
Chapter 580 Enter

Chapter 580 Enter
Facing the three people's proposals in mid-air outside Lanyunjian, Yi Tian thought about it for a while, then stretched out his right hand and slowly took off the mask, and then said slowly: "I'm going to fire Chilian, originally from the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect. Disciple", Shaoqing showed a sallow face.

After glancing at the three people, only Shi Ningjun showed a little disappointment on his face, while the other two looked at them without changing their expressions and did not make any other movements.

At the moment, I am secretly glad that I have taken the time to study the Thousand Faces Technique in the past few years. Although it may be seen through by some pupil techniques, as long as it is combined with the "Thousand Faces Illusion" spiritual weapon that I refined, it will be safe.

And this time pretending to be the name of Huo Chi Lian is also a helpless move, but the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect has existed in Zhongzhou for hundreds of years, and I believe that the few people in front of them have also heard of those direct disciples.

On the way to the rendezvous this time, Yi Tian first performed the Thousand Faces Technique, and then put a layer of 'Thousand Faces' as thin as a cicada's wings on his face, and then put on a mask outside, so three layers of protection unless it is extremely Only those who are close to him may find some clues from his breath.

As for the three people in front of them are just casual acquaintances, I believe there will be no flaws in the determination when they meet for the second time.

Sure enough, after Haoji looked at it later, a little joy appeared on her face, and then she said: "Since fellow Taoist Huo has shown his true colors, let me tell you about the goal of this time, so that everyone can clarify their respective divisions of labor. , and then we can cooperate well with each other.”

Yi Tian asked lightly: "I don't know what is so strange about the Huoyun Cave, I have never found a similar record in the Zongmen classics."

Hao Ji smiled and said: "The origin of this place is not recorded in the ancient books of your Qiankun Yuhuo Sect. It is a coincidence that you got a fragment of an ancient book in the past year, which recorded that the Lihuo Sect was in the Zhongzhou Continent. There are several sealing points, all of which are used as trials for the disciples under the sect."

After hearing this, Du Ziheng frowned and asked: "Could it be that the Huoyun Cave in Lanyunjian is one of them, but what will be in these sealing points?"

"Since it is a trial site, there must be some obstacles, but there will also be corresponding treasures and materials," Hao Ji replied.

Shi Ningjun also asked: "Then how can we prove that this place is specially used for the trial of Yuanying disciples of Lihuo Sect? If it is for those Jindan disciples, wouldn't we be overqualified?"

After hearing this, Hao Ji smiled and said: "Definitely not, because I have surveyed the periphery of the Huoyun Cave, and the restrictions in it are definitely not something that Golden Core cultivators can break."

After speaking, he turned to look at Du Ziheng and Yi Tian with a pair of winking eyes, and said, "This time we have to rely on the help of the two of you, with the help of Daoist Du and fellow Daoist Huo, they will be able to easily break the ban outside Huoyun Cave. "

Hearing this, Yi Tian turned his head and glanced at Du Ziheng a few times, thinking in his heart that he did not expect this person to be a formation mage, and believed that his attainments would never be worse than his own.

After a while, the four of them counted together in the air, and under the leadership of Hao Ji, they went straight into the thick fog of Lanyunjian below.

Fortunately, this place is not as isolated from the abyss and swamps. Yi Tian extended his consciousness unscrupulously and explored Lanyunjian for a hundred miles. Later, he saw Haoji on the edge of a certain cliff in the middle of the mountain. He stopped, and later took out a simple token in his hand to activate it. After that, a ray of spiritual light directly shone on a stone tablet on a cliff.

After a moment of shaking, the mountain parted directly to reveal a small path, along the stone steps of the path, a two-foot-high stone wall appeared in the distance, and the word "Fire Cloud Cave" was written.

I saw Hao Ji put away the token and landed directly on the mountain path, and then walked quickly along this road.Seeing this, Yi Tian and the three followed suit and started walking from the entrance of the trail to Huoyun Cave.

Later, Yi Tiancai realized that it was definitely not the first time for Haoji to come here. The path looked ordinary, but there was an inscription formation engraved on the stone steps, and people walking on it felt very heavy.

Fortunately, all of this is nothing to the Nascent Soul cultivator, and it can be resolved with a little luck. If a Jindan stage monk breaks in, it is estimated that half of the distance will not be covered. It is used for the trial of Yuanying stage disciples.

Four people lined up, and Hao Ji led the way towards the entrance of the Huoyun Cave. Although Yi Tian was the last one, he found that Hao Ji in front slowed down after a moment, while Shi Ningjun and Du Ziheng The frequency of spiritual pressure fluctuations around the two of them also gradually increased.

After feeling contemptuous in his heart, Yi Tian followed suit and began to exercise his skills to resist gravity, keeping a distance from the three people in front and following at a constant speed.

An hour later, the four of them finally stepped out of the last step, and the heavy responsibility on their bodies disappeared in an instant.After a little breath adjustment, Hao Ji walked to the stone gate of Huoyun Cave, took out the token again and injected spiritual power.

In an instant, a white light shot from it and directly hit the stone gate, and then a formation pattern appeared on the stone wall, but no matter how Hao Ji pushed the token, the formation pattern did not change, and the stone wall remained motionless.

After a few tries, Hao Ji stopped and said to Du Ziheng and Yi Tian, ​​"Let's see how to break through the organ array?"

Du Ziheng's consciousness swept the stone wall a few times, and then he frowned and said: "This is the formation pattern inscribed in the spiritual world. If you want to break the formation, you must have the key in hand and the corresponding exercises to activate it. "After speaking, he swept his eyes over the token.

After Yi Tian heard this, although there were no ups and downs on his face, he was secretly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that Du Ziheng had also studied the spiritual world literature, and he could see the clues above at a glance, which seemed to be quite accomplished.

After feeling the gaze cast on him, Yi Tian also slowly stepped forward and said, "So let me try."

With joy on Haoji's face, she gently pushed the token in her hand and handed it over. Yi Tian stretched out his right hand to catch it and glanced at it. The front of the token is the sect of the Lihuo Sect mark, and behind it is a sentence written in spiritual script.

Playing with it in my hand for a while, suddenly a red Xuanyang real fire was sacrificed and directly wrapped the token, and within three breaths a fire flashed from it to the stone wall formation.Driven by the flames, the spirit world pattern formation on the formation suddenly flashed a dazzling white light.

After being activated, the formation began to spin slowly, and a white vortex suddenly appeared in the middle of the stone wall, and slowly became bigger and bigger until it expanded to a size of five feet before stopping.

Yi Tian shouted: "Don't you all go in?"

After the three people on one side had a close relationship with each other, Hao Ji took the lead and stepped into the light gate first, and then Shi Ningjun and Du Ziheng followed in without any haste, and when the figures of the three had all entered the light gate After that, Yi Tian put away the token in his hand and stepped in with his feet.

After the four people disappeared, the light gate did not disappear. A moment later, a black light and a golden light flew from the sky above Lan Yunjian and entered the thick fog one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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