
Chapter 572 Birthday Banquet 2

Chapter 572 Birthday Banquet II

After Wanying Wang announced at the birthday banquet that Fengyang princess was recruiting a relative, the whole scene suddenly became excited, but it was only limited to those monster monks.

The biggest hits this time are nothing more than the beautiful roar of the golden retriever king and the eagle roar of the Wanying king, and the Qingtian demon king doesn't seem to have much intention.None of the other three demon kings showed up at Wanying King's birthday banquet, at most they just sent their cronies as representatives to celebrate the birthday.

The representative sent by Qingtian Demon King's side was the expected Qin Fei, but the Soul Eater Mouse King's side didn't even come.Myriad Eagle King didn't seem to care about it, or it was expected.

So the whole recruiting seemed to be just a competition between Ying Xiao and Banan Roar. As for the few human monks present, even if they heard the words of Wan Ying King, none of them would really make a move.

After all, there is a difference between humans and monsters. It would be troublesome to find a demon cultivator as a Taoist partner, but the last remark of Wanying King seemed to have a lot of meaning, as if it came out of a sudden whim.

At this time, the big demons such as Yingxiao, Lanhou, etc. stood up directly and made it clear that they wanted to participate in this competition. Behind them, two other monsters also stood up, indicating that they wanted to participate.

But Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting at the banquet, glanced at the four demon queens and twitched his mouth, and laughed in his heart. It turned out that these demon cultivators were also ghost-minded.The latter two were obviously arranged by Yingxiao and Banlanhou, and it seemed that they wanted them to consume each other's strength first.

Wanying King, who was doing the work above, looked at it and said calmly: "Since there are four masters from our clan who want to participate, it just happens to be the winner in twos." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and threw four halos directly to fly to In the hands of the four people, after the halo dissipated, everyone saw that there were four feathers with numbers one to four written on them.

Then I heard Wanying King say again: "No. [-] vs. No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-]. The winner will enter the next game."

Yi Tian swept the feathers on the hands of the four demons and smiled. Wanying King also made a good plan to make Yingxiao and Banlanhou staggered, and Yingxiao first had more time to recover than the obvious, thinking about his opponent It must be Meihou's helper.

Faced with such a deliberate arrangement, even if Ban Hou's party knew it was partial, they couldn't find anything to refute, so they had to acquiesce.

Then Wan Ying King raised his hand, and a golden light flew out of the hall and stayed in the midair of the hall. After a while, everyone saw a round jade plate in the golden light, covered by a halo.

Wanying King coughed lightly and said: "You guys fight here, if you raise your hands and surrender, you will lose, and you can't kill yourself. All the fellow Taoists present should be witnesses together."

As soon as these words came out, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he directly scanned the jade plate with his eyes. It was obvious that this object could be used as a venue for two big demons to fight, and it was a great treasure in itself.

After checking it with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help but sighed. This disc is obviously a small Sumeru space, which forms a world of its own.

Yingxiao and Banlanhou's attendant glanced at each other, and then turned into a ray of light and flew in. After ten breaths, the figures of the two monsters appeared in the tray.

At this time, Yi Tian could see that Ying Xiao's figure had shrunk to the size of a projectile, and there was only a chaotic empty space in this Sumeru Space, so it was undoubtedly an excellent place for the Eagle Clan, who are good at speed, to fight.

Turning around to look at the King of Eagles with an old god on his face, Yi Tian reassessed him in his heart.Although this time it was an obvious move to recruit relatives, it couldn't stand against the conspiracy of the King of Eagles, and he had to follow his rules in everything, and he was obviously partial to the Eagle Clan.

Shaoqing saw that Yingxiao in the jade plate used his own speed advantage to suppress the opponent frequently, and it took a moment for the situation to be overwhelming.However, the opponent also seems to have made up their minds to conduct a war of attrition, only focusing on defense and not offense.

Yi Tian raised his head and looked at Ban Lanhou, only to see that he had a flat look on his face, as if these things were all expected.But I'm relieved to believe it, since the Golden Retriever King asked Ban Lanhou to propose marriage, he would definitely not fight an uncertain battle, plus the two demon kings knew everything about it, so they should be able to predict how the Wanying King would make a move.

Not wanting these meaningless things, Yi Tian turned his head and raised his glass again and invited Hu Yiyuan who was on the same side to drink with each other. Anyway, they were just showing their faces this time.

When the two were chatting after drinking a cup, suddenly the voice of King Wan Ying came from Yi Tian's ears: "Friend Yi Dao, who do you think will stand out this time?"

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment when he asked, this time it was King Wanying who asked directly, and it was not easy to lose his face under the eyes of everyone, then he smiled and said: "I am familiar with Fellow Daoist Yingxiao and treat him well." I still have a little confidence, and the strength of Ban Lanhou and the golden-haired demon king's high apprentice must not be underestimated, and it's hard to say that the opponent is evenly matched in this battle."

Hearing Yi Tian's words, the big monsters around showed a little disdainful look. Is this obviously a word that should not be offended?

The Wanying King who was seated above didn't think much after hearing this, but moved his lips a few times, and then watched the duel on the jade plate with a serious expression.

At this time, Yi Tian was stunned when he heard the sound transmission of King Wan Ying, and then he didn't reply directly, but thought silently in his heart.

Just now Wan Ying Wang mentioned in the sound transmission that he wanted to ask himself to secretly help Ying Xiao win the first prize, and the reward was to let him visit the top of Tianji Mountain.

When Yi Tian asked about the situation at the top of Qishan Mountain that day, Wan Ying Wang Zhishi replied indifferently with the five words 'Feishengtai ruins'.

Immediately, Yi Tian's eyes lit up. This Ascension Platform was originally the biggest secret of the Lihuo Sect. He originally thought it was in the Zhongzhou Ruins, but he didn't expect it to be set here.

But after thinking about it, it became clear that Feishengtai was originally an important place of the sect, and it was expected that there would be spirit beasts guarding it, and the Wanying King seemed to be ordered to stay here.

But Yi Tian turned his head to look at King Wanying's look of being determined by himself, and felt uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.Thinking about it deeply, the congratulatory gift this time betrayed his own situation. Since Wan Yingwang said this, it seems that he has grasped his own situation.

In the blink of an eye, everyone present shouted. The duel in the jade plate seemed to be reaching its final stage of intense heat. Under Ying Xiao's berserk attack, the opponent gradually couldn't hold back, so he raised his hand and shouted to admit defeat, and it was over. for this competition.

I saw the Eagle King stretched out his hand and pointed, after which two rays of light came out and the figures of the two appeared, and then Banlanhou and another monk of the Eagle clan flew directly into the jade plate to start the second competition.

At the same time, Yi Tian quietly got up and walked towards the apse after the sound transmission with King Wan Ying, while Ying Xiao followed directly after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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