
Chapter 577 Information

Chapter 577 Information
After leaving the abyss swamp, Yi Tian hurried to Tiandaofang City, five hundred miles away, restrained his aura and cultivated to suppress it in the mid-Gold Core stage before swaggering into the city.

This Tiandaofang City is the property of Tiandaozong. It is said that Tiandaozong is a first-class sect that can keep pace with Qianlingzong in Zhongzhou. It must be the right place to inquire about news here.

Later, after a search in Tiandaofang City, they found a Mingwang firm, and it seemed that this name was the foothold of Mingwangdao established here.

What I didn't expect was that Ming Wangdao actually opened up his branch in the northern part of Zhongzhou, and he still showed his name in such a big way.

After entering the shop, some disciples from the Foundation Establishment Stage came to receive him. Yi Tian didn't say much, but just lit up a token of the Brahma Mantra Heavenly Division that was left on his body.The attendant disciple's eyes flashed when he saw it, and then he took Yi Tian through the back corridor to an elegant room in the backyard. After serving the tea, Yi Tian said lightly: "Please come here, the shopkeeper." Respond," he took out the token and put it on the table.

The attendant disciple stepped forward to check the token and replied respectfully: "Senior, wait a moment," and then slowly exited the elegant room.

There was a knock on the door a little later, and then a middle-aged man around 40 years old slowly walked into the elegant room. This man was known to be a good negotiator at a glance.

At first, this person was still smiling and said: "Please forgive me for the presence of the unknown junior brother." After walking up to see Yi Tian, ​​he was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly the shopkeeper fell down and kowtowed: "Fan Mantian sat down at Renyi to meet His Royal Highness the Holy Son. I don't know that the Holy Son came to our branch in Tiandaofang City. How neglectful."

"Oh," said Yi Tian, ​​carefully looking at Ren Yidao in front of him: "Have you seen me?"

"When the Holy Son showed his might in the Ministry of Utilitarianism, the disciple was fortunate enough to admire Tianyan, and I will definitely not remember it wrong," Ren Yi knelt on the ground and replied tremblingly.

"Get up and answer," Yi Tian said lightly.

It wasn't until Ren Yizhan got up that Yi Tian expressed his confusion. The main purpose of this trip was to inquire about the situation of various forces in Zhongzhou.Now I happened to meet the stronghold of King Ming Dao, and I think they can roughly understand the forces of Zhongzhou thoroughly from them.

After hearing this, Ren Yi directly took out a jade slip and handed it over, "The disciple's duty is to inquire about the Zhongzhou Zongmen's information for the Holy Cult. Please take a look at it. If there is anything unclear, please tell me."

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian immersed his spiritual consciousness in it to read it in detail, and then frowned slightly, and couldn't help but compare the high-level monk described in it with the person he met behind the main altar of the Demon Dragon Sect , I have not been able to find a suitable person for a long time.

According to the jade slips, there are more than a dozen sects in Zhongzhou, large and small, and there are four first-class sects, of which the righteous Qianling Sect and Tiandao Sect are the leaders.And the leader of the Demon Dao is the Hehuan Sect. As for those pure demon cultivators, they are not as good as Xihuang or Dong Aoduo. It seems that the Demon Dao Sect in Zhongzhou is still suppressed quite severely.

Seeing this place, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking of the demon cultivator he met before. That person was obviously a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and there were very few Nascent Soul cultivators among casual cultivators, at most they were early stage cultivators.

It is absolutely impossible to cultivate to the later stage without the support of Zongmen Fudi's massive resources.

Look at the Zhongzhou Continent, there are only a few monks in the late Yuanying period, namely Tianjizi from Tianyunmen, Hehuan Laomo from Hehuanzong, Yu Xiang from Tiandaozong, Qianlingyuan from Qianlingzong and others. His senior brother He Weiming.

Except for Qian Lingyuan, all of these people are long-established monks in the late Yuanying period, but this made me feel a little puzzled.

Among the five people, except for the old demon Hehuan, the rest are orthodox monks. Even the old devil Hehuan practiced is not a pure magic technique. Strictly speaking, it is just a two-day exercise, and there is no need to attract magic energy Body training.

In addition to this group of late Nascent Soul monks, Lu Jinyuan's name was seen at the beginning of the column for Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, but his comprehensive strength evaluation only ranked fourth.

And the one in the front is a female cultivator named Hao Ji, whose family background is written as Hehuan Sect, it seems that she should be the Taoist companion of the old devil Hehuan.

After keeping this information in his mind, Yi Tian turned around and asked, "Is there any way to buy high-level treasures or elixir in Tiandaofang City?"

After thinking for a while, Ren Yi hurriedly replied: "Returning to the Holy Son, the high-level treasures in Zhongzhou mainland have always been controlled by the major sects. If you want to buy the necessary ones, there are special channels, or it is better to go with those Nascent Soul monks. Can."

"That's right," the return answer was within my expectations, and after thinking about it for a while, I asked again: "Is there any high-end auction in Tiandaofang City?"

"It's a coincidence that the holy son came. There will be two auctions in Tiandaofang City next month, corresponding to the monks of the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Golden Core Stage," Ren Yi replied.

After frowning, Yi Tian said lightly: "Then is there any auction at the Nascent Soul level?"

"Usually auctions at the Nascent Soul level require specific invitations, and they are usually held after those two auctions."

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard that there was something going on, and turned his head to look at Ren Yi, who had a bitter face, and immediately understood in his heart that according to the level of the Ming Wangdao branch, he would definitely not be able to get this invitation.

After laughing, he calmed down and said, "It's okay, I believe you have done your best to have such detailed information. I will find a way to solve this invitation. You just need to do your duty."

After finishing speaking, he sorted out the sects that he could be related to in Zhongzhou, only to find that only Tianyunmen and Banruo Temple could speak, and then asked: "I wonder if there is any Tianyunmen in Tiandaofang City?" Is it the gate or the residence of Banruo Temple?"

After hearing this, Ren Yi thought for a while before replying: "The monks of Tianyunmen have always been elusive, and they will not set up branches everywhere. Go to his sect. As for the Banruo Temple, there is a place in Fangshi, but the group of monks are not easy to mess with. If the Son of God takes the liberty to go there, he might be turned away."

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed and said, "I won't rush to deal with those young monks, but I don't know which master is stationed here?"

"It's Master Huitong. It's just that he's a dedicated practitioner who doesn't care about outside world affairs. It would be very difficult for the Holy Son to draw his attention," Ren Yi replied.

"Since I'm an eminent monk of the Hui generation, that's just fine. I'm acquainted with the monk Huiyuan. I believe he will sell me some face." After speaking, Yi Tian laughed, and his whole figure gradually faded until it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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