
Chapter 589 Disguise

Chapter 589 Disguise
Yi Tian lives alone in a small attic in the reception hall of Banruo Temple, and Huiyuan also specifically asked the monks here not to disturb the distinguished guests without greeting.

Therefore, Yi Tian also spent a relatively leisurely time during this period. At this time, a layer of gathering spirit array was laid around the guest room and he sat cross-legged in the eye of the array.The three-headed and six-armed Asura dharma body appeared on the whole body, and the four hands on both sides were holding the "Bodhi Meditation Jue" and "Prajna Suffering Zen" while practicing.

The two hands on the front are covered with a ball of white Nanming Lihuo, and one hundred and eight Buddhist beads are being sacrificed under the control.This time, in order to deceive others, after discussing with Huiyuan, I decided to use the Thousand Faces Technique to transform into monks of Prajna Temple, named Master Huitian, and Huiyuan's younger brother went to set up the formation together.

Now that the identity is settled, the exercises used should be concealed a little bit.First of all, among the people I met this time was Lu Jinyuan, so I can no longer use the exercises of Lihuozong.

Secondly, Shi Ningjun and Shi Qianwei came with He Weiming, who was in the late Yuanying period of Qianlingzong, so his swordsmanship must not be used, so as not to be criticized by others.

In addition, Ming Wangdao's skills and spiritual weapons are too conspicuous, and using them will directly reveal his identity, so he can't use them.

As a result, the skills that I can use are pitifully small. Fortunately, the corona golden body of the Buddhist sect has been cultivated to the stage of Xiaocheng by myself, and the core skill of the Prajna Temple borrowed from Wen Huiyuan, "Prajna Suffering" Zen' two phases are used alternately, and then monks and Taoists merge together.

As long as it is not for those who are proficient in Buddhist exercises, it is difficult to see the flaws. This "Prajna Kuzen" technique has a magical effect. After a few days of comprehension, I found that after refining the small successes, I can actually gather around myself. The faint golden light shields all outside prying eyes.

In this way, after changing the face with the Thousand Faces Technique, I no longer have to be afraid of showing clues to monks like Hao Ji.

After having the skills, there must be a matching spiritual weapon, and the Buddha's magic weapon refined from the materials in his hand may not be able to be used smoothly.After much deliberation, it turned out that the prayer bead ritual was convenient and easy to use, and it was just right for my immediate needs.

So Yi Tian didn't waste any time during the waiting days, and directly took out several keel bones, melted them with Nanming fire, and divided them into one hundred and eight pieces of large and small.

Then it was refined into Buddhist beads of different sizes under the sacrificial refining again, and then these Buddhist beads were strung together with a slender dragon tendon.

It is inevitable that people will see the clues. In addition to performing Nanming Lihuo this time, during the sacrifice, he additionally used the technique of the golden sun body with the sun crown to motivate it.The refined Buddha beads seemed to be affected by the exercises, and a faint golden Buddha light was gradually bred on the white keel.

Even De Yitian himself didn't notice it at the beginning, but suddenly found that the color was a bit wrong after the refining was completed.After completing these preparations, he calmed down and focused his attention on the two Buddhist classics in his hand again.

In the Bodhi Cave, I cut off my inner demons and obsessions, leaving behind the first trace of spiritual thoughts and reintegrating them back into the soul.Afterwards, I obviously felt a slight difference, but I had no way to talk about it. I just saw a trace of surprise in Abbot Wuyin's eyes, but he didn't say that it was inconvenient for me to break the casserole and ask the end.

On the contrary, the way Monk Huiyuan looked at him changed a bit, and he was even a little envious even in the excitement.But when he asked about this matter, Huiyuan faltered and couldn't explain why, but muttered a few words in his mouth: "Enlighten the Buddha's heart suddenly."

It is inconvenient for Yi Tian to ask more questions, but once he picked up the Prajna Kuchan and practiced it, he felt that this technique is easy to understand, and it is not as difficult to practice as Huiyuan said.

In addition, when practicing the "Bodhi Meditation Mantra", there is peace in my heart, which is in line with the cultivation state of mind mentioned in the secret art.For a while, the two-step method was progressing rapidly under the fellow practitioners. Except for the incomplete background of Buddha power, the others are at least superficially smooth.

Only more than a month's worth of Prajna Kuzen meditation has yielded something, and when he silently practiced his skills, his body surface could slowly bloom with a half-inch-thick golden light, covering himself completely.

And Nanming Lihuo also changed accordingly, he was no longer as explosive and wanton as before, and the whole spiritual fire appeared softer and more solid.And the image of Asura Dharma body has also undergone further changes. The three sides representing tranquility, peace, and wisdom seem to be stronger than before, and the killing and hostility are gradually dispelled by Buddhism.

So far, Yi Tiancai felt the power of the Buddha sect's technique, which can also dissolve the evil spirit accumulated in his body for hundreds of years. Now, as long as he restrains the spiritual pressure and does not deliberately explore it, he is not much different from an ordinary mortal.

Now he exclaimed in his heart: "Sure enough, the Prajna Temple has been able to stand in Zhongzhou for thousands of years. There is something unique about it. After this matter is over, I have to find an opportunity to discuss Buddhism with Abbot Wu Yin."

It took about a month before they received the jade talisman letter from Abbot Wuyin, which stated that the Nascent Soul masters of the five major factions also agreed to meet in the sky above Lanyunjian three days later.

Only then did Yi Tian put away the jade talisman, stood up slowly, shook his shoulders a few times, and put away the statue of Ashura, and later took out the string of Buddhist beads and put it on the head and neck. With the appearance of Toutuo, he put on the monk robes prepared in advance, and he flew out of the reception hall in an instant surrounded by a golden light.

Bringing it to the main hall of Banruo Temple, seeing that Abbot Wuyin and Huiyuan had been waiting there, Yi Tian stepped forward and said with a solemn face: "Abbot Wuyin, Master Huiyuan has been waiting for a long time, and now I am here How do you dress up?"

Huiyuan stepped forward, glanced at him with his spiritual sense and smiled and said, "You Daoist Yi really has a deep connection with Buddhism, and in just a month or so, you have been able to cultivate the Prajna Kuchan in the monastery to such a level, if I didn't know your details, even I would I'm going to be fooled by your outfit."

Master Wuyin stared at Yi Tian for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said: "Master Yi is really amazing. If you worship my Buddhist sect early in the morning, I am afraid that your cultivation level in this life will not be inferior to the old monk. Only the founder of the temple can be with you." One is higher than the other."

After hearing this, Yi Tian hastily said: "Abbot Wuyin is serious. The younger generation just made such a bad plan out of urgency and desperation. How can it be compared with the founder of Prajna Temple. Please change your name now, so that you don't have to wait until then Show your feet."

After hearing this, Huiyuan laughed and joked: "Junior Brother Huitian, you look like a Kutoutuo, and you have a daughter-in-law at home, so you must be a wine and meat monk."

Abbot Wuyin nodded his head and said: "Okay, Huiyuan Huitian, I'll set off now, and help Wuchen to slay demons and get rid of demons." After speaking, the figure flashed and came to the sky above Prajna Temple. After the three of them boarded the boat one after another, Huiyuan controlled it and galloped towards Lanyunjian.

(End of this chapter)

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