
Chapter 575 Departure

Chapter 575 Departure
Although the Tianlan Continent is divided into four fields, east, west, north, and south, the combined area is not as large as that of the Zhongzhou Continent, and since the Middle Ages, there have often been more high-level monks on the Zhongzhou Continent than the sum of the four fields.

The reason is nothing more than the vast land and abundant resources, and the high-level large-scale criss-crossing spiritual veins can accommodate tens of thousands of cultivators.Coupled with the fact that there are many small and medium-sized spiritual veins derived from large spiritual veins all over the Zhongzhou Continent, some small sects and casual practitioners from aristocratic families have the opportunity to find a place to survive and benefit from recuperation.

The surrounding [-] mountains are like natural barriers separating Siye from Zhongzhou. Except for the Beiyuan area which is completely controlled by the Soul Eater Mouse King, the demon kings in the other three fields seem to be stagnant and restrain their own forces. Land Guard doesn't care much about the territories of Dong'ao, Nanjiang and Xihuang.

One day, a cyan light suddenly flashed above the boundary of the Eastern Hundred Thousand Mountains and stopped at a high altitude, and then looked towards the hinterland of Zhongzhou.A little later, a vague figure appeared in the twilight, holding a map jade slip in his hand, and seemed to be confirming his position.

The person who came was Yi Tian, ​​who hastily rushed back to Dong Ao’s blessed land after Wanying King’s birthday banquet. Over the past ten years, Dong Ao’s forces have been integrated, and the aftermath of the invasion of the Sea Clan in the East China Sea has been eliminated one by one. Only then did he make up his mind to go to Zhongzhou to deal with the branching of Lihuozong.

Before coming here, Yi Tian also made enough preparations, and with the strong support of the Zongmen, Huo Chilian also successfully broke through the alchemy and became a baby.Although he came nearly a hundred years later than himself, he can be regarded as a rising star in Dongao.In this way, his sect became the one with the most Nascent Soul cultivators among the six sects of Dongao, and the soaring strength also shocked the other sects.

Xuanling and Tie Jian, the branch sects of the two branches, are happy to see the results. Anyway, they are already considered a joint clan. They are all family members, and the growth of the main branch will not suppress the other two branch branches.

On the other hand, the Bone, Yin Corpse, and Medicine Valley families unexpectedly remained silent.Afterwards, the three families even came together to congratulate with rich gifts, among which the Baigumen was the most active.

Everyone also knew that they considered Liu Piaopiao's original background, and entrusted the promising younger nephews of the Liu Yue family with important tasks. In this way, they hoped to use this line to bind their interests.

As always, Yang Yanzi was mainly responsible for the operation of the entire sect, and the rest of the people were doing their best to assist, but Chi Yangzi should be responsible for any important matters.

Now that Chiyangzi took the longevity pill refined from the spiritual yang fruit he brought back, his vitality is obviously much stronger than before. In his words, even if he can't improve his cultivation, he can still sit in the sect for another 400 years .

After hearing these words, Yi Tian finally decided to dare to go to Zhongzhou for a while, and had a private exchange with Huo Chilian before leaving.In addition to reminding him of his desire to practice, he also specifically mentioned the sect's token.

After hearing this, Huo Chilian handed over the token kept by the Yuanqi Pavilion without saying a word, but only slightly mentioned that he and Lu Jinyuan would never sit in the same hall.

Yi Tian just nodded in agreement helplessly, and finally explained the pros and cons to Huo Chilian, and agreed to his request.

Now I have four tokens in my storage ring, as long as I get two tokens from Lu Jinyuan's hand, it will be considered complete.But recalling the last time Hu Yiyuan was at the Wanying King's birthday banquet, it seemed that he was not as enthusiastic about himself as before.

It's no wonder that when we met for the first time back then, I was still the target that Lu Jinyuan tried every means to win over. Now that I have integrated the three Dongao sects, my power is already comparable to Zhongzhou Lihuozong, or it is faintly replaced .

And I believe that he, Lu Jinyuan, has often placed his eyeliner in Dong'ao, so that the news of the changes of the six Dong'ao factions in the past few decades will be passed to Lu Jinyuan as soon as possible.

That's why Hu Yiyuan acted indifferent to him at the Wanying King's birthday banquet. Presumably it was Lu Jinyuan who visited him in person. From this, it seems that he was also trying to avoid suspicion and try to avoid the premature confrontation with himself. .

This is what I want, everyone is busy with their own affairs, as long as he doesn't hinder me, let him go.

There were many troubles in this trip to Zhongzhou. I had discussed with Chiyangzi before that I would visit Tianyunmen, Banruo Temple, and many other sects after arriving in Zhongzhou.

How can I say that the Lihuo Sect was also the overlord thousands of years ago, and it is inevitable that people will criticize it if it is rashly integrated now. As long as these big sects have suspicions, they will definitely make trouble behind the scenes, and they will never let themselves succeed so easily of.

However, during this trip to Zhongzhou, Yi Tian was still quite concerned. Qian Lingyuan, who offended the Qianling Sect back then, must not sit still after nearly 100 years. will be born.

This time Yi Tian went to Zhongzhou and did not deliberately use those long-distance teleportation arrays, although he had two teleportation points in his hands, one was the internal passage of King Ming Dao, and the other was the back route left by Xiao Linhang of Tianji Gate.

But I didn't want to reveal my whereabouts for the time being, so I discussed with the King of Eagles and chose a path of a hundred thousand mountains. Mountain.

After entering the Zhongzhou territory for the first time, Yi Tian didn't want to cause any big storms. Now everything is still dormant.After glancing at the jade slip map in his hand, he found that the nearest one was Qianlingzong, but he had no idea to meet Qianlingyuan for the time being.So this section of the road has to be detoured.

Before the Battle of Taihuang Mountain, the Zhongzhou Loose Cultivation Sect Demon Dragon Sect participated, but I don't know how the Zhongzhou Sect dealt with the Demon Dragon Sect after that incident.

Scanning the map on the jade slips, this place is only a few thousand miles away from the Demon Dragon Cult, but it is suitable as the first foothold after setting foot in Zhongzhou.

Then Yi Tian turned around and flew straight towards the territory of the Demon Dragon Cult. There are many considerations in choosing the old nest of the Demon Dragon Cult. Before, he used the Spirit Purification Bottle to trap the original slaughtered by the Pioneer of the Demon World and refined it into a Soul Orb.

Although he has already restrained his spiritual thoughts, it is hard to guarantee that these upper realm powers will have a backup, and he only has two souls and five souls in his hands, and the remaining one soul and two souls are also hidden. scourge.The best way for the current plan is to find precious materials and refine a spiritual weapon to suppress all these two souls and five souls into it.

And the place where the Demon Dragon Cult was chosen before the massacre must also have a source of demonic energy, so it is just right to sacrifice spiritual weapons there.

(End of this chapter)

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