
Chapter 562

Chapter 562
Yi Tian was overjoyed when the situation suddenly turned on the top of Taihuang Mountain, and he looked towards Tu Lu in a blink of an eye, and saw that there were faint signs of the evil spirit of the black demon being drawn out from his body.

And the grimace on the chest seemed to have seen something terrible, and retracted into the body with a 'whoosh' sound.Immediately, a strange light appeared in Tu Lu's eyes again, and then he saw that he had abandoned everyone and rushed directly to Princess Fengyang.

Seeing that something was wrong, Zhiying raised the feather with both hands and pointed at Tulu, and shouted loudly: "You dare to hurt Princess Fengyang, the thief, even if King Wanying chases you to the ends of the earth, he will smash you to pieces."

After the white light shot out, it directly hit Tu Lu, but after a burst of crackling, Tu Lu jumped out of a black cloud and flew directly behind King Li.Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he opened his mouth and gnawed directly on Li Wang's shoulder and neck.

Immediately after a black thunderbolt protected the two, Yi Tian felt that the spiritual pressure fluctuation of the slaughter seemed to have increased a lot, but under the purification of the Buddha's light, the black devil energy around the slaughter could not keep up with the speed of purification.However, Li Wang's aura weakened in an instant. No wonder Li Wang lost his sanity after being demonized. After many fights, he was seriously injured, and he was killed in such a surprise attack by Slaughter.

Half a moment later, the demonic energy in the air was evolved, and the figures of the two people inside were revealed. Among them, Li Wang's face was dull, and his whole body seemed to have no blood at all, and all the blood was completely absorbed by the slaughter.

And the massacre is not much better. Although he sucked the whole body of King Li's blood, the devilish energy around him has almost disappeared under the purification of the Buddha's light, and the devilish energy in his seven orifices is constantly being drawn out and instantly absorbed by the surrounding people. Purified under the Buddha's light.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Yi Tian couldn't let it go, and with the Taiyuan sword in his hand, he made a direct move of "Shocking Sword", condensing the blue sword light into a three-foot length, and then wrapped the Taiyuan sword and stabbed at Tulu.

Hearing the sound of 'Zilla', he passed through the slaughtered forehead, and then saw a dark spirit body escape from it, and wanted to run away.

But before he flew far, he saw a beam of spiritual light covering his head, and then saw Yi Tian holding a jade bottle, and the spiritual light shot out from the mouth of the bottle.Then the Nascent Soul spirit body involuntarily flew towards the direction drawn by the aura.

After three breaths, he was directly sucked into this jade bottle. Yi Tian stretched out his hand to cover the bottle cap and shook it lightly before putting it away. Forgive him for the souls and five souls that are suppressed and slaughtered by the Jingling Bottle There was no way to escape.

Looking back, I saw that everyone's complexion was not good, and after a glance, I found that the massacre's body had changed again after losing its soul.The grimace at the heart of the broken body reappeared, and then he stared at the Jialan pennant showing a little unwillingness. After a howl, he suddenly turned into a black light and ran away.

The monk Wuchen who stood on the top of the mountain looked up in awe when he saw it, and turned around and said to Yi Tian: "The benefactor is destined to come to the Banruo Temple in Zhongzhou. I am going to subdue demons now, so I can't accompany you."

Without waiting for everyone to greet Wuchen, he took the Jialan pennant and turned into a golden light, flashed across the mountain and chased the direction where the monster escaped.A little later, the devilish energy in the entire Taihuang Mountain dissipated quickly, leaving only a little residue to settle on the mountain.

It was not until the two left that the entire mountain became quiet. After several Nascent Soul cultivators flew over slowly, Yi Tian explained the reasons in detail, and Dongfang Lingyun and Zhiying's faces were heard. There is a little worry on the face.Then he asked: "Junior brother took away the slaughtered one soul and five souls, which can be regarded as eliminating a great harm, but the monster is so weird that I don't know how we can deal with it?"

"I have confidence in Master Wuchen. His Buddhist practice is the natural nemesis of these monsters."

Zhiying asked instead: "Friend Daoist Yi, do you think Master Yi Wuchen's strength is sure to catch up with that demon?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian sighed and shook his head helplessly: "I don't know either, Master Wuchen has a superb cultivation base, and besides, the Buddhist sect's kung fu method has always taken the lead against the demons, and he still has the Buddhist sect's treasure in his hand. It’s nothing serious. It’s just that the details of the demon species are unknown, and their intelligence has been activated. I’m afraid it’s impossible to wipe them out. The best result is to rely on the Garan pennant to continue to seal it up.”

Dongfang Lingyun said: "The best place for the seal is at the top of Mount Taihuang, so I will mobilize the monks of the Six Sects of Dong'ao to search this mountain, and remove all the remaining demonic energy. .”

"What brother said is true, but I just don't know how to inform Master Wuchen?" Yi Tian asked.

Zhiying thought for a while and then replied: "The matter of cleaning up Taihuang Mountain will be handed over to your Six Sects of Dong'ao. As for the liaison work on the Zhongzhou side, I, the Yaozu, will be in charge."

Dongfang Lingyun was overjoyed and said: "This is very good, we both perform our duties. I will inform the Dong'ao sects and casual cultivators to list this place as a forbidden area, and set up a formation within a range of three hundred miles to completely separate this place Cut off from the outside world."

Yi Tian said worriedly: "I just don't know if Master Wuchen can drive that demon back."

"What is junior brother thinking about?" Dongfang Lingyun asked.

"That demon species has evolved its mind and wisdom for thousands of years and must not be easily surrendered. Moreover, there are many demon cultivator sects on the Tianlan Continent. Once it is allowed to mix in and wait for an opportunity to suck the demon cultivator's blood, it will definitely recover quickly. I'm afraid that even if Master Wuchen catches up with him, he won't be able to seal him."

After hearing this, everyone showed fear on their faces, the previous Li Wang was the best proof.

After some discussion, everyone also drew up the next regulations and went step by step. At the end of parting, Yi Tian remembered the provocation of Fengyang Princess, but looking back, it seemed that the other party had forgotten about it.

There was a wry smile in my heart at the moment, but I didn't know when I offended her or her sister, so I took advantage of the gap to quietly transmit the sound to Master Zhiying to ask what happened.

Unexpectedly, Zhiying just replied weakly: "She is the young patriarch of the peacock clan, and the seventh-level peacock tail feather you want is taken from her sister."

Now Yi Tian finally understood, but at that time he had also discussed with King Wan Ying, because they failed to handle the relationship well and instead pinned this shit on his own head, Yi Tian immediately had nothing to say.

However, Princess Fengyang should have figured it out after she showed her power to fight against the massacre at the tip of Taihuang Mountain. She clamored to find herself to compete with her back then, but she might not have the courage now.

Why don't you think of a way to pry something out of his mouth now that most of the souls who have already obtained the slaughter in his hands, to see if they can learn some ancient secrets.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian hastily said goodbye to Dongfang Lingyun, and then left the Taihuang Mountain range and flew towards the south of Dong'ao.

(End of this chapter)

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