
Chapter 591 Eliminating Demons 1

Chapter 591
After Du Ziheng set down the banner of Tiangang Beidou Fumo Formation, the other seven Nascent Soul cultivators guarded their positions. Yi Tian glanced and saw that Du Ziheng was swimming back and forth holding the banner of the Central Ziji Emperor Star Walk in the formation.

Such a way of setting up the formation made Yi Tian deeply feel that the talented people in Zhongzhou are much stronger than Dong Ao. This trick seems simple, but the formation flag held by Du Ziheng must be the position of the formation eye. With eyes that can move erratically, it is really difficult to break the formation by defeating the eyes of the formation.

Seeing that the Demon Subduing Formation was ready, the other four monks rushed into the Fire Cloud Cave under the leadership of Master Wu Yin.

Although I don't know how they plan to encircle and suppress the demons, but the four of them shot at the same time, and I believe that even the monks in the early stage of the Void Transformation Stage can't get anything cheap.

Less than half a moment later, there was a change in the entire Huoyun Cave, and the rich fire aura originally contained in the cave suddenly burst out from it.Then there were several loud noises coming from it, and it was estimated that the five people inside had teamed up to break the ban.

Sure enough, the ground of the entire Lanyunjian trembled a few times, and several cracks were broken on the mountain stream. After a while, hot flames burst out of it and instantly set the trees in the mountain stream below on fire. .

What's more, some magma slowly emerged from those cracks and flowed down the mountain along the cracks in the mountain stream.

All of a sudden, the thunderclouds gathered rapidly in the sky, and later formed a gap in the void with a diameter of [-] miles, which shocked everyone who was about to set up the formation below.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that this battle against demons had exceeded his expectations, and the demons below were forcibly broken out of the seal by everyone working together to break the ban.But its strength is undeniably strong, but looking at the catastrophe cloud above his head, he is probably a hundred times stronger than when he was crossing the catastrophe.

This kind of situation can only explain one thing, the strength of that demon species has reached the realm of transforming gods, looking at the black thunder in the thunder cloud above the head, it seems to have sensed that a monk in the realm of transforming gods in the lower realm is about to be born , It's just that I haven't found the target for a while and can't fall.

As a result, the sudden changes in this battle of eliminating demons made everyone feel very difficult.After the tribulation thunder from the sky falls, it will first attack the Tiangang Big Dipper Demon Subduing Formation that was just laid.As the monk guarding the formation flag, he was bound to be implicated. In desperation, Du Ziheng hurriedly sent a message to Yu Xiang and the others in the cave. Later, he was seen waving the command flag in his hand with a dejected expression.

Under the guidance of that formation flag, the other seven formation flags all emitted dazzling white lights, and then flew up into the air and gathered towards the place where Du Ziheng was.

Then Du Ziheng's voice transmission came from Yi Tian's ear: "Dear fellows, things have changed, and the Great Cultivator wants us to play by ear."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw billowing black devilish energy suddenly appearing from the Huoyun Cave below, and then some dark devilish energy came out of the originally red magma in the cracks in the original Lanyunjian .

After a few breaths, I saw the whole mountain trembling violently, and suddenly the highest mountain in Lanyunjian made a violent explosion sound from the inside out.Then a hundred feet long vertical crack appeared in the mountainside, and after three breaths, the crack expanded rapidly and finally divided the mountain peak into two.

In the eyes of everyone, a black figure flew straight from the cracked mountain peak to the top of the cloud, followed by five streaks of spiritual light, which escaped from the cracks of the mountain peak one after another and surrounded it.

At this time, the black robbery cloud that seemed to have found its target seemed to have found its target, and the black thunderbolts that were bred from it unexpectedly fell towards the shadow below one after another.

The five monks around had no choice but to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, and they all teleported to other places to evade.

The continuous sound of thunder resounded for a moment, during which Yi Tian saw a total of six tribulation thunders falling and directly hitting the black shadow.It's just that even so, bursts of furious roars came out of the black shadow one after another.

This time, the gap in the thunderclouds in the sky began to shrink after less than half an hour, and everyone looked terrified.Then with a roaring sound, the black demonic energy gradually receded, revealing one of the giant war horses with a human head.

The horse's head had turned into a human face, and after careful identification, it was not difficult to see that it was the grimace of that demon species. At this time, its upper body was no different from that of an ordinary person, except that the lower body still looked like a four-legged war horse.

He only heard the roar of the demon species, and then let out a fierce laugh, and shouted at the monks around: "You have fallen short, and now I have reshaped the demon's body and survived the catastrophe. It's not like it was back then. No one in this world can stop me."

After speaking, spread the ten fingers of both hands, a mass of black thunder condensed in the palm of the palm, and then raised the hands one after another, and the thunder turned into several forks, and attacked everyone in the sky in Lanyunjian.

At this time, Abbot Wuyin's voice transmission came from everyone's ears: "You wait to form an formation again quickly, even if this place is razed to the ground, this demon cannot escape from Lanyunjian."

As soon as Du Ziheng finished speaking, no joy could be seen on Du Ziheng's face, but he did not hesitate at all, he quickly formed a seal with his hands, and then nodded again towards the formation flag.

The white light cut through the gloomy sky and landed on the designated position again, and Yi Tian and others hurried back to the original position to guard the formation flag.

While Du Ziheng waved the command flag again and again, the seven nodes of the entire formation lighted up again and slowly began to operate. Suddenly, an overwhelming spiritual pressure was born out of thin air, and the spiritual energy in all directions seemed to be drawn by the seven formation flags. Quickly used it and injected it.

I only heard the demon screaming disdainfully: "The many methods of your human race are restricted by such formations, it is really despicable." After speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out several black fireballs from his mouth towards several formations. Spray away.

The five monks who were attacking all around were also shocked when they saw this. They wanted to see if they could withstand such an attack, but Shi Qianwei, Hui Yuan, Yun Mengyao and others in the early Yuan Ying period might not be able to withstand it.

Seeing this, the three big monks shot together and forcibly blocked the fireballs fired at the three of them.

At this time, Yi Tian didn't dare to hold the black fireball the size of a bucket with his own eyes. He stretched out his hands and made seals, and then cast the attack spell Tianlei Bayin that matched the corona golden sun body.

After a sound wave came out of the mouth, it directly supported the incoming fireball, and in an instant the second sound wave came out of the mouth, and directly gathered into a bunch of sonic bullets to smash the fireball in front of it.

After recovering, Yi Tian took a glance with his divine sense and found that he was the first to defuse the offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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