
Chapter 587

Chapter 587
In the pitch-black space, only Yi Tian and his inner demon confronted each other. After a heated debate, the two sides began to quarrel.This quarrel is like three people arguing with three people, but every time the heart demon raises all kinds of harsh topics, it can be refuted by the ontology.

For a while, the argument between the two on the scene gradually showed signs of escalation, and the three faces of the demon became more and more difficult to look at.Suddenly, a black flame ignited from the skin again and wrapped the body of the inner demon. After a while, a dark golden image of Asura was revealed under the condensed black flame.

Yi Tian glanced with his divine sense and saw that the body of Xinmo seemed to swell up, and at this moment the whole human figure became more than one foot tall.The three hands transformed into black sun and moon wheels and Taiyuan sword respectively, and the other three hands made frequent seals to use the spiral fire shield and ghost-faced flower vine that he was usually good at.

Seeing this posture, Yi Tian couldn't help spitting: "It seems that we still have to do it in the end," the three heads chanted separately, and they used the corona golden body all over their bodies, and their skin was faintly golden, and then The spells cast on the six golden arms unexpectedly used the same spells as the inner demons.

Suddenly, I saw the heart demon move, and after an afterimage, it flashed aside, and several spells from the six hands were cast together and attacked the main body.

Yi Tian didn't dare to take it too seriously for the first time against himself, so he hurriedly sacrificed the True Flame Armor to protect himself, and shielded himself with both hands in front of him, and at the same time cast the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel and the Shocking Sword towards his heart. Magic strike to go.

The aftermath caused by the same spell attacking each other in the air directly shook the two of them ten feet away.After turning over in the air, Yi Tian stabilized his figure, scanned the front with his divine sense, and suddenly found that the inner demon had disappeared.

Spreading out with spiritual consciousness, I couldn't find it for a while, and when I was wondering, I felt that there seemed to be the same wind coming from behind, and the three heads suddenly opened their six eyes to see the surrounding situation indiscriminately. inside.

After a spiritual pressure ripple in the air, the heart demon appeared out of nowhere on his left rear, and black flames were sacrificed from six hands at the same time, wrapping his body around his feet, and using the fire escape technique to attack his own body.

Shocked, Yi Tian also sacrificed Nanming Lihuo with the same six hands wrapped around a turn to catch the devil's hot move, and for a while in this empty space, two flames, black and white, wrestled together.

Fortunately, I have cultivated the corona golden body of the Buddhist sect to the level of Xiaocheng, and my muscles and bones are as firm as a rock after many times of torture.The dark golden fist in Heart Demon's hand smashed on his face and body several times but failed to cause substantial damage, and his six hands also smashed on the dark golden body, making a crisp sound of 'bang bang'.

After the two fiercely attacked in the air for a while, they couldn't do anything to each other, Yi Tian stepped aside and opened his mouth suddenly, holding the Haotian mirror with both hands, and muttering words in his mouth.Immediately, a white light directly landed on the heart demon, who just paused for a moment, then turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

This stunned Yi Tian. Before using the Haotian Mirror, it was always invincible. Once the opponent was hit, he would be held back, but now it doesn't work at all when used on the inner demon.

In an instant, a thought flashed through my mind. This demon is an evil thought hidden deep in my heart. It is an invisible body. The Haotian mirror can directly shoot at the monk Yuanshen Lingying, but it has no effect on the demon. After thinking about it, I hurried Put away the Haotian Mirror.

Suddenly, a wave of spiritual pressure suddenly appeared in the air not far away, and after a while, a dark figure appeared again in the empty air. This time, the demon's whole body changed obviously.

Pairs of horns grew from each of the three heads, layers of black hard armor appeared on the shoulders, and the whole body grew a bit higher than before.

In this way, his own body seems to be the size of a child in front of the demon, and the fluctuation of the opponent's spiritual pressure seems to have increased.

After the violent wind blew, the whole body of the heart demon appeared in the dark sky one after another like a ghost. There were several loud bangs, and Yi Tian's six fists intersected with the opponent's claws at an untimely time, and then began to fight hand-to-hand in the air one after another.

Although the heart demon's spiritual pressure fluctuations were three points stronger than his own, but relying on the body quenching effect of the golden yang body, even a few punches failed to cause substantial damage to him.

On the contrary, Nanming Lihuo on his body continuously assimilated the magic fire in the hands of the heart demon, and it was inextricably fought for a while.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous light flashed across the air, and a small white dot suddenly appeared on the demon's body, and then the white light began to continuously eat away at its black flames.At this time, Yi Tian couldn't help showing a gleam of light on his face. Just now, he used a trace of Nanming Lihuo to wrap a ghost face flower seed and eject it directly to Xinmo's armpit when he punched out.

Now, under the blessing of Nanming Lihuo, the true flame armor of the black magic flame was directly broken, and the seed was buried in the heart demon's body.After gaining momentum with one move, Yi Tian clenched his fists with six hands and also pursued the heart demon, and defeated the monstrous demon flames around the heart demon with a face of chasing and beating.

With a sound of 'Boom', the heart demon was shaken hundreds of feet away by continuous heavy punches, but Yi Tian's face darkened and said: "Not good", and saw the heart demon hide in the dark void again middle.

However, after three breaths, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and there was a little white light circling behind him in the dark sky.It was Nanming Lihuo attached to the ghost face flower seeds that he had planted on the heart demon.

This bright spot is as conspicuous as the twinkling stars in the dark night sky. Immediately, he flipped his hands in the air and muttered words to activate the corona behind his head, and a golden light suddenly shone in all directions from where he stood as the origin.

After the white light in the darkness was illuminated by the golden light, Yi Tian paused obviously. Seeing such a good opportunity, Yi Tian immediately activated the Fire Escape Technique with all his strength, and his whole body shot toward the location of the demon like Li Xuan's arrow. go.

The roaring thunder suddenly sounded, Yi Tian locked onto the demon's position, and then flew in front of him, and then he punched six times accurately, and crazily tilted the fist wrapped in Nanming Lihuo on the demon's body.

After a few breaths, only a 'click' sound was heard, and a crack appeared on the three heads of the demon at the same time.Then the crisp sound continued to pop out, and several small cracks extended along the body, and the huge demon's body was covered with cuts and bruises.

With a 'poof' sound, a piece of pitch-black skin fell from the body of the originally dark golden heart demon, and then a white halo emerged from it.The halo gradually leaked out along the cracked gap, and the bodies of the dark golden heart demons around it slowly disintegrated in the air.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian saw that after the overall disintegration of the heart demon, there was only a longan-like light ball left in the air, in which was a spirit body the same size as himself, and the light ball suddenly disappeared into the body in a flash.

Yi Tian opened his eyes in shock, and looked around, as if he was still sitting cross-legged in front of the stone wall, but the clothes behind him were already soaked.A ray of sunlight in the morning is now shooting in from the gap above the Bodhi Cave and shining on the stone wall inside the cave. After stretching my waist, I feel severe pain all over my body.

(End of this chapter)

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