
Chapter 566

Chapter 566
Apart from the six sects, the forces on Dongao Continent are the strongest gathering place of casual cultivators in Fanxing City, and over the years, the casual cultivator alliance has gradually become bigger and stronger after attracting those monks from aristocratic families. There are seven forces.

Moreover, the Loose Cultivator Alliance also dealt with the various factions in Dongao in a smooth way, so it was like a fish in water for a while, and there was a Nascent Soul cultivator in charge, so it was in the limelight for a while.

It's just that the Yuanying monk Fanxing Patriarch who was originally sitting in the town went out a hundred years ago and did not return. Now everything in Fanxing City is taken care of by his disciple Juxing.

As for Juxing's status as the city lord, he only has the cultivation base of Jindan's late stage. Faced with the sudden alliance of the six Dongao factions this time, he can only show helplessness.On the day of receiving the notice, six sects jointly dispatched Golden Core monks to form a council of elders to go to the City Lord's Mansion to accept all the proposals, and then discussed matters to be taken care of together.

This time, it was Ke Manzi from the Infernal Corpse Sect who took the lead in presiding over the compilation. From the perspective of the scattered cultivators, the six sects were really determined to wipe out all the casual cultivators this time. Those who resist will be suppressed like thunder.

Not long after the completion of the entire collection work, a shocking news came. The Yin Corpse Sect moved northward, and the original sect territory was set as a restricted area, and Dong Ao monks could no longer set foot in the Hundred Ghosts. The range of the cave is a hundred miles away.

In addition, there are gossip rumors that the Nascent Soul cultivator Yi Tian of the Xuanyang School and the hidden ancestor of the Yin Corpse School fought in the sky above the Yin Corpse School's main hall that day. The suzerain, Ke Manzi, announced the relocation of the clan, which has a great relationship with this fight.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in his cave, and after scanning the jade slip in front of him with his spiritual sense, he was also dumb for a while. He didn't expect that his fight with Ke Wei would be revealed so quickly.Although the six factions have come out to refute the rumors on the surface, but the paper can't contain the fire. These news are all spread from within the Infernal Corpse Sect.

Recalling Ke Wei's technique of combining human and corpse is still fresh in my memory, which is much better than Fu Kecheng's technique of controlling corpses.If it weren't for his deep cultivation base and the fact that he shot with all his strength as soon as he came up, the result would be really hard to say.

But Ke Wei is also an old fox. He said that the three moves turned into three moves and one move when he actually did it. In fact, he only had one move to spare at the beginning.Although Ke Wei is a "living dead", the city is still very deep, and he obviously followed his way this time, but fortunately, the last move turned out to be evenly divided, and the result can be regarded as satisfactory to everyone.

After reading the information in the Jade Slips, Yi Tian stopped thinking about it, and slowly began to meditate. After fighting Ke Wei this time, he gave himself a lot of inspiration. Be careful, but you have to digest these things carefully. .

In a blink of an eye, the territory of Chuying Peak returned to tranquility, until one day 20 years later, there was a sudden thunderstorm in the sky, and then a white ray of light flew directly from the blessed land behind the water curtain.

Then, under the gathering of the robbery clouds that day, as if they had found a target, they instantly condensed into several white thunder lights, aiming at the white light and falling vertically.

All of a sudden, within ten miles around the Young Eagle Peak, the aftermath of thunder and lightning affected it. Fortunately, this place has long been listed as a forbidden area, and the thunderstorm did not cause casualties to the surrounding area.

After the first thunder light fell, the gate of the cave opened again, and a blue light flew out from it and stopped not far from the center of the thunder cloud, and Yi Tian's figure appeared later.

At this moment, looking at the figure under the thunder light, Yi Tian's face showed a look of worry, Liu Piaopiao was only in his early [-]s, but he was very powerful in Dongao's territory.But she just had a stubborn temper and wanted to rely on her own strength to fight the thunder, and she didn't allow herself to help.

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that if they rely on their own strength to survive the catastrophe, that is the most ideal state. Afterwards, the Nascent Soul can be further tempered under the baptism of the sky thunder, which is definitely a good thing for the future path.

Liu Piaopiao can also be regarded as a proud and arrogant person. Over the years, Yi Tian's cultivation base has improved rapidly, and everyone has seen it, and she is even more anxious, which is why she thought of such a way to overcome the tribulation.

Liu Piaopiao, who was in the air after the first tribulation thunder fell, just paused for a while, and when the second tribulation thunder fell, she saw her hands were sealed and sacrificed a pair of white bone armor to cover herself completely.

Following the sound of thunder, the thunder fell vertically and hit the white bone armor, immediately emitting a dazzling flash.After three breaths, Yi Tian saw that the bone armor on Liu Piaopiao's body was unscathed after the thunder light went out, and it seemed that some residual lightning had been absorbed into it.

The next two thunderbolts fell immediately and did not defeat Liu Piaopiao's defensive spells. After the thunderstorms passed, it was the catastrophe of the heart demon. After a white light flashed in the sky again, Liu Piaopiao's figure appeared on the mountain of Chuying Mountain on top.

Yi Tian saw Liu Piaopiao sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain with his eyes closed, and his spiritual power began to slowly rise after being baptized by lightning.At this time, Liu Piaopiao closed her eyes tightly and her face kept changing, frowning for a while, then became sad again after a while, and then she looked happy again.

It was obvious that she was crossing the heart demon tribulation, and Yi Tian recalled that when she was crossing the heart demon tribulation, she also looked like this, and then she raised her hand and drew a green light, covering the entire Young Eagle Peak with a radius of [-] miles.

It is said that breaking the alchemy and becoming a baby is ten times and nine times, and most of them are planted on the catastrophe of the heart demon, so Yi Tian can't help but worry about his wife.But this matter can't be done by others, so I just waited and prayed silently for Liu Piaopiao in my heart, hoping that she can get through this test safely.

After waiting for about half a day, a golden light suddenly appeared on the tip of the Chuying Peak to refine the weapon. Yi Tian saw a group of young Nascent Soul spirits slowly escape from Liu Piaopiao's forehead, and then looked around.

When he saw his figure in the sky not far away, he showed a playful smile and blinked his eyelids at the same time.After ten breaths, the Nascent Soul felt a little tired, so he turned around and submerged directly into the Tianling Cap, and then saw Liu Piaopiao slowly opened his eyes, and the spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body also rose to the initial stage of the Nascent Soul like a broken bamboo.

Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly flew forward and shouted: "Congratulations, my lady has taken another big step forward on the road."

Liu Piaopiao replied shyly: "I'm afraid you are the happiest, and you are one step closer to consummating the house."

After coughing lightly to cover up the embarrassment on his face, Yi Tian hurriedly said: "Young lady just broke through the pill and became a baby, and her cultivation level may drop at any time before it is stabilized. For now, it is better to retreat quickly to improve her cultivation level." Strengthening it is the right thing to do."

After hearing this, Liu Piaopiao showed a little timid expression on her face, and hurriedly turned around and flew towards the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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