
Chapter 571 Birthday Banquet 1

Chapter 571 Birthday Banquet One
In the main hall of the Eagle's Nest, the Wanying King, who is sitting on the main seat, is accepting congratulations from all the guests. Although the Wanying King is the head of the four demon kings, he usually lives reclusively, even in the Eagle's Nest. show up.

On weekdays, only his confidant Zhiying and others have the opportunity to see his real body when he is teaching the opportunity face to face. At this time, Yi Tian sat on the banquet and raised his glass to invite King Wanying with other monks present, and said in his mouth Say something flattering.

Since the beginning of the exercise, Yi Tian has looked up and down for a long time since the appearance of Wanying King. Generally speaking, he can only see that the opponent's cultivation base is about a step higher than that of Mo Wentian, between the late stage of Nascent Soul and the early stage of transformation between.

I don't know if it's because of his blood, but the Wanying King couldn't find any trace of the monster clan, and even the aura of the monster clan was completely suppressed.He looked like a middle-aged scholar in his forties, and he was dressed like a human monk.

He is wearing a green robe all over his body and a scarf on his head. His face is like a crown jade and his complexion is ruddy. His transformation is even more perfect than that of the Dragon King. If it wasn't for his self-introduction, he really thought it was someone who was invited The human race friends who came here.

After entering the main hall, King Wanying first toasted and drank with all the monks, and then even specially picked up the cup to toast Yi Tian and Hu Yiyuan.

For a moment, the actions of the King of Eagles made all the people present look sideways, and those monsters who had thought carefully all turned their eyes back immediately. Since they are the human monks that the King of Eagles valued, they can only make friends, at least I won't deliberately come to find fault.

Hu Yiyuan's seat happened to be right next to his own. I don't know if Wan Ying Wang intentionally arranged these two tables for him to be just below his right head, which can be regarded as giving enough face to the human monks.

When I heard the waiter at the door singing his name just now, my heart suddenly relaxed.In fact, I still feel that it is not the best time to face Lu Jinyuan directly at the moment. The biggest obstacle in my mind when I come to the banquet this time is how to face the lord of the Zhongzhou branch.

Fortunately, for some reason, Lu Jinyuan didn't come, but Hu Yiyuan, who had a relationship with him before, came.I haven't seen this brother Hu for a hundred years, it seems that his cultivation base is limited, and he has long been left behind by himself.

When the other party saw him, he was stunned for a moment, and after seeing the difference in cultivation level, he also sighed for a while.

Sitting on the seat, Yi Tian saw that he was just like an accompanying guest, so he simply picked up the wine glass and pretended to be drinking, but actually moved his lips a few times to transmit the sound with Hu Yiyuan.In fact, everyone present except Zhiying and Yingxiao are not familiar with each other, so instead of acting on the spot, it is better to talk to Hu Yiyuan directly to see how the Zhongzhou Lihuozong is doing during this period of time.

Bringing him to the sound transmission, Hu Yiyuan obviously paused for a while, and then he asked quietly through the sound transmission with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Junior Brother Yi can represent Brother Mo to attend this feast. It seems that you also have a pivotal status in Dongao. Should I Should I call you Master Fenmai or the Holy Son of Prince Ming?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was stunned, it seems that after all, paper can't cover the fire, what he did in southern Xinjiang has long been known, even the brothers of Dongao's three sects can accept his other identities , but I don't know that Zhongzhou Fenmai will go to the house to look at this matter.

Later, he said without changing his countenance: "Senior brother Hu was joking, the younger brother inherited the mantle of the previous Ming prince and holy son due to a coincidence, but I was born in Dongao, and I was originally the descendant of Xuanyang's direct lineage. It is because of the entrustment of the ancestors of the sect that it is bound to revive the Xuanyang sect. Senior brother Hu should call me junior brother."

Hu Yiyuan turned around, picked up the wine glass in his hand, toasted with a smile on his face, and then asked through voice transmission: "I wonder if the junior brother Lu Linsheng was there when he was not tested, and what was the situation at that time?"

Yi Tian knew that he would have to face this problem sooner or later. Back then, Lu Linsheng made many calculations, but in the end he was slaughtered and taken away by the demon vanguard officer. I believe that the trace of spirituality left by Lu Jinyuan at that time had already given feedback on the specific situation of this matter. passed.

But since Hu Yiyuan asked himself, he decided not to hide anything, so he explained the whole process of that expedition to him in detail.Hu Yiyuan couldn't stop nodding after hearing this, and finally replied with a soft sigh: "Brother Lu also found that cave according to the records of the sect's secret code, but it's a pity that Yin and Yang have been separated since then. I don't know where the massacre is now." where?"

"Brother Hu didn't know about the Battle of Taihuang Mountain?" Yi Tian asked back: "The situation was critical at that time, and there were also Ambassador Zhiying, Princess Fengyang and Master Wuchen from Banruo Temple in Zhongzhou. Afterwards, Master Wuchen pursued that The direction in which the demon species fled, as for the details, Senior Brother Hu can ask Master Zhiying for details."

After speaking, I saw Hu Yiyuan's frown slowly relaxed, and then turned his head to look in the direction where Zhiying was.Yi Tian knew that he was verifying with Zhiying, anyway, he was not in a hurry and directly picked up the wine glass and drank it.

While drinking, suddenly a thick voice came from my ear: "You Daoist Yi has practiced the unique art of Lihuo Sect, how many times have you condensed Xuanyang True Fire?"

There was a hint of surprise on Yi Tian's face, and then he glanced at the source of the voice, and it was the King of Eagles who spoke.At this time, he had a pleasant smile on his face because the few monsters were chatting first, but after careful identification, it was not difficult to find that his gaze was directly locked on himself.

Facing King Wanying's sudden inquiry, Yi Tian hesitated for a while, then moved his lips a few times and replied: "Suwen King Wanying and I have a deep relationship with the Lihuo Sect, but now the main vein of Lihuo seems to be in Zhongzhou. I am just a cultivator of the lineage of the lineage, as for the Xuanyang True Fire, I really haven’t cultivated it very much.”

"Oh, that's right," Wan Ying Wang slowly turned his head and showed a look of disbelief. Later, he took out a bead the size of an egg and held it in his hand for a while, then smiled and looked at Yi Tianchuan Yin said: "Sect Master Yi has a heart. Although the method of refining this 'Ningxin Calming Pearl' is a bit unfamiliar, it would definitely not be able to be refined without Nanming Lihuo."

Yi Tian took a closer look and realized that what Wan Ying Wang was holding was the congratulatory gift he had sent. Before that, he just handed it over to Ying Xiao to ask him to pass it on for him in order to save trouble.

Moreover, King Wan Ying opened his mouth and directly pointed out the Lihuo Sect's spell that he practiced. It seems that he must have a deep understanding of the sect.

Yi Tian laughed dumbly, and then replied softly through voice transmission: "I'm afraid the King of Thousand Eagles admitted a mistake. This thing was refined by my senior brother Chi Yangzi, and it has nothing to do with me."

Under his own repeated denials, Wanying King didn't get angry, he just glanced at the 'Ningxin Bead' with his eyes, turned his head and looked at himself, and then his face stopped smiling. I kept asking.

But Yi Tian clearly felt a gleam of divine light flashed in the eyes of the King of Eagles just now, and it seems that he also used some kind of pupil technique to distinguish the authenticity from the false.Such words of his own seemed pale and powerless, but for some reason he stopped and did not pursue further.

Later, King Wanying, who was on the throne, said: "There is one more thing about inviting everyone here. The princess Fengyang under my command is young, and I would like to find a potential Taoist companion. There will be a chance for the monster race within the year or the human monk who will become the Nascent Soul within 500 years." After speaking, he turned his face and looked at Yi Tianlai with a smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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