
Chapter 590

Chapter 590
Among the well-known monks in the late Yuanying period in Zhongzhou Mainland, Yu Xiang of Tiandao Sect and He Weiming of Qianling Sect are the leaders.The two have dominated the Zhongzhou territory for nearly a thousand years, and more than half of the reason why Qianlingzong became the largest sect in Zhongzhou is that He Weiming bought Yuanying later and reached 1000 for two hundred years.

What's more, Qianlingyuan, a second great monk in the late Yuanying period, appeared in Qianlingzong a few decades ago, so his reputation as the first sect of Tianlan is well deserved.

And Yu Xiang of Tiandaozong is much younger than He Weiming, and has more potential. He is the most promising monk at this stage to break through the Nascent Soul stage.

In the eyes of outsiders, these two people are already incredible existences, but Yi Tian knows in his heart that the top monks of the Buddhist sect are no worse than them, and they are even better in terms of age and success rate of crossing the catastrophe.

Abbot Wuyin of Banruo Temple and Master Miaoyin of Cihang Jingzhai are both late-stage buddha mind practitioners, and both of them are masters who may break through the Nascent Soul and become a god.

Somehow, I feel from the bottom of my heart that these two have a higher probability of breakthrough in cultivation than Yu Xianglai. These feelings are thoughts that have gradually arisen from the bottom of my heart after I have comprehended the Prajna Kuzen.

In fact, although the Buddhist sect took a different approach, it also followed the right way, and its unique advantages had a natural restraint effect on magic cultivation or magic skills.

Two days later, the three of them arrived at the sky above Lanyunjian. After taking off the flying boat, under the leadership of Abbot Wuyin, Yi Tian and Huiyuan followed and slowly landed on a mountain outside Lanyunjian.

The visitors had already arrived, and Yi Tian had seen Du Ziheng and Hao Ji before, and now he saw a middle-aged monk beside them, with a solemn face and a Taoist crown, and his rosy complexion should be Yu Xiang from Tiandaozong.

But what I didn't expect was that Hehuan Sect would get closer to Tiandao Sect. It seems that this Zhongzhou faction is really interesting.

The other three were Shi Ningjun, Shi Qianwei, and He Weiming from the Qianling Sect. Yi Tian just glanced at them and then hurriedly looked away.Coincidentally, Shi Qianwei also looked towards this side, and after the two people's eyes met for a while, Shi Qianwei's eyes froze for a while and then returned to normal, but Xiumei frowned slightly, wondering what she was thinking.

At this moment, only a young nun in her thirties came forward slowly and said to Abbot Wu Yin, "After I received the summons from my senior brother, I hurried over and now I have cut off the five hundred miles around. "

Needless to say, this should be the Miaoyin teacher, and behind him a girl-like female cultivator also stepped forward to bow to the three of them and said: "Greetings, Senior Brother Wuyin and Senior Brother Huiyuan, I don't know this senior brother The dharma name looks familiar." When her gaze turned to Yi Tian, ​​her eyes showed a little doubt.

Abbot Wuyin suddenly said: "There is a little trifle in the Prajna Temple here that made my junior sister and fellow Taoists wait for a long time. I'm guilty of this old man. Huiyuan Huitian, you two, hurry up and meet the suzerains."

With Abbot Wuyin's introduction, Yi Tian slowly walked forward, like Huiyuan, and bowed to the monks present one by one.All the people present turned their heads and glanced at the two of them one after another, and then fixed their eyes on Yi Tian after a while.

Especially for the two big monks He Weiming and Yu Xiang, Yi Tian could feel something strange in their eyes.It's no wonder that the corona produced by my Buddhist practice is too conspicuous, and a one-foot-sized red sun circle is condensed behind my head, so I have no chance to hide my clumsiness like this.

However, there are gains and losses, and Hao Ji turned to look at it for a few times, although she showed a little strange color, but in the end she didn't find any clues.

Later, I saw Master Miaoyin staring up and down with a surprised expression on his face, and then looked up and down. After a while, his lips moved a few times, which was obviously a private voice transmission with Abbot Wuyin to inquire about his situation.

Abbot Wuyin only calmed down after a short reply, and then walked up to him and said, "Nephew Huitian has superb skills, and he has practiced the untransmitted secret of the Buddhist sect. You will be more confident in assisting us in eliminating demons."

Yi Tian hastily returned the gift and said: "Don't dare, I don't have enough cultivation, I have to rely more on the strength of my teacher and seniors in everything."

With Mrs. Miaoyin's words, I have finally determined my identity, and everyone present will no longer question it. Even if they have doubts in their hearts, they can only investigate slowly afterwards.

After Yi Tian glanced at it, he found that there seemed to be one person missing, and it seemed that Lu Jinyuan, the lord of the branch of the Lihuo Sect, was not here.Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly a red fire cloud rushed out of the mist in Lanyunjian.

You don't need to distinguish this escapism at a glance. It was Lu Jinyuan who used the fire evasion technique and flew from it. I believe he should have just gone down and surveyed the surroundings of Huoyun Cave again.

Sure enough, he flew to the top of the mountain and then jumped down to the cloud head. After putting away his real fire suit, he revealed a middle-aged scribe in a long robe.

This is the first time I have seen his real face. I have seen his projection mirror image in Lu Linsheng's communication jade charm before, but after seeing him this time, I found that his face seemed to be darker than before.

I saw him stepping forward and scanning all the people present with his spiritual sense. When his eyes passed over him, Yi Tian found that his eyelids were obviously shaking, and later he saluted Wu Yin and the others: "My lords! Cultivator, I have already brought the original formation token of Lan Yunjian, and I can disperse the dense fog here later."

Master Wuyin nodded with a smile, and then said to everyone: "So let's start now. After Fellow Daoist Lu dispels the fog, Fellow Daoist Du can start to set up the formation."

After hearing this, Du Ziheng took out a cluster of pennants, on which were embroidered the names of the Big Dipper and the Central Purple Emperor Star.He raised seven pennants with his right hand and flew out and landed in front of everyone. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took the small flag in his hand, then glanced at it with his divine sense, and saw the word 'greedy wolf' written on it.

At the moment, I was stunned, I didn't expect that Du Ziheng could really know people, and he directly gave himself the position of the first attack.

The astonishment on the faces of the few people present was also fleeting. Although they didn't know what Du Ziheng meant, since Hui Tian didn't object to it, it was decided.

I saw Lu Jinyuan took the pennant and glanced at the word "Giant Gate" written on it, his complexion unchanged, stretched out his left hand and took out a token with his right hand, typed out a formula, and then said "scatter" in his mouth, and saw the whole Lanyun A gust of wind gradually rose above the stream, blowing away the dense fog here.

After a while, the landform of Lan Yunjian was directly presented in front of everyone. Du Ziheng saw that he picked up the command flag in his hand and acted hastily.Yi Tian saw the command flag in his hand instantly turned into a white light and flew out, and after three breaths, it stayed in the sky above Lan Yunjian.Du Ziheng said in a deep voice: "Next, fellow Taoists need to protect the banner and fight together."

(End of this chapter)

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