
Chapter 585

Chapter 585
There are very few Buddhist sects on Tianlan Continent, and most of them only have some small Buddhist temples in the four fields, just like the Baolian Temple in southern Xinjiang.

Only on the mainland of Zhongzhou does the Buddhist sect have a place, and the Prajna Temple is the final destination of all Buddhist practitioners.When Yi Tian met Monk Wuchen on Taihuang Mountain, he realized that his cultivation was not bad. In terms of mana power, he was almost the same as himself, but he had a profound background. The most powerful thing was that the level of mental state cultivation was higher than his cultivation.

I have heard before that the easiest way for Buddhist disciples to cross the catastrophe is the heart demon pass. It is only because the Buddha sect exercises can know the way of demons everywhere, and they also pay attention to the cultivation of the state of mind. These are the areas that I need to improve most at this stage.

This time, he came to Banruo Temple with the jade slips of monk Wuchen in hand, and he was treated very politely, and it was Wuchen's identity.Master Wuyin, the abbot of Banruo Temple, is his senior brother, and his cultivation has reached the late stage of the Buddha's heart, which is the same as the late Yuanying stage compared to the level of the cultivation world.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that he would not gain the upper hand if he fought Monk Wuchen without using Lingbao.The most helpless thing is that the information brought by King Ming's firm did not mention the strength of Banruo Temple, and there was no specific situation of Wuchen and others in it.

Thinking about it, the reason is that Banruo Temple deliberately kept a low profile in Zhongzhou mainland. These bigwigs in the Buddha Heart period also rarely showed up, so there are few people in the world who know, and there is no matching news.

It is thousands of miles away from Lanyunjian to Banruo Temple, and Yi Tian flew for several days to reach it. At this time, he was sitting cross-legged in the main hall of Banruo Temple to meditate and take a rest.

Not long after, he detected two strong spiritual pressure fluctuations walking towards the main hall in his consciousness, and he let out his breath slowly, Yi Tian opened his eyes and stood up slowly, only to see a [-]-year-old monk walking towards him.

Thinking that this person should be the abbot Master Wu Yin, Yi Tian didn't dare to be impolite and hastily stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "The younger generation Yi Tian has seen Master Wu Yin."

The old monk smiled and nodded, then waved his hand to shield the left and right acolytes, and then said kindly: "Friend Daoist Yi, please sit down."

So the two sat on the ground, Yi Tian took out the jade slip and handed it to Abbot Wuyin, saying: "This letter was entrusted by Master Wuchen to the Prajna Temple, Master, please read it, if you have any unclear information, please open your mouth .”

For no reason, he placed the jade slip on his forehead and scanned the content with his spiritual sense. During this period, his face changed several times, and he glanced at Yi Tian, ​​and finally said with deep worry: "What Junior Brother Wuchen said in his heart is very troublesome. If we don't come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible, then the strength of the monster will recover a little bit more."

Yi Tian said solemnly: "Many years ago, I fought against that monster with Master Wuchen on the top of Taihuang Mountain. Its strength is far superior to ours. If it weren't for the Buddhist secret treasure blue pennant to restrain it, we wouldn't be able to gain the upper hand Exterminate the host it lives in. For so many years, the demon species has repeatedly escaped from Master Wuchen, and it is impossible to solve it completely. I don’t know what good strategy the master has.”

Wu Yin shook his head and sighed: "The origin of that demon is extraordinary. According to the records left by the eminent monks of the Prajna Temple, its body was originally a piece of heart cut from the body of the great sage of the demon world. It was slaughtered by the vanguard of the demon race and stayed here. Realm. This thing can also be regarded as a clone of the great sage of the demon world. If it hadn’t been suppressed by the power of the interface and suppressed by Buddhist treasures such as the Jialan pennant, this world would have been eroded and demonized by it long ago. .”

It turns out that this demon species has such a history, no wonder it can easily pollute the spirit veins and convert them into demon spirit veins, and can be resurrected with the help of the slaughtered body.

This time the demon species completely abandoned Lu Linsheng's body and instead wanted to live on the demon general's riding beast. If he was completely fused by him, no one in this world might be able to control him.

Master Wuyin thought about it, then he took out a communication jade talisman and wrote a few words in it, then raised his hand to sacrifice it, the jade talisman was divided into three parts and turned into meteor-like rays of light from Prajna The main hall of the temple flew in all directions.

After finishing these things, Wu Yin turned his head and said to Yi Tian: "The old man has already summoned Cihang Jingzhai's Mrs. Miaoyin and Qianlingzong He Weiming respectively.

He and Tiandaozong Yuxiang invited them to join hands in eliminating demons, and I believe good news will come soon. "

Except for Mrs. Miaoyin, the other two had known in advance that they were the few great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage left in Zhongzhou, but they didn't expect that Cihang Jingzhai was missing from the news of Ming Wangdao.

At the moment, I am also in awe, the situation in Zhongzhou is definitely not as simple as I see it on the surface, it seems that there are some hidden forces under it, so it seems that it becomes more difficult for me to revive the Lihuozong.

However, he replied indifferently on his face: "Abbot Wuyin will preside over everything. At most, I will just wave the flag and cheer from the sidelines."

After hearing this, Abbot Wuyin didn't have much expression on his face, and later said solemnly: "Junior Brother Wuchen also mentioned in the message that the benefactor is from the direct lineage of Lihuo and also the orthodox son of King Ming. Yangshen can do this."

After Yi Tian heard this, his eyelids twitched, and it seemed that Wuchen still revealed his identity, but it's no wonder that he took the unique skill of the temple town, since he saw it, he would definitely do something.However, looking at Abbot Wuyin's appearance, he didn't seem to want to steal by chance, so he laughed and said, "I was born in the Lihuo Sect's direct lineage, and by chance, I got the mantle of the previous Ming Prince Shengzi, and then I lived in Wandao. I found the golden sun body of the Buddhist sect's secret technique in the sea area, is the master satisfied with this answer?"

Abbot Wu Yin replied with a flat face: "It turned out that it was Xuanyang Sect Master Ming Wang Shengzi in person. I really disrespected you. Sect Master Yi twice helped Junior Brother Wuchen out of righteousness. I also appreciate it."

"Oh, I thought Abbot Wuyin wanted to ask me the secret technique to get back the golden sun body of the sun crown?" Yi Tian said.

"To give or not to give is all in the suzerain's thought, to ask or not to ask the old monk thinks it is meaningless," Abbot Wu Yin replied in this way.

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be stunned, and he held back a few words after a while: "Actually, Master Wuchen mentioned it to me before, but at that time he was in a hurry to track down the monster, so he didn't There was no time to deal with this.”

After speaking, he stretched out the palm of his right hand and took out a jade slip, then gently handed it over.Abbot Wuyin took the jade slip with a serious face and read it through with his spiritual sense, and then he said with a look of joy on his face: "Thank you for your generosity, the practice that has been lost for thousands of years is back. Yuanyuan, Banruo Temple owes Sect Master Yi a great favor."

"Abbot Wuyin's words are serious. As far as I know, Lihuozong, Yunxiao Pavilion and Fozong have been friends with each other 3000 years ago. This method is discovered in the secret realm of Yunxiao Pavilion. I think the two factions are quite related." Yi Tian asked.

After putting away the jade slips, Abbot Wuyin sighed softly and said, "Sect Master Yi doesn't know that the secret technique left in the ruins of the Yunxiao Pavilion is a transcript left by the seniors of the temple before their ascension, if you hadn't set foot in it I'm afraid this technique has not yet seen the light of day, suzerain good luck."

(End of this chapter)

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