
Chapter 581

Chapter 581
Huoyun Cave is actually a large Sumeru space opened up by the ancestor of Lihuo. As soon as he entered the cave, Yi Tian felt that the fire aura here is extremely strong, which is indeed a rare cultivation treasure for Lihuo sect monks.

Seeing the other three people discussing something on the side, listening to their words, it seems that there is some disagreement about the next action.Yi Tian walked forward without any hesitation and asked, "How do you guys want to investigate?"

Hao Ji turned and said: "This concubine is not discussing with Fellow Daoist Du, it's just that there are many forked roads here, if we act together, we can help a little more, but this cave also has a time limit, we can only stay here for a while Three days, when the time is up, it will be sent out automatically."

So Yi Tian looked at Du Ziheng, only to see him express his opinion: "We don't know how big the Huoyun Cave is, so we won't hinder each other when we explore separately. Even if we find any treasures, we don't have to worry about how to divide them up." gone."

This is also reasonable. Yi Tian looked at Shi Ningjun again, and it seemed that he also agreed to search separately, so he coughed lightly and said: "Since everyone's opinions disagree, why don't we find our own way to explore?"

Seeing that Hao Ji had no choice but to nod and agreed, Du Ziheng found a fork and walked in without saying a word, and Shi Ningjun followed closely behind into the passage on the other side.

After the two left, Haoji was about to leave, and suddenly Yi Tian's voice came from her ear: "If you want to, fellow Taoist, why don't you go all the way."

Hao Ji frowned, with an uncertain look on her face, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "Since Fellow Daoist Huo agrees with Du Ziheng's proposal, why do you think of walking with my concubine again?"

In fact, Yi Tian also had a lot of doubts in his mind, and he wanted to ask Hao Ji about this, so without two people disturbing him, he can definitely beat Hao Ji one-on-one.

After thinking about it, her lips moved again, after hearing this, Hao Ji thought about it and sighed, then took out the fragmented page of the Li Huo Sect's jade slip and handed it over.

After receiving the jade slip, he scanned it with his spiritual sense, only to find that most of it was written in Tianlan Continent, and the content was consistent with what Hao Ji said.There is a page at the end that is written in spiritual script. After reading the above records, Yi Tian suddenly felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

The description in this paragraph is not detailed, and there are some missing parts at the end. After reading it, I found out that the Huoyun Cave still suppressed the beasts that were brought down from the lower realm by the demon vanguard officer Slaughter, but the last paragraph is blurred It is impossible to know what it is at all.

But Yitian looked back and thought about it, and couldn't help but feel relieved, even if the slaughter himself fell into his own hands, why should he be afraid of his beast? After thinking about it, he turned around and told Haoji what was recorded here.

After hearing this, the latter finally showed a little joy on his face and said: "So we might as well go on the road together. Even if we find the riding beast, we can try to subdue it. No matter how bad it is, we can retreat completely."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian readily agreed, and the two found a passage and walked in quickly.

The passages in Huoyun Cave extend in all directions, like sitting in an underground maze, but this is not easy. As the concentration of fire elements in the air gradually increases, the two of them passed through the passages and came to an empty stone room. middle.

There is a radius of about ten feet here, and there is a stone tablet in the middle with some inscriptions engraved on it.Yi Tian walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand and performed a cleaning technique to sweep away the dust on the inscription, and then read according to the words on it.

Seeing this, Hao Ji scanned the inscription with her spiritual sense, but most of it recorded the past history of Li Huozong, but she was not interested in it at all.

Suddenly a strong spiritual pressure wave came from the passage behind, and it was getting closer and closer, and within ten breaths, they could reach the stone room where the two were.

After searching with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian asked Hao Ji with a full face of doubts: "Fellow Daoist, did you invite other people to come? The person who came here is obviously a monk of your level."

Hao Ji was also taken aback, and after realizing it, she replied suspiciously: "Impossible, I only invited three comrades this time, could it be the helpers invited by Du Ziheng and Shi Ningjun."

After saying that, his expression tightened, the wave of spiritual pressure was close at hand, and a golden light flashed from the side passage in an instant, and after the light faded, a bald monk appeared.

Hao Ji shouted in surprise: "Why are you, Monk Wuchen?"

Yi Tian took advantage of the situation and looked that it was really him, thinking in his heart that the monk Wuchen was chasing the monster, why did he appear here? It is hard to imagine that Yi Tian's face suddenly became extremely ugly thinking of this place.

Looking back, it's not surprising that since there is the slaughtered beast here, the monster should be able to sense it too.

Seeing Wuchen put his hands together on his chest for ten years and sounded the Buddha's name, he asked, "Fellow Daoist Haoji has been here for many years, so you will be fine."

"What's the matter, you people in Banruo Temple are always so hesitant, how did you follow us into Huoyun Cave?" Hao Ji said impatiently.

"It wasn't a mistake, it was some kind of monster that suddenly sensed some kind of magic source and then changed direction to lead the poor monk here," Wuchen replied.

Yi Tian had the bottom line in his heart and asked directly without talking nonsense: "Has the master lost that demon?"

The astonishment on Wu Chen's face flashed when he heard this voice, then he turned around and said, "I am really grateful for helping the poor monk to surround and capture that monster."

After hearing this, Hao Ji frowned and said, "Friend Huo, you believe Monk Wuchen's one-sided words so easily, don't you want to verify it?"

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "It's okay, I have worked with Master Wuchen before, and I can trust him as a person."

"So let's search for it quickly. If the monster finds the source of the magic first, it will be unimaginable." After finishing speaking, Wu Chen took out a small golden flag and held it in his hand. After a few laps, it flew directly towards a passage.

With a sound of '嗖', Monk Wuchen used his escape technique to follow up immediately, and Yi Tian chased after seeing it.

Seeing this, Hao Ji shook her head helplessly and had no choice but to follow closely. Shaoqing also asked quietly via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Huo, do you know the details of that demon species, why did it break into this Huoyun cave?"

"It is estimated that there is something in the Huoyun Cave that attracts him. Anyway, this decision is definitely not a good thing. I am afraid that we will face a monk-like creature in the late Nascent Soul stage this time," Yi Tian sighed. He replied in a tone.

This seemingly intertwined passage has no direction, but under the leadership of the Jialan pennant, the three of them passed through the cobweb-like maze in a short period of time and came directly to a three-way intersection.

(End of this chapter)

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