
Chapter 565 Relocated to the Sect 2

Chapter 565 Relocation II

Only Mo Wentian from Tiejianmen can be called a great monk on the Dongao land boundary, and the strongest monks of the other five sects are at best those in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.But Yi Tian doesn't really believe that those sect forces are just that, otherwise the six Dong'ao sects wouldn't have maintained such a stable state for nearly a thousand years.

When he was at Iron Sword Gate before, Mo Wentian briefly explained all the hidden monks behind the scenes, among them was Ke Wei, the 'living dead' of the Infernal Corpse Sect, who was said to be the ancestor of Ke Manzi.

No wonder Ke Manzi was able to become the Suzerain of the Yin Corpse Sect even though he was only at the early Yuanying stage, while Fu Kecheng was only a Supreme Elder back then.

It's just that the lifespan of this 'living dead' is almost exhausted, and he doesn't know what method to use to prolong his life. He usually hides in the forbidden area of ​​the Yin Corpse Sect and does not come out. Only when the sect encounters extreme things will he show up.

Such a big battle like this time when the five sects of Nascent Soul cultivators joined forces to force him to leave the customs.

At this time, the other four people in the hall looked at the 'living dead' with astonishment on their faces, and saw that he had white hair and wrinkled face, was wearing a black Taoist robe, and his skinny hands were like dry wood. , the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuated intermittently, as if he was about to die at any time.

Seeing this, Yi Tian turned around and saluted Ke Wei, saying, "Young junior, Yi Tian joined Senior Ke, it was really a last resort to take the liberty to visit this time. It was all because of the follow-up reasons caused by the escape of the demon species in Taihuang Mountain. Brother Mo has a jade slip I am hereby ordered to hand over to Senior Yu Ke for review." After speaking, he took out a jade slip and gently pushed it to the other party.

Ke Wei just replied faintly, then reached out and took the jade slip in the air, put it on his forehead and read it quickly with his spiritual thoughts. During this period, there was no joy or anger on his skinny face, and later he took the jade slip Hand it over to Ke Manzi who is on the right seat.

Ke Manzi had read the letter brought by Xuan Jianxin early in the morning, and he was aware of the urging to move the clan this time. After seeing the jade slip, the expression on his face also changed several times, but at the end he showed a look of hesitation. Then he said to the crowd: "Old Man Iron Sword has a good plan. My Yin Corpse Sect uses Yin evil energy as the basis of cultivation. If we give up this place of accumulation of Yin, we will cut off our roots."

Yi Tian and Xuan Jianxin glanced at each other and then motioned quietly, the latter took out a map and handed it to Ke Manzi and said: "The ancestor also knew about the Yin Corpse Sect, so he specially chose a map in Dongao The Lingmai Treasure Land is used as a backup, where the spirit energy is abundant and it is also a rare Yin spirit vein, which can also produce Yin spirit energy."

After taking the meeting map, Ke Manzi glanced at it with his spiritual sense, and then his black face flushed red and said, "You five factions don't deceive people too much, this place is only five hundred miles away from the Northern Plains, and it's two miles away. The boundary line of the land, and the region is cold, and the spiritual plants may not be able to grow, and the progress of my Yin Corpse Sect's cultivation base will definitely be affected in the long run."

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed and said, "You Daoist Ke is worried about this, so it's easy to solve."


Yi Tian pointed to Fanxing City and said, "From now on, there will be no casual cultivator alliance in the Dongao land boundary. I mean, Quanman will take over Fanxing City, and then divide the resulting industry into seven parts. , each of our five sects holds one, and the Yin Corpse faction gets two, so as long as we manage well, it will be a piece of cake to make up for the gap in the sect's elixir and precious materials."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Ke Manzi's reaction and just stared at Ke Wei. The one who really has the final say here is the master in front of him.

Later, Ke Wei took the jade slip of the map and glanced at it, then slowly said: "Since it is for the common interests of the six Dong'ao sects, and the Iron Sword Daoist has considered so thoroughly for my Yin Corpse sect, plus Yi Dao My friend's proposal is quite reasonable."

Hearing this, Xuan Jianxin and the others showed joy on their faces, but Ke Manzi's face only showed a deep helplessness.

Ke Wei's old voice sounded again: "You Daoist Su Wen Yi is the leader of Dong Ao's new generation. He defeated three monks of the same level in the battle in Ninghai City, which is much stronger than my descendants in this generation."

As soon as Yi Tian heard this, he began to think about it. It seems that Ke Wei is going to be polite first and then soldier. Regardless, he has never fought with a monk in the late Yuanying period, and he doesn't know the difference. Besides, Mo Wentian once said that this is a "living dead" ''s cultivation base is about the appearance of just reaching the late stage of Nascent Soul, so it's better to take this opportunity to test your own strength.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and replied: "I don't know what Senior Ke intends to do?"

Ke Wei said unhurriedly: "The old man really wants to learn about Yi Daoyou's methods and see if they are as powerful as the rumors."

"Senior is willing to teach me, so naturally I can't refuse, but I don't know about the transfer of the clan?" Yi Tian asked along the way.

"As long as the fellow daoist can take the next three moves, my Yin Corpse Sect will definitely follow the proposal of the old man Iron Sword and move north. If the fellow daoist can't accept it or give up halfway, then everyone, please go back, and don't worry about moving the clan again." "Tell me," Ke Wei said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned, it seems that the Yin Corpse faction is really a thorn in the head, but if Ke Wei really agrees so, I believe that in the Dongao land boundary, the Yin Corpse faction will have to behave with its tail between its legs.This can be regarded as blocking the mouths of Youyou, and there is another step down, if you really can't handle the three tricks, you don't have to move to the clan and increase the prestige of the Yin Corpse Sect. It is really a plan that kills many birds with one stone.

At the moment, he couldn't help but look at Ke Wei differently, these old monsters are all human beings, how could they make a loss-making business.

At this time, the arrow was on the string and Yi Tian had no choice but to reply: "This junior will wait outside." After finishing speaking, the whole figure suddenly became blurred, and disappeared after three breaths.

And Ke Wei also snorted, and then a teleporting figure disappeared from the hall.The other five people sighed when they saw it, and then turned around and flew out of the hall in streaks of light.

After coming to the high altitude, Yi Tian didn't dare to take it too seriously. Although there were only three moves, he was still facing the late Nascent Soul cultivator.Under the circulation of the spiritual power in the whole body, the three-headed and six-armed Asura dharma body immediately appeared, and immediately took out the Taiyuan Sword and the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel from his hands.

To be honest, I don't dare to keep my hands anymore. With the experience of facing Fu Kecheng last time, this time I will more or less feel at ease.

It can be said that he flew into the air and swept Yi Tian's dharma body with his spiritual consciousness, and then his face twitched, and then he shouted in a deep voice: "You Daoist Yi is really saving face, and you have actually practiced the Dharma body of King Ming's son, that old man Don’t hide your clumsiness anymore, let’s combine three moves into one.”

After speaking, the aura on his body instantly mobilized to cover his body, and later he saw a strong corpse aura coming from Ke Wei's whole body, his whole body instantly transformed into a corpse, and then he dodged towards the place where Yi Tian was standing in the distance The position jumped.

Hearing a roaring giant sound directly above the main hall of the Yin Corpse Sect, the disciples in the sect were awakened, and a wave of spiritual pressure burst out in the air, shocking the several Nascent Soul cultivators below. Those Jindan disciples within ten miles around the main hall were directly shaken by this spiritual pressure and fell to the ground suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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