
Chapter 578 Party

Chapter 578 Party
A month later, outside the inconspicuous reception desk of the auction house in Tiandaofang City, a waiter of a Golden Core cultivator stepped forward, scanned the invitation card in the hands of the person in front of him, and immediately respected him, then hurriedly said: "Senior Please follow me," after speaking, he stretched out his hand and clicked a few times to open the passage behind him, and when he was young, he led the visitors through the passage to a stone room.

, more than a month ago, after Yi Tian visited the residence of Banruo Temple, he directly showed the token, and the left-behind Master Huitong hurriedly communicated with Monk Huiyuan after seeing it.After confirming his identity, he directly asked about the purpose of coming, and then arranged a quiet place to entertain him.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't ask much, just meditated here and waited quietly. It wasn't until half a day ago that Monk Huitong sent a message saying that all the procedures had been completed.

After Yi Tian went out to meet Huitong and got the bronzing invitation, he thanked him, and later left the residence of Banruo Temple and went straight to the auction venue.

However, when the waiter at the door scanned the invitation card with his spiritual sense, he obviously showed a bit of suspicion on his face. It was clearly written on it that it was for Banruo Temple, but the guest was not a monk.

Those who were in charge of the reception were all inner disciples of Tiandaozong, and they treated Yuanying monks with extra courtesy. After a while, their complexions returned to normal and they led them directly to the venue without saying a word.

Several auctions in Tiandaofang City were held on different occasions at the same time. It is said that there are not a few Nascent Soul monks who have received invitations. In Yi Tian's view, it is just to suppress the situation.With so many Nascent Soul cultivators visiting, presumably those disciples from the big sects at the mid-level and low-level auctions will be restrained.

In order not to reveal his identity, Yi Tian created a disguise mask for himself during the month of waiting. He heard from Monk Huitong that usually those Nascent Soul cultivators who practice casually would do this.

Although he has just arrived in Zhongzhou and is famous outside, he must know quite a few people.In addition, Qian Lingyuan must have remembered his honor in his heart after the encounter when Qian Lingyuan went to southern Xinjiang many years ago. Afterwards, he would become a target of public criticism in Zhongzhou.

Entering the inner room, I saw that seven or eight Nascent Soul monks had already arrived, waiting quietly for the opening ceremony in their seats, and what's more, several of them got together in private and started to communicate.It would be considered extremely impolite to probe the other party with his spiritual sense in such an occasion, so Yi Tian could only scan everyone present with his eyes.

Most of the participating monks were only at the initial stage of Yuanying, and none of them wore masks to hide their faces more or less.

Based on the surrounding spiritual pressure fluctuations, Yi Tian found that there were only two Nascent Soul mid-stage monks, one of whom was a female cultivator with a bamboo hat on her head, and the veil hanging around her completely cut off her spiritual consciousness.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't think about it, he just found an empty seat, then sat down silently and waited for the start.In less than half a moment, three people came out of another passageway, the leader was dressed in the Qianling School costume, and his face showed his true face.

Yi Tian was taken aback when he saw it. The person who came was Shi Ningjun who had fought against him. He hadn't seen him for nearly 200 years. Unexpectedly, he also advanced to the mid-term, but he was several hundred years older than himself. The potential of this life is almost exhausted.

Obviously, the three people who came were all prominent figures in Zhongzhou's famous sect, and everyone present stopped immediately and then stepped forward to greet them one by one.

Yi Tian saw Shi Ningjun replying to everyone one by one and turned his head to sweep his eyes away. When he saw the female cultivator wearing a bamboo hat, his brows were obviously tightened, and his eyes stayed on himself for a while. On the surface, there was a bit of suspicion.

After a while, he slowly walked forward and asked, "Have we met this fellow Taoist?"

In his heart, he secretly said, "It's going to be a bad thing", I'm afraid that the impression left on him after the fight was too deep, Yi Tian slowly got up and cupped his hands and said: "I have never seen a casual cultivator of Yehe in Xiaxianyun, I'm afraid it's a fellow Taoist who admitted his mistake. "

When Shi Ningjun hit a soft nail, he casually said a few perfunctory words and then led the two people behind him to find a few seats in the front row and sit down.

After a while, the host of Tiandaozong came forward to announce the start of the auction. The first is the auction of fixed goods.Yi Tian sat on the seat and held the catalog of this auction in his hand. After scanning his eyes, he stopped on the inner alchemy of the transformed monster.

After reading the description, this inner alchemy was obtained by a monk of Tiandaozong after beheading a monster in Beiyuan. Because the opponent is a monster of water and wood attributes, it is used to refine elixir or for monks of water and wood attributes to improve their cultivation base. No problem.

Thinking that this transformation monster inner alchemy is the main thing needed to refine the transformation shape pill. What I got before were all six-level monsters, and even the monster dragon back then didn't pass through to level seven. Transformation robbery, even if there is an inner alchemy, it cannot be used as medicine.

After the auction began, the monks present also bid for the auction. After a few rounds, the host's voice sounded: "One of the sixth-level peak-shaped monster inner alchemy needs a sixth-level high-level spiritual weapon In order to exchange, at the very least, a level [-] mid-level spirit weapon is required.”

In a barter-for-item auction like this, usually treasures would be exchanged for a spirit tool of the next level to show fairness, but this time it was obvious that the owner wanted to sell in a hurry, so a two-level refund was acceptable.

Without even thinking about it, Yi Tian said directly, "A sixth-level high-level spirit sword," then turned his hand and directly took out a red spirit sword.This Yanlong sword was obtained from the horns, scales and part of the dragon bones of the double-headed demon dragon when it was sacrificed back then. Enclosing the Dragon Soul may not be able to go further.

All the people present turned their gazes over in an instant, and many of them even directly swiped their divine sense on the Flame Dragon Sword a few times before whispering to each other.

Suddenly, Shi Ning Jun who was standing in front asked, "I see that the spirit sword in the hands of fellow Taoists has not been refined yet, and it seems that it still lacks a little charm."

Yi Tian sneered and replied: "Master and Daoist really have bright eyes. This sword is named Yanlong. It is made from dragon horns, dragon scales and keel as precious materials mixed with mysterious crystals. I can't find the dragon soul to seal it. That's why it looks like it's missing a god."

"Then the spirit weapon, Fellow Daoist, is not yet finished," said the female cultivator in the front row who was wearing a bamboo hat.

Yi Tian replied lightly: "That's true, if the level of this sword can be raised after enclosing the Dragon Soul."

"I wonder if other beast souls are available?" the female cultivator continued to ask.

"As long as it is the true soul of the wood, fire, and earth three-line spirit beast, and the original attributes of the true soul can be preserved to the maximum extent after being sealed."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Shining Jun interject: "Hao Ji, you are not being violent, and you have no sword cultivator in the Acacia Sect, so why come to this muddy water."

"You Qianlingzong started as a sword cultivator, and when you see good things, you want to keep them for yourself. Don't forget that Tiandaozong also has sword cultivators." Hao Ji shouted coquettishly and turned to everyone: "The purpose of the auction is to price The taller wins, don't overwhelm others with power."

After sitting down for a while, everyone also whispered to each other.

(End of this chapter)

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