
Chapter 582 Desperate

Chapter 582 Desperate
Followed Wuchen and stayed at the three-way intersection for a while, looking at the three roads in front of him, Wuchen thought quietly for a while, then put his hands on the Naga blue pennant, and then directly placed the pennant in the middle and left passageway respectively I stayed for a while, but it seemed that I was not sure which way to go.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped forward and said, "Master, is there any other way to find out the whereabouts of that monster?"

Wuchen felt annoyed for a while after losing that monster, but in this cobweb-like labyrinth passage, he could only get this far with the guidance of the spiritual weapon.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "I don't know if the benefactor has ever known whether there are remnants of the demon clan suppressed here in the depths of Huoyun Cave?"

This is the key point of the question. Yi Tian immediately described the description in the spirit world text, only to see that the Wuchen monk's face tightened immediately, and he secretly asked directly: "Master, do you know if there is anything in it?" Strange?"

Wuchen sighed before replying: "The poor monk has been tracking this monster for many years and found that its true magic energy has been consumed a lot. It seems that he urgently needs to replenish the magic power."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the three-way road and continued: "The monster's body is just a human monk's body, so it is difficult to display its true strength for a while. If it finds the monster's riding beast and fuses it into one, its strength will skyrocket. Then only I am afraid that relying on the Jialan pennant will not be able to suppress it."

After hearing this, Hao Ji's expression changed, and she stepped forward and said, "Then why don't we chase it down quickly, if it succeeds, I'm afraid none of us will get out."

Wuchen nodded, then slowly stretched out his hands to form seals, then pointed to his ears and murmured something. After ten breaths, Lu Xiyue yelled: "The demon species seemed to be caught by something and stopped temporarily. God help me. " After speaking, he rushed in towards the road on the left, Yi Tian and Hao Ji exchanged winks and hurriedly followed behind.

The passageway was only two feet wide, and it seemed a bit crowded for two people side by side, so the three could only move forward one by one.Not long after, Yi Tian saw Wuchen in front of him suddenly stop in his footsteps, he hastily stabilized his figure behind him, and then used his spiritual sense to probe forward, and suddenly there was an incredible expression on his face.

Standing not far from the passage is the body attached by the demon. At this time, he is using both hands to keep putting the fire source stones on one side into the mouth of the grimace at the heart. It was directly chewed and swallowed.

Yi Tian saw that there was a thin layer of black magic energy attached to those fire source stones, no wonder he was attracted by the monster species, but it was not easy to absorb for a while, so he simply took the most direct way to take it orally.

In an instant, the demon species also found the three people who came to pursue it, and it laughed a few times without fear and said: "Wuchen bald donkey didn't expect you to follow here, I don't know that your Buddha power golden body How long can I protect you?" After speaking, he opened his mouth wide, and immediately spit out an incomparably pure black devil energy, which turned into several dark devil flames and attacked the three of them.

In the narrow passage, Yi Tian felt that he couldn't use it, and Wuchen in front of him also showed embarrassment. He waved the flag with one hand in front of him a few times, and a Buddha's light passed by and formed a golden mask Directly seal the passage in front of you.

The black magic flames hit the mask and were bounced away one after another, but Wuchen's face turned pale with shock: "It's a trick," just as he finished speaking, he saw that the passage ahead had collapsed. Those black magic flames After smashing the surrounding stone walls, the front passage was instantly blocked.

At this moment, Wuchen's expression became urgent and he clenched his fists with both hands and swung them out again and again. Several golden lights directly hit the blocking rock and shook the entire passage several times.

After the dust in front cleared away, the monster had long since disappeared.

Wu Chen said in a deep voice: "Hurry up and you shouldn't be far away," he jumped up and chased after him.

Yi Tian didn't say much and followed directly, but just picked up one of the fire source stones on the ground and looked at it while walking.The surface of these fire source stones is covered with a layer of faint black awn, like a layer of magic energy, and the inside is still full of fire spirit power.

In a blink of an eye, Yi Tian was very puzzled when he thought of the way the demons devoured the fire source stones. Even if these fire source stones were absorbed directly by himself, he would not dare to ingest too much at one time. The fire spiritual power directly exploded the meridians.

But this demon species seems to be devouring it in large quantities without any scruples. No matter how powerful the demonized body is, it is still based on Lu Linsheng's mortal body, which is essentially different from the massacre's body.

Quietly transmitted the sound to Tong Wuchen who had the doubts in his heart, and the latter also frowned after hearing this, but couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

Suddenly, the Jialan pennant leading ahead changed, and the Buddha's light on the spiritual weapon suddenly shone violently.Wu Chen was overjoyed when he saw it, and said, "It's locked and it's not far ahead. Be careful this time and don't let it escape."

After speaking, the spiritual power in the whole body quickly circulated and the speed increased sharply. After Yi Tian and Hao Ji glanced at each other and did not show weakness, they speeded up to keep up. After ten breaths, the three of them rushed into an empty grotto.

After arriving, the three of them dispersed one after another and surrounded the monster from three directions, but at this time, the monster had no fear on its face. After seeing the arrival of the three, they just laughed a few times, and then stretched out their hands to sacrifice. Several balls of magic flames were condensed in the palm of the hand, ready to go.

Yi Tian scanned the environment with his spiritual sense and found that this place turned out to be a dead end. This place should be the deepest part of the Huoyun Cave. The entire cave has a radius of about a hundred feet and a height of about three feet.

Unexpectedly, there is such a cave in the depths of Lanyunjian Huoyun Cave, surrounded by fire source stones, and the temperature in the entire cave is extremely high, as if it is above the magma layer.

But the monster in front of him didn't show any fear even if he was killed by Juelu. On the contrary, his calm expression made people feel very uncomfortable.

Behind him is a stone wall with a huge portrait depicting a group of one-horned war horses.After Yi Tian glanced at it, he suddenly shouted: "This is the sealed magic general riding beast."

After hearing this, Wuchen and Haoji glanced at the mural at the same time, and then showed extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

On the contrary, there was a relentless expression on the face of the demon species, and then suddenly he waved his hands and directly ejected a few magic flames from his hands.After learning the previous lesson, the three also dealt with it separately, and began to fight back with spiritual weapons and spells in their hands.

Yi Tian raised his right hand and directly took out the Taiyuan Sword, and after forming seals with his hands, he condensed the sword light into silk and turned it into thousands of rays of light, and stabbed at the demon seed.

Haoji on the side had a strange look in her eyes when she saw it, but she didn't stop taking out a five-inch purple hairpin from the back of her bun, flicked it, and it became more than a foot long, and then directly sacrificed it. Because a ray of purple light directly attacked the monster.

(End of this chapter)

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