
Chapter 568

Chapter 568
Since the ban was lit up outside the Tianzihao room of the Artifact Hall more than ten days ago, it has become lively here. At first, no disciples would pay too much attention to it, only knowing that the ancestor used the Artifact Refining Room inside.

But since the thunderclouds began to gather here seven days ago, a group of deacons in the Qidian realized that something was wrong. Under the arrangement of the first seat, Huang Ziang, all the disciples withdrew from the local artifact refining room one after another, and then ran out of the Qidian with a radius of ten miles. The appearance of the scope is rubbish.

Then I saw the thunder cloud above the Hall of Weapons condensed for a long time, and there would be a robbery falling every day, and the cloud of robbery seemed to have settled over the Hall of Weapons for seven consecutive days without dissipating. Can receive a sixth-level spirit weapon.

As time went by, the rank of the spiritual artifacts received was also raised from the sixth level to the top level. On the last day, Huang Ziang actually arranged for many disciples to withdraw from the mountain where the Artifact Hall is located. After a thunderstorm raged, the entire Artifact Hall building was destroyed. One-third of the time, even the refining room of the brand was almost destroyed that day, and it seemed that it had to be rebuilt.

And a group of disciples under the Artifact Hall's sect finally saw the pinnacle of the sect's artefact refining technique after experiencing this artefact calamity, and began to inquire about the person who used the Tianzihao's artefact refining room.

Afterwards, there were obviously five more high-level spiritual weapons in the list of spiritual tools in the Artifact Hall, but these items were only open to Jindan monks and a few true disciples, and all other foundation-building disciples had no chance to see them.

At this time, Yi Tian has left the sect and flew to the Hundred Thousand Mountains alone. This time, in the process of refining the weapon in the Artifact Hall, he also had a sudden whim to engrave some of the spiritual world inscriptions he had learned on the sixth-level spiritual weapon above.The effect was indeed unexpectedly good. Except for the first miss, the rest of the pieces have survived the baptism of the catastrophe.

As for the congratulatory gift in my hand, it has been refined, and it has reached the category of quasi-level seven.

This time, the other three demon kings participated in the Wanying King's birthday banquet. Except for Qingtian, the other two have not been seen yet.This time, even if they don't see the real body of the Demon King, they can have some relationship with them. I believe that Zhongzhou Fenmai is also planning to do so.

After all, it is indispensable to revive the Lihuo Sect and the township spirit pets in the original sect.Moreover, he had already connected with Qingtian Demon King before, and within a hundred years, under his care, Qingyu would faintly break through to level five.And Fat Dog is now a real sixth-level monster, I believe this result will also satisfy Qingtian Demon King.

Flying straight west from the boundary of Dongao, there is an area of ​​nearly two to three thousand miles that is considered to be jointly managed by the two clans, but high-ranking monks generally will not easily break into it without being invited.

In these areas, a territory will be divided every thousand miles, guarded by sixth-level monsters, and the guests who come to Dongao are usually entertained by these monsters.

Since Yi Tian entered these areas, he felt that there were several pairs of eyes staring at him invisibly. After taking out the invitation card and holding it in his hand later, the feeling suddenly became much less.

Half a day later, when passing through those areas and continuing to fly down to the depths of the Shiwanda Mountain, he suddenly sensed that there seemed to be two monsters with powerful spiritual power waiting in front of him.

After continuing to fly in this direction for a quarter of an hour, I saw a huge gray vulture hovering in the air, and there seemed to be a person sitting on it.After a little more exploration with the divine sense, it is not difficult to find that one of the spiritual pressure fluctuations is familiar to him.

Suddenly there was a cry from a distance, and then the man on the back of the vulture opened his mouth to transmit a voice: "Who am I? Why did the Holy Son of King Ming attend the birthday banquet of the King of Eagles? Wang Dao sent invitations."

Yi Tian fixed his eyes and saw that the speaker was Ying Xiao, who had crossed paths with him, and immediately accelerated his escape speed and flew directly to the huge vulture.Afterwards, he raised the right hand and pushed the invitation over. Ying Xiao reached out to catch it, opened it, and said with a strange expression on his face, "This invitation is obviously for Old Man Tie Jian, Mo Wentian. Why are you here?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but think that he had dealt with Senior Brother Mo before coming to Wan Ying King, but this is understandable. In the past, only the Iron Sword Sect was qualified to come to fight Wan Ying King Dealing with each other, but today is not what it used to be. Now that the main line rises and unites the two branch sects, it is bound to redefine the universe.

Immediately, Yi Tian replied unhurriedly: "Fellow Daoist Ying Xiao, please read the contents of the invitation carefully, King Wan Ying invited the suzerain of the Dongao Xuanyang sect, and Brother Tie Jian seems to have never served as the suzerain of the despicable sect. "

After hearing this, Ying Xiao frowned and said, "Could it be that Daoist Yi is the current Xuanyang Sect Master? I seem to have heard that there is only Chiyang Sect in Dongao."

Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "To tell you the truth, my fellow Daoists, the Bian faction changed back to the name of the Xuanyang faction more than ten years ago, and both Tie Jian and Xuan Ling have recognized the status of the direct line of the mean faction." , so I, as Sect Master Xuanyang, accepted the invitation from the King of Eagles, which is a well-deserved matter."

Hearing this, Ying Xiao couldn't help asking: "You are the suzerain of the two sects, but I'm underestimating you, so please." After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and pointed to the empty seat next to him.

It was only then that Yi Tian noticed that this Level [-] vulture was just a means of transportation. It seemed that the Eagle King had given enough. Mo Wentian actually sent such a lineup to meet him because of his face. Now it is all at his own expense.

Not much to say, Yi Tian flew directly to the back of the eagle, sat down slowly after screaming at the eagle, and then said lightly: "Fellow Taoist Ying Xiao, let's set off quickly, don't let the King of Eagles wait for a long time."

After Ying Xiao nodded slightly, he made a few noises from his mouth, and the vulture under his feet flapped his wings and immediately increased his speed.

Yi Tian sat on the eagle's back and stretched out his consciousness a little, and he could find that the vulture was flying at full speed towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains at this time, and it was not much faster than his own flying speed.There was also a burst of emotion in my heart, the Wanying Kings were worthy of being called monsters that are good at speed.

After the last trip to Taihuang Mountain, Yi Tian learned through Zhiying that he had offended the Peacock Clan, and this time he went to the banquet, he would definitely be picked on by Princess Fengyang.Although he was a little apprehensive in his heart, but his face was serious, he looked at Ying Xiao who was sitting on the side and asked, "Can Daoist Ying Xiao make friends with that Fengyang Princess?"

As soon as he blurted out his words, he saw Ying Xiao sizing up Yi Tianlai with a smirk on his face, and then he talked eloquently: "Why would Fellow Daoist Yi ask this question, do you also know that this time Wanying King will be on his birthday?" What about recruiting relatives for Princess Fengyang at the banquet?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was at a loss for words, but looking at Ying Xiao's appearance, he obviously misunderstood himself.At this time, I am afraid that the more you say, the more wrong you will be, and the more you describe it, the darker it is. After coughing lightly, he smiled and replied: "I met Princess Fengyang when I joined forces with Ambassador Zhiying to fight the enemy in Taihuang Mountain last time. I have a little understanding of this matter. That’s all I have heard. It’s just that I have some doubts about King Wanying’s actions, and if there is anything unclear, please ask Fellow Yingxiao to clarify.”

(End of this chapter)

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