
Chapter 584

Chapter 584
High above Lanyunjian, Yi Tian and Hao Ji from the Acacia Sect faced each other, but he was a little unpredictable in his mind.

First of all, the timing of Hao Ji holding her back was just right. She asked Du Ziheng and Shi Ningjun after they were far away. I became suspicious.

Sure enough, at this moment, Hao Ji looked her whole body up and down again before she said with confidence: "I don't know that you are still familiar with that Qianlingzong. That old boy is still smart, and he should be a person with a lot of background, right?"

I was really afraid of what would happen, at this time Yi Tian felt extremely regretful that he would choose to go on the same road with her, and it was a coincidence that he also ran into Monk Wuchen.But there was an unchanging sophistry on his face: "Fellow Daoist read it wrong, what I'm using is divine sword technique, not Qianlingzong's unique sword technique."

Hao Ji covered her mouth with her hand and laughed lightly: "Fellow Daoist's argument is too weak, isn't it? It's not that easy to hide."

"Oh, there is such a thing, maybe my master's lineage has something to do with that Qianlingzong," although Ke Yitian was ready to hold on even though he was exposed by the other party.

Suddenly Hao Ji changed the subject and asked: "Fellow Daoist, can you tell me about your origin, it's not uncommon for you Li Huo Sect branch to secretly learn the exercises of other families."

"Didn't I say it before, Xiahuo Chilian is the successor of Qiankun Yuhuo Sect," Yi Tian replied.

A purple halo flashed out of Hao Ji's beautiful eyes, and then she teased again: "Thousand-face Illusory Face Technique practiced to the extreme can make it impossible for monks of the same level to see the true face, but as long as you practice the pupil of true seeing, you can crack it. Didn't the boys from the Gu family tell you about this?"

In this way, it seems that the other party has seen through his details early on, but the ancient family of the Qianling Sect just mentioned just now reminds him of the time when he killed the ancient masters. After getting the thousand faces, he did not investigate the details. .

But after hearing what Hao Ji said, Yi Tian didn't hide anymore, and slowly put away the thousand-faced face to reveal his true face, but said in a bad tone: "Daoist Hao Ji, do you know that exposing people's old background is not a gentleman's work?"

"I am a girl, not a gentleman," Hao Ji continued, "When Huo Chilian escaped from Zhongzhou, he was only able to escape under the protection of my Acacia Sect. I don’t know how it is now.”

Hearing this, Yi Tiancai finally understood that Hao Ji had already remembered his name with Huo Chi Lian from the very beginning, and this time he really miscalculated.However, looking at Hao Ji's appearance, it seemed that there was more to come, so she replied calmly: "Junior Brother Huo is now attacking the Nascent Soul Heavenly Moat. I believe that within 50 years, he should be able to break through the pill and become a baby."

"I know that your Li Huo sect's skills are powerful, but you may not be able to do what others can't do," Hao Ji said.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, then thought to himself, it seems that the other party was also very close to Huo Chilian back then, and he knew Li Huozong quite well.Then he said with a serious face: "I am in Xia Yitian, presumably fellow daoist stayed here on purpose because he wanted to have a few words with me, right?"

"Of course not. Back then, I protected Huo Chilian for the sake of his master. Now that he has not broken the pill and become a baby, I have to ask a fellow Taoist to do it for me." After finishing speaking, Hao Ji raised her hand with a golden light After flying out of the sleeve, it circled around her for a while and then condensed in the air.

After the golden light dissipated, a three-inch golden bell appeared inside, and Yi Tian scanned the spirit weapon with his spiritual sense, which was about a sixth-level high-grade.

On the front, there are three words 'Acacia Bell' written in spiritual script, and a set of patterns inscribed in spiritual script on all sides. At first glance, the edge of this object seems to have been broken with several gaps.

Seeing this, I finally understood in my heart that the protection of feelings back then was also conditional, and it seemed that it was hard to shirk this.But Hao Ji didn't say anything, so I might as well listen to her price and decide whether I need to help.

I saw Hao Ji gently sent the Hehuan Bell over, and then asked: "Since Daoyou Yi is Huo Chilian's senior brother, what do you think about this thing?"

After a smile at the corner of his mouth, Yi Tian slowly replied: "The material of the acacia bell is made of obsidian black iron combined with meteorite iron mixed with deep sea ice crystals. The surrounding pattern is inscribed in the spirit world. The mind method can easily make the opponents of the same level fall into the illusion. I don't know if what I said is right?"

After hearing this, Hao Ji's eyes brightened and she said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist is really amazing, just seeing this treasure for the first time can explain its material and function clearly and logically. Your Lihuo Sect's refining technique is indeed second to none in Tianlan Continent."

"Fellow Daoist, don't be too happy. It's not that easy to repair this thing. In addition to the extremely rare repair materials, you also need to mix the scraps of phoenix sycamore wood or hibiscus wood with dragon's blood to make an inscription liquid." Only then can the pattern above be completed," Yi Tian sharply pointed out several key points.

Sure enough, Hao Ji's face changed several times before she showed an embarrassed smile and said, "Let me prepare this precious material. As for the repair, please help Daoist Yi."

Yi Tian replied disdainfully: "I'm afraid it may not be possible. As far as I know, other treasures can be found with a little effort, but Fengqi sycamore or hibiscus wood are almost unique in the world today. If you want to find this It has to rely on big chance.”

Hao Ji looked distressed and said, "Can't it be replaced by other precious materials?"

"It seems that Taoist friends still know little about the inscription technique of the spiritual world. The inscriptions in the upper world must be written with immortal objects, otherwise they cannot carry their huge spiritual power and eventually lead to the loss of the spiritual weapon." Seeing that Hao Ji frowned deeply, it seemed that these words put her in a dilemma.At this time, Yi Tian sighed and continued: "Fellow Daoist, just prepare the obsidian black iron, meteorite iron and deep sea ice crystal to refine the three precious materials. As for the inscription liquid, how about I prepare it?"

Hao Ji's eyes lit up and she smiled again and said, "Then fellow daoist, can you give me a deadline and a method of communication, and I will notify you as soon as I have it all together."

Yi Tian raised his hand and took out a jade talisman and handed it to Hao Ji, saying: "I will go to the Prajna Temple to send the jade slips to pass on the book, and after the matter here, I will start to travel in Zhongzhou. As long as the Taoist friends gather all the treasures, they can send a message to me to go to heaven. How about repairing the spirit weapon in Fangshi?"

"Since Daoist Yi agreed to this, the concubine has no objection, but I don't know how much money is needed?" Hao Ji asked tentatively.

"I'll think about it then and let you know," said Yi Tian, ​​who took out a map and searched for it, then got up and said goodbye, and flew straight towards Banruo Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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