
Chapter 586 Visualization

Chapter 586 Visualization
In the forbidden Bodhi Cave of Banruo Temple, Yi Tian has been sitting cross-legged alone for two days, with a bare stone wall more than ten feet high in front of him.Before that, he handed over the Buddha sect's method of crowning the golden yang body to Abbot Wu Yin, and the latter was also very happy when he got the lost Buddhist scripture.

Yi Tian took the opportunity to express his thoughts one by one, and asked Abbot Wuyin face-to-face for the secret book "Bodhi Meditation Mantra" of the Prajna Temple.Abbot Wuyuan showed no objection to this, but just replied lightly: "All dharmas follow fate, and everything depends on the fate of the Holy Son." After speaking, he got up and led him out of the main hall of Prajna Temple.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly followed. After passing through the monk's wing and the abbot's room, the two came to the forbidden area on the back mountain of Banruo Temple.

After entering the Bodhi Cave, he walked quickly for a while and came to a stone room with a radius of [-] zhang in the depths of the cave. At this point, Master Wuyin said slowly: "This is the place where the eminent monks of the Prajna Temple have tempered their state of mind." A bare stone wall in front of him continued: "Holy Son has a predestined relationship with my Prajna Temple, so please comprehend the 'Bodhi Meditation Mantra' next time. The time limit is seven days, so please ask Holy Son Haihan."

After hearing these words, Yi Tian murmured in his heart, it would take time to cultivate feelings, but since Abbot Wu Yin spoke up, he couldn't help but know how to praise him.After thanking him, he hurriedly sat down cross-legged in front of the stone wall and began to comprehend, without even noticing when Abbot Wuyuan left.

But after two days, I just quietly looked at the stone wall in front of me and didn't have any clues, and I was a little annoyed.With some good intentions, I handed over the Buddha's sun crown golden yang body cultivation method to Prajna Temple, but I asked Abbot Wuyin for the 'Bodhi Meditation Mantra', and the other party didn't give any confirmation, but just led me to visualize it Shibi really didn't know what was wrong with it.

But in the past few days, I gradually felt a little impetuous in my heart, but I couldn't complain too much because of face.I was the only one in the entire cave with my spiritual sense, and Abbot Wuyin didn't go far, just sitting at the entrance of the Bodhi Cave as if he was protecting the Dharma for himself.

So Yi Tian couldn't complain any more, just stared at the bare stone wall in front of him in a daze.I can't help but think back to Abbot Wuyuan's appearance when he proposed to realize the "Bodhi Meditation Mantra". I don't know what it means to follow the fate.

Seeing that today was another day of returning home without success, Yi Tian sat in the stone room and looked at the stone wall in front of him, but was also speechless for a while.Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly a beam of soft lunar light slowly shone down from the top of the cave, and I said in my heart that another day has passed, and it should be almost midnight by now.

After the soft moonlight swept across the stone wall, Yi Tian didn't feel any difference at first glance, but his original irritable mood eased down.Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, I don't know if I need other Buddhist exercises to assist in practicing this 'Bodhi Meditation Mantra', it is really too hasty to come here to visualize like myself.

After thinking about it, he slowly moved his kung fu to bring out the kung fu of the golden yang body of the sun crown, and in an instant a Buddha's light flashed from the back of his head and condensed into a round sun crown, and the magic power of the whole body was continuously injected into it.

Suddenly Yi Tian looked up and saw a figure appearing on the stone wall, which slowly changed from blurred to clear after ten breaths.

That figure was exactly what he looked like now, but the difference was that his mirror image on the stone wall turned out to be one with a fierce face and a cunning face.

Yi Tian was stunned when he saw it, raised his hands slightly and shook his body, and his appearance in the stone wall also made corresponding movements, but the mirrored face looked over with an unremitting expression.

After a while, he put his hands in front of his chest and made seals in his heart. After a white light flashed, four arms stretched out from under his armpits, and two heads slowly appeared on both sides behind his ears.

After opening the six eyes on the three faces at the same time, he looked at the stone wall again, only to see that the mirror image also showed the true body of Asura with three heads and six arms.

But the difference is that the three faces above the entity are amiable, which is exactly the 'tranquil, peaceful, and wise' appearance that Qin Mingyue commented on herself back then.But looking at the image on the stone wall in a blink of an eye, it is true that its nature is revealed, and its face is full of resentment and rage.

After carefully distinguishing it, it is not difficult to see that this is the standard appearance of Asura's body, and the three faces are "cruel, murderous, and cunning".

At this point, Yi Tian suddenly understood in his heart that this stone wall is really powerful and can reveal all the dark side in the depths of people's hearts. This mirror image should be the inner demon sleeping in his heart.

Suddenly the mirror image moved strangely, and a fire flashed, and the clothes around the whole body were instantly burned by the black flames that emerged from the body surface.

In less than three breaths, I saw that the mirror image on the stone wall had all the clothes burned off, revealing a layer of dark golden skin with jet-black inscriptions all over it.

He nodded and looked at his own entity, but there was no specific change, and Yi Tian felt relieved at the moment.Before he could catch his breath, he saw the mirror image reaching out to grab him, and Yi Tian instinctively raised his hand to block it.

With a 'swish' sound, I saw my body involuntarily being drawn by the mirror image on the stone wall, and instantly submerged into the stone wall.

After bringing my feet to the ground, I realized that this place seemed to be a vast secret space, and the person standing in front of me was my blackened self.

You don't need to guess that it must be your own demons. Later on, the other party said: "Look at how you have behaved in the world over the years. Being kind to others has finally made you a mess. Why don't you deal with it in the most direct way? But everything that stands in your way can be swept away with your hands."

Yi Tian sneered and replied: "Things in the world are not as simple as you think, blindly killing will only increase resentment, and it will be difficult to convince the public."

The inner demon said disdainfully: "It's because you are kind and soft, and the strength of Lu Jinyuan is far inferior to yours. As the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, you can justify eradicating them. Why do you have to do something devious."

"What I want is people's hearts. If you kill Lu Jinyuan, can you return to Lihuozong in Zhongzhou?" Yi Tian retorted.

"What about Ming Wang Dao? You could take advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with Elder Wen Xin and Xiong Batian to uproot Di Yutian early in the morning, so why did you put him down?" said the cruel face.

"The thing about Ming Wangdao is that I promised Qin Mingyue to revive it, and the Emperor Yu Tianbu has ambitions but its strength is insufficient. After I return, it will work hard and don't need to kill them all." At this time, the left side of the main body represents peace. The head opened its mouth and replied.

"Huh, there are so many excuses. You have killed Zi Wushang, the lord of the Tianyi City, in the waters of Ten Thousand Islands. Why don't you take over Tianyi City? With your strength, these things are easy to do," said the demon on the head. The cunning side argued.

"The wise man's approach is to take only one scoop of three thousand weak waters. I killed Zi Wushang as an explanation to Qi Shanyun. If I don't take over Tianyi City, I want to maintain the balance of the Wandao sea area. It's so official that killing many birds with one stone Ji is much smarter than accepting everything," the wise side on the right side of the main body replied disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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