
Chapter 574 Insights

Chapter 574 Insights
In the palace on the top of Tianji Mountain, Yi Tian walked alone on the ascension platform and scanned the surrounding environment with his spiritual sense. He couldn't help but think of the spare ascension platform that King Wan Ying said before. It is already in a semi-abandoned state.

Judging from the surrounding environment, the inscriptions engraved on the Ascension Platform have been weathered and can't be seen clearly. There is a stone platform next to it, and after a glance, you can find a six-petal circular groove on it.

Pointing to the pattern in the groove, Yi Tian took out three pieces of sect tokens from the storage ring, and then gently put them in according to the patterns on them, and found that the sizes were just right.

In an instant, three halos shot out from the middle of the groove and directly illuminated the surrounding walls. Yi Tian looked around and could see a few paintings faintly appearing on the originally bare stone walls.

After careful identification, you can see that there are three connected murals, and the upper right corner of the non-sub-painting has words marked with spiritual characters.After reading it carefully, he recognized that the words on it were Shura Realm, Demon Spirit Realm, and True Demon Realm. Turning his eyes to the three murals, it was not difficult to see that the content on them was exactly those three realms. look.

Among them, in the Shura Realm, there is a pair of Asura's real body, a man and a woman. In the mural, the woman looks enchanting and beautiful, while the male Asura looks fierce.

On the mural in the demon spirit world, a group of spirit beasts are worshiping the real dragon and phoenix in the air below.

As for the murals in the Real Demon Realm, it is relatively simple. There is only a huge demon with a greedy face, two horns on his head, and a spiritual weapon sitting on a pile of skeleton thrones.

The spiritual inscription on the ascending platform seemed to be activated slowly after receiving a certain induction, but within three breaths, the activated inscription suddenly dimmed, and then the three murals suddenly became blurred .

The three keepsakes in the groove were ejected directly after hearing three sounds of "Puff puff puff", and the originally bright light in the whole hall dimmed instantly.

After scanning it, it should be the result of not fully activating the pattern. Seeing this, Yi Tian was not discouraged, because he only had half of the keys in his hand.Going forward, reaching out to pick up the three keepsakes and looking at them carefully, there was a look of understanding on his face.

It seems that if you want to activate the Ascension Platform, you must collect six keys. Except for Huo Chilian who may have one, the rest should be in the hands of Lu Jinyuan, the Lihuo branch of Zhongzhou.

However, this Ascension Platform is a matter of confidentiality, and this place is just a backup point, so I don't know what the original situation of the Ascension Platform inside Lihuo Sect is.Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but take Wanying King into consideration. It seems that he was trapped here to guard the Ascension Platform, and he knew more or less about this upper realm.

And I will not be stupid enough to really believe what he said, since there is a demon spirit world, demon cultivators can also ascend.The transformed monster who has cultivated to his level doesn't think about his future. Instead of slowly exhausting his life energy in this world, it is better to break through the world and ascend, even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, he has to try it.

From this point of view, King Wanying must have asked for such courtesy to him. As for the other three demon kings, most of them also have such concerns. After all, after 3000 years, their cultivation has reached a certain level, and they must be looking for a way out.

After sorting out the information at the moment, Yi Tian smiled knowingly and said inwardly: "I didn't expect that I, the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, would really become a fragrant bun now, so it seems that as long as I make good use of this relationship, I will have four With the help of the Demon King, it is not difficult to revive the Li Fire Sect."

After putting away the token, Yi Tian looked up at the sealed crack in the space, and then slowly turned around and walked towards the passageway that came in.

After scanning the surrounding stone walls, he found that this place was actually restricted by a large formation, and the key to this restriction was Nanming Lihuo in his hand.

There is a seal and restriction set by the Lihuo Patriarch here. Except under the leadership of the Lihuo Sect Master, no one else can take half a step no matter how strong their cultivation is. Think about it, even if the Wanying King has been trapped here for 3000 years. For a long time, I couldn't know the secret.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel secretly proud, and then he had an idea, why not use this as a bait to get rid of the leader of the four demon kings.

After thinking about it, the steps on his feet became brisk, and he hurriedly rushed towards the exit.

An hour later, Yi Tian and King Wanying sat cross-legged in the cave deep in Eagle's Nest, with a teapot and two teacups in front of them.

Looking at the two cups of tea in front of him, Yi Tian knew that King Wan Ying must have been deeply influenced by Li Huo's ancestors. This way of tasting tea is definitely not a temporary interest, but a habit that has been cultivated for a long time.

Therefore, he doesn't have any habits of the monster race, and the whole person's words, deeds, and conversations are very imitative of human monks.

After gently picking up the teacup and swallowing his mouth, he felt a stream of pure aura rushing straight from his throat into his stomach, and after a little exercise to dissolve it, Yi Tian felt that his cultivation base had been more or less enhanced a trace.

Faced with King Wanying being so polite, Yi Tian didn't dare to put on airs. After drinking tea, he saw him slowly opening his mouth and said, "King Wanying should be a senior of the sect. I'm really flattered to be treated so courteously."

King Wanying picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip before replying: "Sect Master Yi is serious. Although I am the elder of Lihuo Sect, I dare not pretend to be myself in front of the Sect Master."

"Why did the Eagle King know at a glance that I have become Nanming Lihuo? Could it be seen from the gift?" Yi Tian asked.

King Wan Ying showed a slight smile and said: "Original Mo Wentian sent me a message to tell you about the situation. At first I was hesitant, but after seeing the congratulatory gift you sent, I knew what he said was true, and He is willing to hand over all the tokens in his hand to you, which explains everything."

It turns out that senior brother Mo had mentioned this beforehand. If he knew this, he wouldn't need to spend his energy on refining any spiritual weapons.I saw King Wan Ying lightly gathered the teapot and poured himself another cup before asking: "Since the three factions of Dong'ao have recognized the identity of Sect Master Yi, when will you go to the ancestral land of Zhongzhou to take Lu Jinyuan's share?" What about the integration of veins?"

"I'm planning to do this, but Dong'ao's naval battle is now at an early stage, and the delay of the Taihuangshan incident and the transfer of the Yin Corpse Sect to the north can't escape for the time being," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

"I, Sect Master Guan Yi, looked embarrassed when he mentioned Zhongzhou Lihuo's splitting veins. I don't know what's wrong with it?" King Wan Ying said.

Yi Tian froze for a moment, and then slowly told about the promise to Chi Yangzi, King Wanying couldn't stop nodding after hearing this: "It's very difficult for Chi Yangzi to appeal to Sect Master Yi even if he agrees. You must know that Lu Jinyuan is definitely not a person who is easy to deal with, and he is ambitious, he is able to develop the Lihuo Sect to such a degree among the forces of the Zhongzhou sects, he is also a person with extraordinary intelligence."

In one sentence, Yi Tian couldn't help but think of the intricate sect relationship in the Zhongzhou territory and the current situation of the Lihuo Sect. Even if he thinks differently, he can't handle these relationships more properly than Lu Jinyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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