
Chapter 573 Visit

Chapter 573 Visit
Tianji Mountain was originally the dwelling place of the King of Eagles, but what surprised Yi Tian was that the Eagle's Nest was actually built on the mountainside.The part from Eagle's Nest to the top of the mountain is set as a forbidden area, and there are large-scale prohibition protection around it, so ordinary monks cannot directly fly over Tianji Mountain from the air.

As for the inside of the Eagle's Nest, there is only one road leading to the top of the mountain, and this road is built behind the residence of the King of Eagles, so if you want to go to the top of Tianji Mountain, you must get the permission of the King of Eagles.

At this time, Yi Tian was following the King of Eagles slowly walking on the path leading to the top of the mountain behind the Eagle's Nest. This mountain path was so steep that only one person could walk on it, with bare cliffs on one side and an abyss on the other.

In the competition for recruiting relatives at the previous birthday banquet, Yingxiao defeated Banhou with an absolute advantage, and finally won the beauty.When he flew out of the spirit weapon of the competition, his face was full of joy beyond words, and he gave Yi Tian a grateful look.

Ban Lanhou was full of anger but didn't dare to burst out, he just stared at Ying Xiao's eyes that were shining with glaze color.Later, he turned his attention to Yi Tian. Only these two people have ever been out in the entire venue. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is nothing tricky.

And Ying Xiao's strength has also been tested beforehand. With its true strength, it will definitely not be able to last a stick of incense in front of the spiritual weapon bestowed by the Golden Retriever King.But the result now is that Banlanhou was crushed and beaten by Yingxiao and was helpless to fight back.

After the results came out, no matter how much they complained in front of the King of Eagles, it would be of no benefit. Afterwards, Banlanhou left the Eagle's Nest angrily with his men on the grounds that he needed to cultivate himself.

After the birthday banquet, King Wan Ying also kept his promise and specially left Yi Tian behind. After bidding farewell to a group of monks, the two hurriedly walked through the inner hall to the top of Tianji Mountain.

Looking at a winding mountain road, he couldn't see the end. Fortunately, with the King of Eagles leading the way, Yi Tian didn't feel lonely.After leaving, I only heard Wanying King in front of me saying: "Yi Daoyou, how did you let Yingxiao win so easily? I don't seem to have seen him use any spiritual weapon."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Yingxiao's body has gone through a lot of tempering, and I'm just engraving a layer of inscriptions on his eagle claws."

"So that's it. I saw that the fluctuation of spiritual power on his eagle claws is extremely rare. It must be the effect of high-level inscriptions, right?" King Wan Ying asked.

"It's just a trick," Yi Tian said perfunctorily, but he sighed in his heart.

These monster races have gone through a lot of tempering on their own bodies, and they can greatly enhance their efficacy by tattooing some inscriptions casually. What's more, I directly engraved the inscriptions of the spirit world on Yingxiao. The backhand is also not giving up at all.

If it weren't for the ruins of the Ascension Platform, he wouldn't have shown such means, and I'm afraid it would be troublesome afterwards.

Seeing that Yi Tian didn't want to say more, King Wanying didn't ask any more questions. The two walked faster and faster on the mountain road and arrived at the top of Tianji Mountain in less than an hour.

After walking the last stone ladder, Yi Tian found that his eyes lit up, and his vision suddenly widened. He didn't expect that there was a valley on the top of Tianji Mountain, surrounded by cliffs, and a flat road in the middle. The small path leads to a dilapidated palace gate.

Walking forward quickly, the two of them reached the gate of the palace after a while, King Wan Ying pointed to the palace and said: "This is the ruins of Feishengtai, whether you can go in or not depends on your own ability. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "Since it is a ruin, is there any formation mechanism here?"

Wanying King smiled and said: "I was entrusted by the ancestor Lihuo to guard the temple, but I also swore that I would only enter this temple when I ascended, so you can only go in alone, I am here Wait," he said and found a vacant place outside the door and sat down, seeing that Yi Tian didn't force himself, he just walked slowly towards the main entrance passage.

This dilapidated temple still has some intact imprints, and there is a thick iron gate on the front of the passage, on which Yi Tian saw the logo of Lihuozong's sect.Facing the tightly closed iron door more than ten feet high, Yi Tian slowly stretched out his hands against the door to push it open, but no matter how hard he tried, the door still didn't move at all. There's nothing like needing a key to open it.

Glancing at King Wan Ying who was seated beside him, he said, "This door was made by Lihuo Patriarch, and it is mixed with a large amount of deep-sea black iron and fine gold. No one can open it except Lihuo Sect Master." .”

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, it seems that what King Wanying was referring to should be Nanming Lihuo, since he saw the congratulatory gift, he should have clarified his identity.

At the moment, no one else was present, and Yi Tian stretched out his hands to sacrifice a trace of white flames, and then divided his hands into two, wrapped his hands against the door, and then secretly pushed the door hard.Immediately, the white Nanming Lihuo reacted to the formation inscription on the gate as soon as it came into contact with the iron gate.

The white flame followed the inscription to activate the pattern on the formation pattern one by one. After a white light flashed, Yi Tian gently pushed with his hand, revealing a passage more than ten feet high. With a 'swish', the lights in the oil lamps on the stone walls on both sides of the passage suddenly flickered to illuminate the road ahead.

Looking back at Wanying King, who seemed to be in a trance like an old monk, he didn't care about his actions at all, and suddenly a sentence came out of his mouth: "Sect Master Yi, go in and check, I'll wait outside."

"So thank you Eagle King," Yi Tian replied indifferently, after all, it didn't matter so much, he took a big step and walked into the passage.

Following the candlelight on both sides of the passage, you can see that there are traces of spiritual inscriptions on the wall on both sides. When you go up and take a closer look, Yi Tian is immediately happy. It records how the Lihuo ancestor built it back then. The passage of this flying platform.

From the above records, Yi Tiancai discovered that there was originally a main passage inside Lihuozong, and the Ascension Platform of Tianji Mountain was just a backup.Fortunately, the structure and opening method are also the same, you need to use six sect tokens as keys to simultaneously activate the six-world channel in the Ascension Platform.

After recording the words on the stone wall, Yi Tian continued to walk forward, and after a while, he left the passage and came to the inner hall.

But when he looked around, the Ascension Platform in the hall was already in dilapidated condition, and some of the surrounding pillars had collapsed.In the middle is a high platform with a radius of one foot, with patterns of spirit beasts engraved on all sides, and ten feet above the platform is a forbidden gap in space.

(End of this chapter)

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