
Chapter 588 Planning

Chapter 588 Planning
When Yi Tian walked out of the Bodhi Cave slowly, the Master Wuyin who was sitting at the door protecting the Dharma slowly opened his eyes, looked up and down carefully, and said: "Congratulations, Holy Son, for killing the demons in your heart, so you are on the way!" It’s a step forward.”

Yi Tian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to the abbot being the protector of the Dharma these days, I can practice in the Bodhi Cave with peace of mind. I just don't know the Bodhi Meditation Mantra?"

Abbot Wuyin smiled and stood up slowly, then flipped his hands over and took out a jade slip and handed it over.But he said in his mouth: "The Holy Son has a close relationship with my Buddhist sect. First, he gave away the Asura transformation method passed down by Ming Wangdao, and then toured the golden sun body classics. The re-engraved jade slips of the Meditation Mantra can be regarded as a reward from the monastery."

Picking up the jade slip and placing it on his forehead, Yi Tian silently deduced its content and found that it was indeed the untold secret of Banruo Temple.After cultivating this secret, the calamity of the heart demon at the time of crossing the catastrophe is no longer a problem, and he turned around and said respectfully: "Abbot Wu Yin's kind intentions are appreciated, and I don't know how to deal with this demon species. Is the Japanese demon species more powerful and more threatening to the major sects in Zhongzhou?"

Abbot Wuyin sighed and said: "I am very pleased that the Holy Son can take the common people as his own, but I can't remember the matter of exorcising demons. Fellow Daoists, please come here with me. This is not a place to discuss in detail."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian followed Abbot Wuyin and walked towards the apse of Banruo Temple. A moment later, the two came to the abbot's room in the temple. Monk Huiyuan was already waiting at the door.

After seeing the visitor, Huiyuan stepped forward to Jishou and saluted, "You Daoist Yi is really amazing. I didn't expect to be able to kill the demons in less than four days after entering the Bodhi Cave. This record is faster than the previous generations of eminent monks in the Prajna Temple." A lot."

"Master Huiyuan is laughing at you. The master came from the Prajna Temple and has a high level of Dharma cultivation. With the master's aptitude, he must not be much slower than this subordinate," Yi Tian looked at Huiyuan with a smile.

I haven't seen him in nearly a hundred years. His cultivation has really advanced to the early stage of the Buddha's heart, and his spiritual pressure fluctuates freely. It is obvious that he has spent a lot of hard work on his cultivation. He is much stronger than ordinary monks in the early Yuanying stage.

Abbot Wuyin coughed lightly and said: "The Son of God can see the difference in Huiyuan at a glance. My apprentice can be regarded as a talented student, but he is still half a step behind the Son of God."

Yi Tian hurriedly said that he did not dare to follow Abbot Wuyin into the room with Huiyuan. Later, the three of them sat down as guests and hosts, and Abbot Wuyin explained in detail all the preparations needed for this demon slaying.

After hearing this, the two couldn't stop nodding. It turned out that there was no reason for the fire cloud cave to slay the demons. .

Outside Lanyunjian, eight Yuanying stage monks joined forces to set up the formation, and the person in charge of the formation was Tiandaozong Du Ziheng.

Now Yi Tian could hear some clues, since those people needed to set up formation in Lanyunjian, they made it clear that they wanted to force the monster out of Huoyun Cave.It's just that it's unknown whether such a design is feasible or not, Yi Tian asked: "How can Abbot Unknown No Cause force that monster out of the seal?"

Wu Yin thought for a while and said slowly: "This time, I, Master Cihang Jingzhai Miaoyin, He Weiming of Qianlingzong, and Yu Xiang of Tiandaozong, the three of us teamed up to go deep into the bottom of Huoyun Cave, and Wuchen Wuchen five People use the technique of breaking the spirit array to break the spiritual veins of the magic array, and then try to force the demon out of the hole with the Garan pennant in hand."

Huiyuan hurriedly asked: "Should we set up an formation outside to block the way out of that monster, and then we will directly kill it under the attack from inside and outside?"

"That's right, this time Du Ziheng will set up the Tiangang Big Dipper Sealing Demon Formation, which will require the assistance of seven Nascent Soul monks. The Holy Son will also ask for your help," Abbot Wuyin said.

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons is a matter of my subordinates. This has a lot to do with my sect, and I am obliged to do so. I just don't know who the other Nascent Soul monks are. I am sensitive and don't want to face divorce prematurely." Lu Jinyuan of the Fire Sect and Qian Lingyuan of the Qianling Sect." Yi Tian slowly told the things he was worried about.

Abbot Wuyin couldn't stop nodding after hearing this, and then replied: "You can rest assured, Holy Son, He Weiming is the only one who came to Qianlingzong this time. The son always has a way to avoid his detection, after all, the son is the direct descendant of Lihuo."

Seeing that Abbot Wuyin said so, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly and continued: "You can hide your body and appearance, but this exercise is a big problem, and it is inevitable that if you don't pay attention, you will be spotted. "

Huiyuan who was on the side laughed loudly and said, "You don't need to be troubled, Daoist Yi, as long as you use the corona golden yang body to activate the exercises, surely others will only mark you as the Prajna Temple in their hearts."

With such a thought, Yi Tian felt that there was a lot to be done about this matter. Anyway, all the reasons were pushed to Abbot Wu Yin, and he believed that he would also cover this lie for himself.Then he turned to ask: "I don't know how many people are there who are cooperating with the formation?"

Abbot Wuchen said: "Du Ziheng is in the lead, and the people who are in coordination include you, the disciple, Huiyuan, Ning Jun, Shi Qianwei, Lu Jinyuan from the Lihuo sect, Haoji from the Hehuan sect, and Cihang." Jingzhai Yunmengyao. Among them, Shi Qianwei, Yunmengyao and Huiyuan are at the early stage of Yuanying or the early stage of Buddha's heart, and the other five are all at the middle stage."

Yi Tian didn't really listen to Abbot Wuyin's next words, but when he heard that Shi Qianwei would also come to join the formation, Yi Tian couldn't help being stunned.

I haven't seen her in a hundred years, and this time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, I'm afraid she will find some flaws in an oversight, and my trip to Zhongzhou will be a lot of trouble.

It seems that we should be more careful this time, and that Hao Ji practiced a special technique, I am afraid that he will be targeted early in the morning, and there will be one more person to guard against.

Afterwards, Abbot Wuyin asked Huiyuan to take Yi Tian to the reception hall of Banruo Temple to have a good rest and wait for everyone to gather together to kill demons.

Walking with Huiyuan and chatting with Yitian, I learned about Qin Mingyue's reincarnation as the little monk Zhihai.After more than a hundred years, he has cultivated to the middle stage of foundation establishment, which is not much better than what he was back then.

However, Zhihai still needs to practice the body technique of Asura Transformation, so after entering the Foundation Establishment, the progress of cultivation has obviously slowed down, but according to Huiyuan's words, Zhihai has a pure heart, and will be the best candidate for the Dharma protector of the Buddha Sect of the Prajna Temple in the future. It is the link with the Southern Xinjiang Ming Wangdao, at least that Xiong Batian still respects him very much.

Therefore, among the third-generation disciples of Banruo Temple in the future, he may be the best candidate to compete for the abbot.

For this reason, Yi Tian was also relieved when he heard it, at least he finally lived up to his promise to Qin Mingyue back then.

(End of this chapter)

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