plan yet, and after thinking about it, the spell in his hand has become hesitant.

Although Wuchen on the other side had the upper hand, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress the slaughter in front of him.Seeing Yi Tianteng's hand, he directly sent a voice transmission: "Friend Yi Dao quickly restrained him, half of this person's soul is the master of this monster, but it is a pity that the monster will not give in now that it has developed a sense of self-consciousness. The top priority is not to allow the fusion of the spirit and the demon seed."

After hearing this, a resolute look flashed across Yi Tian's face, and then he sacrificed the sun, the moon, and the brilliance wheel with both hands to outflank the slaughter.

Tu Lu saw that Li Wang was trapped early in the morning, but he didn't panic on his face, and directly controlled the thunder ball to protect himself. 'Bang bang' two sounds, the sun and the moon and the brilliant wheel hit the thunder net and were directly caught by the pitch-black electric force.

And Wuchen raised the bowl and shot a ray of Buddha's light from it, directly piercing through the thunderball's defense and hitting Tulu's body, causing Tulu's movement to slow down by three points for a while.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Yi Tian directly sacrificed the spiritual weapon again and at the same time used the sun and the moon to shine together. The blue and white two-color superimposed light ball easily tore through the protection of the thunder net and rolled directly towards the body of the slaughter.Seeing that the cooperation between the two was about to succeed in one blow, suddenly a black magic fire burst out from Tu Lu's body and then protected his whole body.

With a bang, Slaughter's body was instantly ejected after being hit by Sun Moon Tong Huilun, and after a few rolls in the air, he adjusted his body and stabilized.

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, this move was obviously the True Flame Armor spell of the Lihuo Sect, and he didn't expect that the massacre would use it, but he realized it in a flash. Be learned.

I saw a few mouthfuls of blood spitting out of the mouth of Slaughter, who was covered in black demonic fire, and there was a palm-sized wound on his chest, and a trace of demonic energy was trying his best to mend the flesh and blood in it.

I just heard Tu Lu roaring frantically: "You two ordinary people injured me. If this body was not too fragile, how could I have been defeated?" The demon seed, and then a strange look appeared on his face.

Wuchen and Yi Tian looked at each other and immediately understood Tulu's next intention. The two hurriedly surrounded him from the left and right sides.

Unexpectedly, regardless of the threat in front of him, the other party directly sacrificed the magic fire and thunder to encircle him, and then fled towards the location of the monster.

After three breaths, he came to the Nagalan pennant with two hands wrapped in magic fire and directly plundered the monster seed below with all his strength.Although the Jialan pennant had just been blessed, the demon seed below suddenly burst up, as if seeing an old friend who hadn't seen it for many years, struggling to prop up the halo of the Jialan pennant.

In an instant, two flashes of spiritual light hit the massacre's molten body at the same time, and then he saw that the opponent's body wrapped in black flames was pierced through under the pincer attack.

But Yi Tian and Wu Chen couldn't smile on their faces, and saw Tu Lu suddenly throwing himself on the protective barrier of the Jialan pennant, and the thunder on his body aroused the barrier's backlash after touching it.Then, seeing the Jialan pennant, the Buddha's light burst out suddenly, and it was about to shake the slaughter away, but a black halo flashed from under the Jialan pennant, and after three breaths, it opened the restriction directly from the inside.

After ten breaths, the demon seed broke out from the inside and submerged directly into the crippled body of the slaughter.In an instant, there was a change on the top of Taihuang Mountain. A black magic fire wrapped the body of the slaughter and formed a violent wind blowing towards the surroundings. At this time, the Jialan pennant, which had lost its target, just stopped motionless in midair. up,

When Wuchen saw it, he was shocked and hurriedly raised his golden bowl and cast spells to shoot golden light towards the carnage. Under the blessing of the demon species, the Buddha light of the bowl could only dispel the demonic energy on its surface to form a bowl-sized hole. , but the black devil's evil spirit that followed continuously gushed out and desperately squeezed the Buddha light into a ball to exclude it, and even gradually formed a stalemate.

After a while, it was the stronger black devil energy that gradually shielded the Buddha's light from the bowl.

And Yi Tian also tried to cast spells with both hands frequently, raising the Sun and Moon Wheels to slash at the cloud of black magic energy, but the coefficients were all blocked without exception.

Knowing that half a moment later, the violent wind gradually calmed down, and then only heard a 'swish' sound, and the cloud of devilish energy was withdrawn from the inside, revealing a vague human figure.

After Yi Tian saw the opponent's appearance clearly, his face became very ugly. There were only a few holes left on Tu Lu's clothes, and the wound he was hit just now had recovered as before, and his dark golden skin was exposed.

At this time, Slaughter's appearance was considered to be in a semi-demonic state. His skin was dark and translucent, with dark golden magic lines on the surface, and a pair of half-foot-long horns grew on his head.

In addition to the magic pattern on the face, the eyes are actually two different colors, one blue and one purple, which makes people feel strange that they can't tell.

Suddenly Tu Lu opened his mouth and said disdainfully to Yi Tian and Wu Chen: "Aren't you two very powerful just now, now it's my turn." Black thunder suddenly hit the two of them.

There was only a sound of thunder on the top of the mountain, and then the whole mountain was blown up in smoke as if it had been struck by lightning.Yi Tian jumped up and directly revealed Asura's Dharma Body, then sacrificed the True Flame Armor to cover the whole body, and put his hands together to sacrifice the spiral fire shield to protect the front.

Just after finishing these, he was hit by five thunderbolts oncoming. After a roar, he finally resisted, but the spiral fire shield in his hand was broken after resisting three thunderbolts. Fortunately, he still had the true flame armor on his body. It was only then that the aftermath of the spell was blocked.

Looking back at Wu Chen who was not far away, he saw that he used the golden bowl in his hand to catch all the incoming attacks, but the light on the golden bowl was much dimmer at this moment.

The fight between the three of them on the top of the mountain naturally attracted the attention of many Nascent Soul cultivators, and after a while they saw Dongfang Lingyun and Zhiying flying up with ordinary people.Yi Tian hurriedly explained the current situation to them through sound transmission, and immediately everyone hurriedly surrounded the slaughter from all directions, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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