
Chapter 583 Escape

Chapter 583 Escape
In the deepest part of Huoyun Cave, the three of them finally found the trace of the demon species after a lot of tracking. At this time, under the favorable conditions of the three of them encircling, Wuchen didn't hold back his hands. Attack the monster head-on.

I only heard a few sounds of 'boom boom boom' and the spells of the three of them hit the protective cover of that demon species at the same time, and the flames immediately scattered those magic flames.Later, the black protective cover was broken by three spells like paper, and hit the monster's body directly.

It's just that this time Yi Tian and the three of them all showed doubts on their faces, and suddenly Wuchen exclaimed: "It's not easy to fall into the trap."

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of black fire snakes appeared from the body of the monster, and after the three spells pierced through his body, they directly attacked the mural with undiminished power.

A faint white light shines from the stone wall and instantly forms a protective cover. After the three spells are concentrated, the entire protective cover shakes violently.

Yi Tian noticed that the one-horned warhorse that was stationary on the mural seemed to have moved slightly, but at this time, most of the monstrous flames on the demon seed were attacking the stone wall behind, and the flickering protective cover After the breakdown, hundreds of traces were left on the stone wall.

After the protective cover was penetrated, the one-horned horse on the stone wall seemed to move a few more times, but it couldn't escape no matter what.There seemed to be a string of red inscriptions shining on the head and neck of the one-horned warhorse, and the three of them looked carefully, and it seemed that there was another inscription seal that was tightly restraining the one-horned warhorse.

Wuchen saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart, stretched out his hand and hurriedly grasped the Jialan pennant and waved it, and the recitation of the Buddha's name became more and more hurried in the air.Under the urging of the Buddha's light, the Jialan pennant flashed a beam of golden light and hit the body of the demon species accurately.

With a 'click' sound, golden light suddenly shot out from the demon's body, and then the demon's flesh and blood body seemed to disintegrate from the inside, and the black demon energy on his body was being continuously eroded and purified by the golden Buddha's light.

It's just that when the golden Buddha's light extended to the heart of the body, it was blocked by a black-red magic flame, and it was the most difficult to get an inch.

A piece of black flesh protruded from the chest and seemed to be detached from the body. After three breaths, a fist-sized black heart broke through the ribs and burst out from the back.As soon as he heard a bewildered sound, his heart slammed into the stone wall behind him, and in an instant, the piece of flesh and blood melted directly into the stone wall.

Then the place on the stone wall that was originally destroyed by the black magic flame recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. A black light began to spread from the place where the heart merged. After a black light wave passed, the color of the entire seal changed from white to black. And the surface of the seal became intact again.

Wuchen's face sank and he hurried forward to stare at the mural, looked at it again and again, and then sighed: "It's really a failure, this demon deliberately lured us to destroy the sealing protection here, and then Resolutely abandon the original body and directly board in the body of this sealed beast."

Hao Ji also stepped forward and stretched out her hand again to sacrifice the hairpin, which turned into a sharp cone and stabbed at the seal. After trying a few times, all the spells were resisted. After a while, she glanced at the stone wall and asked : "What do you think of such a dust-free monk?"

"The poor monk doesn't know what to do next. There seems to be a powerful seal on this stone wall. Although it is very old, it may not be possible to break it with our strength by visually extracting the underground spiritual veins." sighed.

Yi Tian checked the inscriptions on the stone wall and found that they were all seals written in spiritual script. He waved a spell at random, and a faint black glow appeared on the seal, directly resisting the incoming spells.It seems that this kind of demon should have completely controlled the control of the seal, and it is very difficult to break the seal by extracting the power of the spiritual veins to maintain the seal.

Wu Chen at the side sighed softly and said, "I never thought that this monster would be so cunning that it could sneak into this seal."

"It seems that the seal in front of me has now become its guardian. I don't know what to do next?" Hao Ji asked.

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Chen directly held the Jialan pennant and walked to the stone wall and sat down cross-legged. After making several seals with both hands, he nodded to the Jialan pennant a few times.

After three breaths, a vast Buddha light slowly flashed from the Jialan pennant, illuminating the interior of the cave like daytime, and when the golden Buddha light hit the seal, the originally black magic energy began to shrink sharply until the scope was reduced to The figure of the beast rider stopped at the edge.

So far, the Buddha's light of the Jialan pennant could not go any further, and the magic energy and Buddha's light seemed to be in balance at this time, and they couldn't move forward an inch.

Then Wuchen took out a jade slip and started to write quickly. After ten breaths, he turned around and handed the jade slip to Yi Tiandao: "The poor monk is here to guard the demon seed to prevent it from slipping out. Please help the benefactor to go to the Prajna Temple. Hand over this jade slip to Senior Brother Wu Yin, the head abbot."

After taking the jade slip, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "What if the monster suddenly becomes a master after we leave? As far as I know, the seal was originally the slaughtered beast. If the monster fused After riding the beast, the strength is bound to be greatly improved, and it is unknown how the master will respond under the ups and downs."

"The benefactor is too worried. With the protection of the Jialan pennant, the monster will not be able to harm the poor monk at all," Wuchen said with a smile.

But Yi Tian saw a trace of worry inadvertently flashing across Wu Chen's face, he was stunned and thought to himself that it seems that Master Wu Chen is not fully sure, these words are just to stabilize us.

Later, some voices came from the passage on the side. Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to find out that it was Du Ziheng and Shi Ningjun who had heard the news.

After everyone gathered at the bottom of the cave, Hao Ji explained the previous incident in detail, and the two of them also showed a little horror on their faces after hearing this.

Obviously these two people are also familiar with Wuchen, and after hearing the news, they went forward to have a conversation, and their faces showed a bit of strangeness.After checking the stone wall, the five people discussed that Master Wuchen would sit here for the time being, and the rest of them went back to the sect to find a solution.

Two hours later, Du Ziheng and Shi Ningjun bid farewell in the midair of Lanyunjian, and hurried back to the sect.When Yi Tian was about to set off, Hao Ji suddenly asked: "Fellow Daoist Huo, go slowly, but I still have some questions to ask fellow Daoist for confirmation?"

Yi Tian frowned suddenly, the person he didn't want to face the last time was her, all the frequent attacks in Huoyun Cave just now were all the direct-handed skills of Qianlingzong, I believe Haoji should be able to tell at a glance.

And when I opened the Huoyun Cave, I used Lihuozong's exercises, so if I paid a little attention, I would see some clues.

At that moment, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "I don't know what advice you have for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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