
Chapter 563 Soul Search

Chapter 563 Soul Search
A ray of light flashed from a distance in the mid-air of Dongao Mo Yunling Tiger Jumping Cliff, and then stopped directly in the mid-air. The person who came was Yi Tian who came back from Taihuang Mountain and passed by here.

A little later, I saw the entrance of a cave appeared on a cliff of the Tiger Leaping Cliff, Yi Tian's figure flashed in, and the place returned to its original state.

This is the place where I met Li Xingfeng when I got the Brahma Mantra Heaven Token, and now it is abandoned and no one knows about it.

A moment later, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave, with the spirit purification bottle in front of him.The biggest gain of this trip to Taihuang Mountain is to trap the spirit of slaughter. Now, except for the most important main soul 'Taiguang' who escaped in the southern border and cooperate with the other two souls, the rest are here.

This is equivalent to having a hostage in hand, and it is expected that even if the escaped main soul seizes the house again, it will not be able to cause a storm.

After imprisoning his two souls and five souls with this spirit purification bottle, Yi Tian had a whim and planned to use the soul search method to obtain some ancient secrets from it. There are certain risks in doing so, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

But this matter is also inconvenient to operate in the sect to avoid unnecessary troubles. When flying over Moyun Ridge, Yi Tian suddenly felt that this place was very familiar. Memory found the cave of Brahma Mantra Heaven.

After a while of exercise and breath adjustment, he restored his state to the best, then looked at the Jingling bottle in front of him, Yi Tian smiled and slowly raised his hands, made seals on his chest, and then gently moved towards the Jingling bottle refer to.

Immediately, rounds of colorful halos flashed from the top of the bottle, and the bottle cap slowly lifted up, and then two groups of pitch-black spirit bodies, one large and one small, flew out of the bottle surrounded by the halos.

At this time, you can see that the two groups of dark spirit bodies are exactly the same demon monks, with their eyes closed tightly, and there are colorful runes all over their bodies to firmly restrain them.

After looking at it, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and reached out to take out a level [-] black steel knife, and then manipulated the little spirit body to attach to the steel knife with one finger.Then a ray of purple flames protruded from the air to wrap the steel knife, and the index finger of his right hand was stretched out and inscribed directly on the steel knife.

An hour later, the flame on the steel knife slowly faded, and after a flash of 'search', the whole steel knife seemed to become more and more strange. The inscription on it was the soul-repressing inscription written in spiritual world script.It's just that after the inscription was engraved, it went directly into the spirit weapon, and it couldn't be seen on the surface at all.

Then Yi Tianyou took out a trace of flames and re-engraved two five-level inscriptions on the outside of the steel knife, and after that, the breath of the whole steel knife became erratic again.

After looking at his masterpiece, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction and engraved the word "Dragon Tooth" on the handle of the knife. This was originally refined from the dragon's teeth mixed with the seabed black iron, and he used the monster dragon to deal with it. These evil spirits just found the right path.

After putting away the Longya Saber, Yi Tianbian turned to lock his consciousness on the big spirit body, staring at it for a while before making up his mind to give it a try.Then he pointed towards the spirit purification bottle and held it in his right hand. After performing the spell with his left hand, he nodded to the forehead of the spirit body, and then he derived a trace of spiritual consciousness, sneaked into it and began to perform the soul search method.

Originally, the condition for performing this soul-searching method was that the caster's divine sense must be stronger than the opponent's. Yi Tian just had lingering fears and always thought that the spirit slaughtered by the demon vanguard must be extremely powerful, so he couldn't make up his mind for a long time.

But when the spiritual consciousness invaded the other party's soul, it was discovered that this was not the case. Now the spiritual body in this group of spirits was actually divided into two parts, half of which was Lu Linsheng's memory.

Yi Tian was able to break through it easily, and Shaoqing went through most of Lu Linsheng's experiences during his lifetime from Lu Linsheng's memory.Among them, there was a piece of news that made Yi Tian suddenly excited. After searching this part, Yi Tian withdrew his consciousness first and began to think in his heart.

Stretching out his left hand, he took out the three sect keepsakes from the storage ring and saw that these things were originally a group. Lu Linsheng remembered that Lu Jinyuan had one in his hand when he was promoted to the lord of Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect.

And when the Great Sun Yaoyang Sect was wiped out, a token was also taken from those alchemists, so that Lu Jinyuan had two tokens on him, no wonder he had such an ambition to revive the Lihuo Sect.But look at the usefulness of this thing, even if you collect six yuan, it's still just a piece of scrap iron without the ascension platform.

It's just that the missing piece is in whose hands, if it's in the hands of Kui Yin's lineage, it's easy to handle, if it's in the hands of Huo Chilian, he has to force himself to avenge the ancestors of the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect, but he promised Chi Yangzi wants to let Lu Jinyuan go, but he still doesn't know what to do when he really faces it.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Yi Tian regained his energy and slowly invaded the mind of the Nascent Soul into the forehead of the Nascent Soul and began to search for the soul of the Slaughter Department.

When the consciousness invaded, the Nascent Soul spirit body suddenly shook violently, and the surrounding colorful halo suddenly became brighter, firmly controlling it.

And the Demon Lobster King, who occupies this water area in the depths of the southern border sea thousands of miles away, also suddenly felt dizzy and fell headlong into a coma with a 'poof' sound.

About a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian withdrew his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes, and then kept looking at the slaughtered Nascent Soul and the spirit purification bottle in front of him.

The situation of the soul search this time was not as smooth as imagined, because some of the information in the massacre's soul was incomplete.And this person came to this world after opening a gap from the devil world 3000 years ago, and his previous memory was actually protected by a cloud of black aura.

It seems that I have underestimated the heroes of the world. The memory of this massacre must have been tampered with by more powerful people, and their situation in the devil world was sealed together.

At least this seal is not something that he can crack now, and all that remains are his memories of when he came to this world.

Although these are intermittent like a series of illustrations, it cannot be seen that Tu Xue really met Patriarch Lihuo in this world and fought with him for thousands of years.

Later, in the upper spirit world, it was believed that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi, the mighty Asuras, descended, and finally it was Patriarch Lihuo with the assistance of the two that separated the soul of Tulu Da.

As for the biggest reliance of the demon species for killing, it was because of this that he was able to stay on the Tianlan Continent where the demon energy was scarce for thousands of years.

However, in this memory fragment, it was finally mentioned that Luo Que and Qian Lingzi broke through the interface from the Ascension Platform and returned to the spirit world after the battle. These things all happened about four to five thousand years ago.

Yi Tian just wondered why these two people came to this world again 3000 years ago, and wiped out the overlord of this world, Li Huozong.And what caused the original united front to be torn apart.

Seeing the memory of the massacre, two words 'seal' suddenly appeared in my mind. At the same time, I looked inside at the seal in Niwan Palace, thinking that all the disasters that followed would be caused by this.

(End of this chapter)

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