
Chapter 576 Discovery

Chapter 576 Discovery
The old lair of the Demon Dragon Sect is located in the depths of a barren abyss swamp in the northeast of the Zhongzhou mainland. This place is shrouded in a cloudy mist all the year round, and it is located in a remote place, and there are many monsters haunting it, so there are few sects. The door monks will go deep into it.

Most of the monks who came here hunted some monsters around the abyss swamp, at most they went a hundred miles deep, and the main altar of the Demon Dragon Cult was set up on one of the islands.

According to the previous soul search from the slaughtered remnant souls, he came here at first only based on the impression in his memory that there is a magic circle left here that can absorb part of the magic energy to recuperate.

But his mind and soul are incomplete, so his memory is also fragmented. He has always mentioned that there seems to be something suppressed in the depths of the abyss and swamp.

Yi Tian also saw this for sure before he first thought of going to the main altar of the Demon Dragon Sect to explore. Obviously, Tulu has been operating there for a hundred years and has not discovered the mystery.Now that the news of the Demon Dragon Sect's failure has spread to Zhongzhou through Wanyingwang's side, there must be some big sects taking advantage of this opportunity to operate.

In this way, it is very likely that others will get there first. Thinking of this, Yi Tian also speeded up his escape, trying to get to the abyss swamp as soon as possible.

Two days later, Yi Tian rushed all the way to the edge of the abyss and swamp. Standing in the sky and looking from a distance, he saw that the sky dozens of miles away was covered with gray mist. These gray mist can actually block the consciousness.

And around this abyss swamp, many monks can be seen entering together one after another, and it seems that they are planning to go in and hunt monsters.

For these low-level monks, Yi Tian didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, but cast a concealment spell in the air to hide his figure completely, and then quietly lowered the cloud head, and after choosing a no-man's land, he slowly walked from the edge of the abyss swamp Sneak in slowly.

According to Slaughter's memory, the main altar of the Demon Dragon Sect is located on a small path in the east of the deep swamp of the abyss. It has a natural magic spring with strong magic energy. It was really several times stronger.

Speaking of which, the Demon Dragon Cult was also an unintentional act of slaughter. When he came here to collect treasures, he recruited a group of casual cultivators to act as helpers. Over time, the embryonic form of the Demon Dragon Cult was formed.

Afterwards, he felt that it would be easier for him to change his identity in this way, so he formed a loose cultivator gang in a serious manner.

According to his memory, Yi Tian quickly found the Demon Dragon Island in the abyss swamp, but when he arrived, he found that the place was already empty.

It seems that the Demon Dragon Sect is also scattered by the tree falling and the monkeys scattered. Without the massacre, the Nascent Soul cultivator is sitting in the town, and the monks in the sect of the major sects on the Zhongzhou mainland have already packed up and left.

After entering the main altar of the Demon Dragon Sect, Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense and shook his head helplessly. There are messy furniture everywhere, and the surrounding houses are also dilapidated.Judging from the appearance of the dust left on the main altar building, it has been abandoned for at least ten years.

After rushing out of the main altar of the Demon Dragon Sect, I found that there was no way, but the demonic energy here became more and more intense, and I felt happy at the moment, it should be close to the source of the demonic energy.

Slowly opening a layer of protective cover, Yi Tian protected his figure, and then slowly touched the source of the magic energy.Here, blocked by the demonic energy, my spiritual consciousness can only extend to a range of about ten miles. After walking for a quarter of an hour, I suddenly found that there seemed to be a strong fluctuation of spiritual power in front of me.

Immediately afterwards, a spiritual consciousness not weaker than his own came quietly, and Yi Tian knew that his whereabouts had been exposed after the two spiritual consciousnesses made contact in the air.

According to the direction, it seems that the other party has also found the source of the magic energy, and is absorbing the magic energy there. If he is disturbed by himself like this, he will definitely not let it go.

Just as he was thinking about it, a strong spiritual pressure fluctuation came from the front, and then he saw a cloud of black spiritual energy rushing out from the depths of the Demon Dragon Island.In an instant, Yi Tian had a decision in his heart. The other party was a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and he didn't care so much about being targeted by the other party when he was in a dangerous situation.

With a lift of his right hand, he directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, and with his left hand's seal, he directly sacrificed the Yaojian technique, turning into thousands of filaments and attacking the cloud of black air.

Hearing only a sound of 'Hey', it was obvious that the cultivator in the mass of black gas paused after seeing it, and then a jet-black sword light came up and greeted him directly.

After a roar, Yi Tian saw that the other person suddenly turned around and then gradually chose a direction and flew away.After ten breaths, he sank into the mist in the abyss swamp.

It took a while for the scene to calm down. Yi Tianmian couldn't help going through the opponent's actions in his mind like sinking water. Although he didn't see the opponent's figure clearly, it was obvious that the swordsmanship he used made the opponent mistake him for Qianlingzong Someone came, so in a hurry, he decisively chose to retreat as soon as he fought.

But there are many doubts in it. Obviously, the other party's cultivation base is higher than his own, and he is a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but he dare not reveal his identity publicly, so this person looks even more suspicious.

However, it is not difficult to find the other party. Although the land of Zhongzhou is large, there are not many great monks in the late Yuanying period, so it is not difficult to find them with a little searching.

What's more, I have already memorized the frequency of the opponent's spiritual pressure fluctuations, and I will never admit my mistake next time I meet.

The movement of fighting that person just now was too loud, and it seems that many monks will look sideways, but now they will still need the assistance of this source of magic energy for a while.After thinking for a while, he took out a set of formation disks, and then slowly flew into the midair, and after typing a few spells, activated the formation disks and entered the formation disks in the direction of the main altar of the Demon Dragon Cult.In an instant, another layer of spiritual mist rose within a radius of fifty miles, covering the entire Demon Dragon Island.

This formation is just a delaying strategy, but as long as the person who comes here is not at the Nascent Soul stage, they will not be able to get out of this difficult formation.

Then Yi Tian turned around and searched for the source of the devilish energy. This time, he might be the one who got there first, but fortunately, he just wanted to take some devilish energy to sacrifice to the spirit weapon.

After walking in that direction for a short time, you can feel that the surrounding temperature has cooled down rapidly, and after walking about half a mile in, you can see a black spring slowly lying down from the cliff in front.

After casting the Qingling Dharma Eye, he took a closer look, and saw that this black spring water flowed from a spring mouth as thick as a thumb.It's just that after the spring water flows out, it joins several other springs at the bottom of the cliff to form a small pool with a radius of three feet. The black magic energy in it is diluted and the concentration is not even as high as the magic energy at the foot of Taihuang Mountain.

It's hard to believe that Slaughter relied on such a little bit of demon energy to restore his cultivation base to that state in a hundred years. If he had been allowed to practice on Taihuang Mountain for several years, there would be absolutely no one in this world who would be his opponent.

After thinking about it, he directly took out a jade bottle to scoop up half of the pool of water, and then swung his hand towards the pool to disperse all the magic energy here.Then he took out a sky-shattering awl and hit it hard at the source of the devil's aura, and the source of the devil's aura was blocked by the sound of "click". After ten breaths, there was no more magic in it. Breathe out.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian slowly got up with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and after a flash of blue light, the whole figure flashed out and left Demon Dragon Island.

(End of this chapter)

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