
Chapter 560 Siege

Chapter 560 Siege
On the peak of Taihuang Mountain, Dongfang Lingyun, Zhiying Ling, Fengyang County Master and others surrounded the massacre, but under Yi Tian's pass, all of them showed extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

Everyone swept the battle situation with their spiritual sense, only to see Yi Tian showing the Asura dharma body, and the monk Wuchen also used the secret method of Buddhism, and a solemn golden body dharma image slowly rose from behind him.

In terms of strength, these two should be the strongest present, but even facing the massacre assimilated by the demon species like this, they still have serious expressions on their faces.

Then Dongfang Lingyun hurriedly took out a jade ring magic weapon and a set of flying swords to protect himself first, and then waited for an opportunity to cooperate with the encirclement and slaughter.On the other side, Zhiying also took out a white feather from the back and made a seal to protect the three of them first.

Tu Lu stood on the top of the mountain, glanced at the six people, then sneered and said: "I didn't expect to meet the Ashura clan, Buddha sect, Yao clan and Taoist sects here, you are too proud of me." , "After saying that, the eyes of the two only wanted to flash, and then the demonic thunder in their hands raised again.

There was only a loud roar, centered on the massacre on the top of the mountain, and suddenly thunder radiated, directly attacking in the direction of the six people.

After a burst of thunder, everyone cast spell defenses to block the black thunder, turned around and swept across the top of the mountain, and suddenly there was no figure of Slaughter. When Yi Tian was wondering, a sudden sense came, and it was not far away. Under the buds of the Ghost Face Flower, the figure of Slaughter unexpectedly appeared.

With two 'clicks', the bud of the ghost face flower was forcibly torn apart by Tu Lu with both hands. After a howl, a figure in a state of embarrassment emerged from the inside. At this time, the juice of the ghost face flower Corroded pits and pits, no part of the whole body is complete, even the elbow of the left hand is corroded, exposing the bones inside.

Originally, Yi Tian was planning to trap him alive in the buds of the ghost face flower, but he didn't expect that the massacre would turn his mind quickly and directly aim at King Li as soon as he came up.

After this person got out of trouble, he had to send someone out to restrain him, Yi Tian hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Zhiying, only to see that the latter frowned and moved his lips a few times.

Immediately after a flash of white light, Princess Fengyang nodded helplessly, then slowly flew away from the two of them and locked his consciousness on King Li.

Later, Wuchen shouted: "Friends, you must not let this demon escape, even if he fuses with the demon seed, he will not be able to exert its power. This person is incomplete, and his body cannot be used as a carrier of the demon seed. At most, it can only display one-tenth of its power, and the self-awareness that the monster has already produced must be unwilling to be re-controlled by someone at this time, even if it is the original owner."

After these words, everyone's spirits were shocked. They didn't expect Jiang to analyze the other party's situation thoroughly in just a few sentences.After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Master Wuchen, is there a way for us to keep this beast?"

Wuchen replied indifferently: "If Lord Yi can hold on for half an hour, I can re-sacrifice the Jialan pennant, I believe it can suppress this beast in one fell swoop." After finishing speaking, he turned and flew towards the Lingbao floating in the air.

You must know that Yi Tian has already discovered that the opponent's strength is superior to his own just now, and it really takes a little effort to keep this person.But right now there is no other way, Dongfang Lingyun and Zhiying also nodded after a short sound transmission.

In an instant, the five people started to move, and four spells flashed in the air at the same time, and then greeted Tu Lu directly.

After that, Tu Lu let out a cold snort and flew straight into the air, then gathered several blood-red thunderballs with both hands together and controlled them to attack the four of them.

The scene became chaotic for a while, and Yi Tian sent out a wave of divine sense to sweep the Fengyang princess, only to see that she sacrificed several spells in her hands and attacked the King Li, obviously she was also Targetedly staring at King Li's wound and attacking.

Fortunately, the previous spells broke the outer shell of King Li's iron wall, so now Princess Fengyang can frequently suppress his opponents.But from King Li's momentum, he gradually recovered, and the ghost face flower juice on the edge of the wound was being slowly forced out, and the skin on his body slowly returned to its original state.

On the other side, the monk Wuchen stayed in front of the Nagalan pennant, chanting sutras with his hands in seals, and those scriptures were transformed into Buddha's light and attached to the Galan pennant after he recited them.

Immediately, after receiving the Buddha's light, the spirit treasure gradually shone brightly, and emitted halos of light from this as a distant point, purifying the black devil's true energy remaining in the surrounding air.

The Slaughter's spell was also significantly weakened under the ebb and flow, and Yi Tian found that its power was [-]% weaker than before when the four of them joined forces.

All the people present here are people who have lived for hundreds of years. Seeing that there is something to do, they all resorted to their own tricks and greeted the slaughter.

After the two sides fought each other for a few moves, it was obvious that the geographical advantage was no longer there, and the spirit veins polluted by the magic energy in the Taihuang Mountain were slowly purified by the Jialan pennant.Without the support of the spirit veins, the power of the demon seed alone could not break through the encirclement. Suddenly, a look of unwillingness appeared on Tu Lu's face, and then he propped up a thunderbolt to protect himself, and then quickly absorbed the demonic energy around him.

For a moment, a ten-foot-big vortex appeared on the top of the mountain, sucking up all the black magic energy deposited in Taihuang Mountain, and after a while, his spiritual pressure fluctuations were raised to the level of the late Nascent Soul.

Suddenly, there were a few flashes of spiritual light at the bottom of the mountain, and then a few golden core monks flew up to the top of the mountain recklessly.

After Yi Tian scanned with his divine sense, he saw that their eyes were dull, as if they were being controlled by someone, and their bodies were surrounded by demonic energy, which was obviously the result of extracting a lot of demonic energy before.

The vortex in the air suddenly stopped, and a blood-black figure rushed out, grabbing the Golden Core cultivators one by one, and then saw Tulu open his bloody mouth and bite directly on the necks of those Golden Core cultivators.

In less than three breaths, he saw that the slaughter had sucked enough blood from one person, and at the same time, his own strength had also increased.

Dongfang Lingyun was shocked when he saw something bad and said: "Stop him," as soon as the words came out, the four of them simultaneously sacrificed their spells and attacked Tu Lu's body again.A bloody thunderbolt woven grid flashed past, and Tu Lu made another all-out defense, but this time the effect was significantly worse than before.

After Yi Tian's sun and moon wheels broke through the power grid, he still left a deep bone mark on his body.But the massacre was only suppressed for a while, and after that, layers of demonic energy gathered on the entire demon body. After the magical energy faded away, the original three-inch deep wound healed, leaving only a thin trace.

(End of this chapter)

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