
Chapter 564 Relocated to the Sect 1

Chapter 564 Qian Zongyi
Ten days later, a cave door suddenly appeared on the cliff of Tiger Leaping Cliff, a blue light flashed out of it, and a figure appeared in midair.

Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in mid-air, stretched out his hand to point at the cave door, and with a loud 'click', the cave door slowly disappeared into the cliff without any trace.

After doing this, Yi Tian set up the light and flew towards the Iron Sword Gate. This time, he searched the memory of the slaughter and found that he came to this world to open the channel between the two worlds to attract the magic energy into the sky. Lan mainland.

Once he successfully demonizes this world, his real demon world will have another base point, just like the upper spirit world needs hundreds of lower spirit worlds to support it.

It seems that the demon world and the spirit world are always fighting each other for these lower spirit worlds, just like the territory they occupy, they will never allow the other party to occupy it wantonly.

Through the memory of the massacre, I learned that the upper spirit world is divided into several, and the demon world is only one of them, but its strength is top-notch, mainly because the great saints in the demon world are all very powerful.

But the support points of the upper spirit world are relatively more than that of the demon spirit world, so this also leads to greater potential of the spirit world. As long as there are continuous ascension monks going up, the spirit world will always suppress the demon world.

At the end of the memory of the massacre, Yi Tian realized that Tianlan Continent became the focus of contention between the two sides because of the existence of a small amount of magic energy.Among them, Slaughter also left his own orthodoxy here, and the True Demon Palace in Xihuang is one of them.

In addition, the Blood Fiend Cave in the Thousand Miles Sea Area can also be regarded as its subordinate sect, no wonder that Cui Zhenzhen saw through He Tianxiong's skills at a glance and revealed the origin of his sect.

As for the traces of the orthodox lineage of the demon clan in Dong'ao, for example, the Bone Sect and the Yin Corpse Sect of the three northern sects can all be regarded as its branches.Faced with these matters, Yi Tian didn't know how to deal with them properly for a while, so he could only discuss with the old man Tie Jian Mo Wentian for the time being.

In addition, the memory of the massacre also mentioned that there was a node in the ghost cave of the Necromancy faction that was once beaten through as a node for the injection of demonic energy.Although I don't know how it was sealed later, there will always be a little magic energy leaking out and turning that place into a place of Yin accumulation, and the Yin Corpse Sect gradually grows based on this.

It is definitely not an easy task to get the Yin Corpse Sect to relocate. There are too many things involved, and it is related to the balance of power among the six Dongao Sects.Yi Tian also thought about it again and again, and decided that at least half of the sects would agree to jointly put pressure on the Infernal Corpse Sect.

Later, when he came to the hinterland of the Iron Sword Sect, Yi Tian found the forbidden area where Xuan Jianxin, who was stationed at the sect, had notified him and had a detailed discussion with Mo Wentian about it.

Seven days later, Nangongba from Xuanling Sect, Bone Demon from Baigumen, and Yao Lao from Yaogu were also invited to visit, and a compromise plan was reached after discussion.The remaining five factions jointly put pressure on the Yin Corpse Sect to persuade them to move northward, and then completely sealed the place where the Yin Corpse Sect took out the magic energy leak.

Afterwards, I saw five auras flying out of the forbidden area of ​​the Iron Sword Sect, led by Xuan Jianxin. At this time, he completely represented the will of the old man Iron Sword, but Yi Tian was in charge. unanimous opinion.

Yi Tian thought it was a bit strange at first, but he figured it out in a flash. This time, the matter in Taihuangshan was so big that there were many casualties.Not only the Six Sects of Dong'ao, but also the Wanying King and the Zhongzhou forces in the Hundred Thousand Mountains were involved. Presumably, everyone knew about the progress of the matter early in the morning.

Now the matter of the Yin Corpse Sect is just a continuation of the Taihuangshan incident. At this juncture, I believe that no one would dare to jump out and sing against the general trend of the cultivation world.As for the attitude of the Infernal Corpse, that's up to them.Although Yi Tian thinks so, the next negotiation is definitely not easy to handle.

Before leaving, Mo Wentian just made a few points. He also mentioned that there should be another "living dead" in the sect of the Yinshi sect besides the old ghost. He is Ke Manzi's master, but he has not been seen for hundreds of years. I'm afraid he was closed to death in the sect, so he was gradually forgotten by the world, but in the memory of the older generation of Nascent Soul monks, this person is an extremely troublesome existence.

That old Yin corpse ghost was Fu Kecheng's master, and he had been refined into a corpse of the Nascent Soul stage by him many years ago.If it wasn't for the remnant soul of the Yin Corpse Old Ghost's only surviving Nascent Soul when they fought back then, he wouldn't have been able to kill him so easily.

In the final analysis, these Dong'ao Six Sects have more or less deep roots, even if there is only one Nascent Soul cultivator, Yi Tian doesn't think there is really only one. An old monster will appear.

The Wubit Yuanying monks jointly dispatched with great momentum, and this time they went to the Yin Corpse Sect in a grand manner, so everyone did not avoid suspicion.It's just that the flight along the way overwhelmed all the sects and casual cultivators coming and going.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations of the five people mixed together made many low-level monks too frightened to move when they saw it from a distance, and a few monks with weaker cultivation bases were suppressed after the powerful spiritual power fluctuations passed over their heads. Can't breathe.

It didn't take half a day for Yi Tian to see the mountain gate of the Yin Corpse Sect from afar. Later, the low-level disciples in the mountain gate were stunned by several powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations before they had time to react.

Ke Manzi, the only Nascent Soul cultivator on the bright side of the Yin Corpse Sect, noticed the abnormality early in the morning. As soon as he flew into the air, he saw five escaping lights in the distance, and he was surrounded in the middle after a flash.

Ke Manzi's expression was not good, he held back his anger and asked, "Dear friends, what is the purpose of coming to my Yin Corpse Sect without invitation?"

Although this matter was initiated by Yi Tian, ​​it also gained the support of the old man Tie Jian.But the person in charge was still Xuan Jianxin, I saw him slowly flying forward and bowed to Ke Manzi and said: "On behalf of the five factions of Dong'ao, I will discuss with the Yinshi faction if you have important matters."

Faced with such an attitude of first courtesy and then soldiers, Ke Manzi was not easy to get angry for a while, so he just said indifferently, then invite five people to discuss in the main hall of the humble sect.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and dropped the cloud head, and everyone turned their heads to look, and then followed one by one.

Later, in the main hall of the Yin Corpse Sect, the leaders of the six rows sat in two rows and five pairs of one. Xuan Jianxin, who was at the head, took out a jade slip and handed it to Ke Manzi.After the latter took the jade slip, he read it carefully with his spiritual sense, and his black face flushed instantly.

After half a minute, Ke Manzi's face became more gloomy after reading the dossier, but facing the simultaneous pressure from the five Dong'ao factions for a long time, he choked back a sentence: "This matter is of great importance, can you allow me to think about it for a while?" Say it again."

After speaking, Ke Manzi found that everyone in front of him turned their heads and glanced at Yi Tian, ​​and he was taken aback for a moment before he realized that Xuan Jianxin was in charge this time, but in fact it was the one in front of him who had the final say.

After Yi Tian's eyes flashed with a flash of inspiration, he bowed his hands towards the open space in the hall and said: "Senior Brother Tie Jian told me to discuss everything before I came, and if you encounter Master Ke who is hesitant, you can directly ask his master about 'living dead' 'senior."

As soon as the words were finished, a phantom gradually appeared in the empty space, and then it slowly turned from phantom to reality, and an old voice sounded at the same time: "Yun Zhongzheng, the suzerain of the Dongao Xuanyang Sect, may not have been born at your age. This cultivation is really a hero out of a boy."

(End of this chapter)

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