
Chapter 567 Invitation

Chapter 567 Invitation
From spring to autumn, a few years have passed since the vision of crossing the catastrophe appeared in the sky above the Chuying Peak. Since then, there has been silence here, and those disciples dare not easily break into the forbidden area until a golden light flies over and directly enters. Among the restrictions of Young Eagle Peak.

Yi Tian has been by his side since Liu Piaopiao became a baby, but after the baby is born, monks usually have a short period of more than ten years or a long period of retreat to consolidate their cultivation.

Yi Tian can wait for this time, no wonder I have to retreat for decades, especially after marrying Liu Piaopiao, I get together less and leave more, so Yi Tian also wants to take time to accompany him .

Helplessly, Liu Piaopiao is also stubborn and has to consummate the house after conceiving a baby, so Yi Tian has been waiting for nearly a hundred years.

Originally, he was still cultivating in the cave, and he had to wait to see Liu Piaopiao get out of the customs, but now Yi Tian looked at the jade slip in his hand and could only shake his head helplessly.

At the beginning, this matter was also under the control of the Iron Sword Sect. Yi Tian frowned after reading the above letter, but Mo Wentian acted as a hands-off shopkeeper and pushed all this matter to himself.

But he also wrote clearly in the jade slips that if he wanted to be the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, then these trifles would be unavoidable.As mentioned in the letter, this time is the birthday of the King of Eagles, and invitations are widely distributed to invite all friends to the banquet.

Originally, this invitation was sent to Mo Wentian, who would have thought that he would reply directly to the envoy of King Wanying, and the suzerain of Xuanyang sent him to celebrate his birthday in person.Now Yi Tian is riding a tiger. Although Wan Ying Wang had a long-standing relationship, he had cooperated with Zhi Ying a lot before.And since Taihuangshan and his party were told last time that they had offended the peacock demon clan, it would be difficult for Fengyang princess not to make trouble for him.

But Mo Wentian's Jade Slips also mentioned that these four demon kings were inextricably linked to the Lihuo Sect, so it's fine if he doesn't go to Zhongzhou. If he wants to revive the Lihuo Sect, he must properly handle this Which relationship.

Looking at it now, Yi Tian's scalp is numb, he and Qingtian Demon King still have some unfinished business, Miss Qingyu is still by his side.

Although the Wanying King treated Mo Wentian with courtesy, he didn't know what his attitude was towards him.Although I had met once before when I was in southern Xinjiang, I don't know how the other party will think of my new identity when I go to the banquet this time.

With all kinds of questions and guesses, Yi Tianzhi took out the summoning jade tablet and replied to Mo Wentian, then looked at Liu Piaopiao's closed cave door and could only sigh helplessly.

After leaving a summons, he left the cave directly, and went to discuss with Chi Yangzi to see if he could give some good suggestions on this matter.

An hour later, in the thatched hut of Chiyangzi's meditation in the forbidden area of ​​the Lava Valley, Yi Tian looked at the senior brother in front of him and stared at the jade slip for countless times, but the wrinkles on his forehead became deeper every time he read it.

Later, seeing Chi Yangzi handing over the jade slips slowly, he sighed and said: "This banquet is not a good one, I'm afraid the younger brother just picked up a hot potato."

"Brother, please enlighten me?" Yi Tian asked without knowing it.

"This Wanying King is the head of the four demon kings, and these demon kings were also the spiritual pets of the Lihuo Sect. I am afraid that the birthday banquet of the Wanying King not only invited our Dong Ao's main line, but also the Zhongzhou branch line. Invitation card, I will definitely face them this time, has the unknown junior thought about how to deal with it?" Chi Yangzi asked.

"It's okay to talk about other things, but I didn't expect to meet Lu Jinyuan on such an occasion," Yi Tian replied.

Chi Yangzi thought for a while, then stroked his beard and said, "The junior brother is worried about the fact that I mentioned that I would let Lu Jinyuan go?"

After nodding his head, Yi Tian said lightly: "Senior brother Mingjian, as far as I know, Lu Jinyuan must hold at least two sect tokens in his hands, and he is an ambitious person, it is true that he wants to revitalize the Lihuo Sect. But listening to his words and watching his deeds will never be willing to be inferior to others, so there will definitely be conflicts with my direct lineage."

After hearing this, Chi Yangzi sighed helplessly and said, "It's fine as long as you save his life, and you can do other things freely."

"Senior brother, be merciful, I will play by ear so as not to hurt his life," Yi Tian stood up and bowed to Chi Yangzi after saying that, and then slowly exited the hut.

After leaving the lava valley, Yi Tian first returned to his cave and began to consider the issue of congratulatory gifts. After thinking about it for a while, he found that he couldn't come up with any decent congratulatory gifts for the time being. is dispensable.

Moreover, there are abundant products in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and since the opening of commercial towns and monsters in the southern border, the exchange of materials between the two races has become more convenient. I am afraid that there will be no shortage of treasures in the King of Eagles now.

He considered for a long time that only a sixth-level high-level spiritual weapon could be obtained, but the birthday of the King of Eagles is only a few months away, and even now the refining time is very tight.

Moreover, there are not many spirit weapons to choose from. The monster race is inherently powerful, and there are very few places where spirit weapons can be used. Therefore, Yi Tian can only look for suitable ones from the true solution of Xuanyang Artifact Refining High-level spirit tool map.

After going through the whole article of refining in my mind, I didn't choose any interesting spirit weapon. Suddenly, I thought of what Chi Yangzi said that the four great demon kings were from the Lihuo sect back then. If the town sends a spirit pet, there must be a corresponding spirit weapon to assist it.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly showed a knowing smile on his face, and then directly looked up the Zongmen classics of Lihuozong.After a long time, he sighed lightly, showing an expression of Zhizhu holding hands on his face.

In fact, now I don’t need a special refining room to refine the spirit weapon, but considering that there is a lot of movement when refining the weapon, and Liu Piaopiao is still in the cave to consolidate her cultivation, so I can only borrow the refining room of the tool hall again. appliance room.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out a jade slip of communication and sent a message to Huang Ziang, the current head of the Hall of Qi.

The Zongmen Artifact Hall has also produced many talents in recent years, but most of the spiritual artifacts that can be produced are around level five. Although Huang Ziang, the head of the Wuwei Artifact Hall, has strong skills, few works of level six have been produced.

This phenomenon changed only after the enshrined Huo Chi Lian arrived, and one or two level-[-] spiritual weapons would be produced steadily every year.But as he retreated and hit the Nascent Soul Houqi Hall, the production of high-level spiritual artifacts fell into a bottleneck again.

Three days later, another halo of prohibition lit up outside the refining room of Tianzihao. It was obvious that someone had started refining weapons inside.Everyone in the Hall of Artifacts knows that generally only the first seat and the fire priest are eligible to use it, but now the first seat is in charge of daily affairs in the main hall, and the worshiper is in retreat, but they don't know who is in the refining room of the brand name room that day.

(End of this chapter)

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