
Chapter 569 The reason

Chapter 569 The reason
Even flying at full speed among the [-] mountains, it is difficult to find a way out without an exact map. Sitting behind the huge vulture, Yi Tian and Ying Xiao chatted from time to time, but they still had a divine sense to move this Searched the surrounding environment.

An hour later, the vulture had flown more than a thousand miles, but according to Ying Xiao's introduction, there was still half a day to go to the palace of the King of Eagles, but Yi Tian couldn't help but secretly weighed it in his heart.The territory under the jurisdiction of the Wanying King is probably no smaller than that of Dongao. Along the way, he has already noticed the territory of several sixth-level spirit beasts, but the scope of the monster clan's division of the territory is uncertain.

It's just that the number of these monsters is indeed astonishing. According to the current situation, there are no less than a hundred sixth-level monsters under the command of the Thousand Eagle King, and there are at least dozens of transformed monsters.Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the strength of the four demon kings. According to their strength, they are more than twice as strong as the human monks, but why can the two races live in peace for thousands of years.

Look at Ying Xiao who is in high spirits next to him, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said tentatively: "Friend Ying Xiao, how many monster races are there under the command of Wan Ying King? We have only seen you and Ambassador Zhi Ying after many times of cooperation. There are not many changeling monsters."

Zhiying sighed and said: "Actually, it's not easy for us to transform into monsters. Often only one out of a dozen succeeds. But thanks to the help of fellow Taoists at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, we have a lot more monsters out of thin air." The Transformation Pill has greatly increased the success rate of our descendants' transformation."

After his reminder, Yi Tiancai realized that what he did back then directly broke the balance of the high-level combat power of the two races, and it didn't feel right for a while.

Then he changed the subject and asked, "I don't know how King Wanying will help Princess Fengyang recruit relatives at the birthday banquet this time. It is also a great honor for me to be a witness."

Ying Xiao smiled and turned his head to look at it and said, "Don't you have any interest, fellow Daoist Yi? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become brother-in-law with King Wan Ying."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned for a moment, and then asked in puzzlement: "How come the two races of human and demon can still intermarry? Are there even monks from the human race participating in this recruitment?"

"Sect Master Yi is afraid that he doesn't know something. This time, Princess Fengyang's recruiting of relatives is only limited to the cultivation level, but all the monks who have transformed monsters or human race Nascent Soul's initial cultivation base can participate. I see Yi Dao Friends are the top choices regardless of their age or cultivation level, and there is still great hope for recruiting relatives this time," Ying Xiao replied.

After shaking his head, Yi Tian said with a solemn face: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Fellow Daoist Ying Xiao, we were married a hundred years ago, and the Taoist couple is also a Nascent Soul cultivator, and we have no plans to take a concubine for the time being. It’s a good time for him to come to witness this time.”

After hearing this, Ying Xiao's eyes lit up, and then the smile on his face became wider, and he said, "Actually, I am also one of the candidates this time. I thought that if I met such a strong opponent as Daoyou Yi, I could only return in disappointment. gone."

It turned out that there was still this problem, and Yi Tian suddenly realized that the way Ying Xiao looked at him was weird just now, if Mo Wentian came here in person, he would basically have no chance of recruiting relatives.

Now that I express my state of mind, I am afraid that Ying Xiao will be reassured, and then I will ask: "I am a little interested in these candidates, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Ying Xiao can clear up my doubts?"

"Well, since Fellow Daoist asked this question, I don't need to hide it anymore," Ying Xiao cleared his throat and continued: "Actually, this time the incident was originally provoked by the golden-haired demon king. Princess Fengyang proposed marriage, but Princess Fengyang didn't like Ban Lanhou's behavior, so she refused."

"It seems that the golden-haired demon king must be unwilling to let it go. After many trials, King Wan Ying had to recruit relatives for Princess Fengyang at the birthday banquet, right?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's not just because they don't want to let it go, I heard that Banlanhou even brought someone to the Peacock Clan's territory to block the door. This matter got so big that the last two demon kings got together to recruit relatives," Ying Xiao Said angrily.

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but move in his heart. It seems that the title of the king of eagle kings and demon kings is a bit false, maybe he couldn't stand the pressure of the golden retriever king and was forced to agree to this matter.Seeing Ying Xiao's disdain for Ban Lanhou, he cautiously asked: "I don't know how the Wanying King will give in, logically speaking, as the leader of the four demon kings, he wouldn't bother with this matter."

Ying Xiao seemed hesitant to speak, and then he just looked at Yi Tian and sighed: "As a subordinate, I only know a little bit about this matter. Originally, the four demon kings belonged to one family, and my family Wan Ying The king and the golden-haired demon king have the strongest relationship, so this time I agreed because I couldn't bear to refuse because of my past affection."

Seeing that Yi Tian was listening attentively, Ying Xiao said: "Actually, this time Wan Ying Wang used the name of the birthday banquet to invite the junior high-level monks on Tianlan Continent to recruit relatives for Princess Fengyang." Besides, who would give up the opportunity to become brother-in-law with the leader of the Four Great Demon Kings, the King of Eagles."

Now, after some calculations in Yi Tian's mind, he understood that this birthday banquet is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface, and most of the people who came here are aiming at this time to recruit relatives.

However, no matter who wins this marriage recruitment meeting, their power will instantly rise to a level. To be honest, it is not impossible to dominate one side in the future, but I have no interest in it at all, so I can only watch from the sidelines.

Sitting on the back of the vulture, Yi Tian chatted with Ying Xiao for a while, and then he saw a mountain peak that seemed to be connected to the sky in the distance. Looking up under the clouds, it seemed that the peak of the mountain could not be seen. .

Yingxiao on the side pointed to the mountain and said, "We are almost there, that is Tianji Mountain, and the Eagle's Nest is on the mountainside."

Looking in the direction of Yingxiao's finger, you can see a nest with a size of more than a thousand feet on the mountainside of Jishan Mountain that day. It seems that it should be the eagle's nest of the King of Eagles.

Just thinking about it, the bald eagle that suddenly sat down slowly descended to the flying height, glided all the way and flew slowly towards the foot of Tianji Mountain.

Yi Tian looked at Ying Xiao without knowing it, and the latter explained: "On Tianji Mountain, except for the metamorphosis monster race and the Nascent Soul monks of the human race, other races are not allowed to fly. Let's land at the Huike post first Then send it to the Eagle's Nest by a special person."

Although it's only a matter of minutes to go to the countryside to do as the Romans do, but Yi Tian doesn't want to break the rules since then, and it won't look good in front of the King of Eagles.After hearing this, don't nod your head and say: "It's still what King Wan Ying thinks Zhou Quan is going to be a guest. As the saying goes, the guest can do whatever he wants, and he can ask fellow Taoist Ying Xiao to lead the way."

(End of this chapter)

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