
Chapter 592 Eliminating Demons 2

Chapter 592

Under the siege of many monks in the sky above Lanyunjian, the demon species showed no fear at all, and besides defending against the attacks of the five monks, it was able to free up its hands to frequently attack the eight people in formation around it.

In this five-hundred-mile-square world, the concentration of spiritual energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the spells cast by human monks are even more powerful, and the spells cast by the centaur demon species are also weakened without the maintenance of magic energy. scored three points.

Under the two phases, the two sides can still maintain a tie, but the balance of victory seems to have gradually tilted towards the human race.

The joint efforts of the five great monks did not allow the demon species to have a chance to breathe. Even after the baptism of the sky thunder, the whole body was strengthened, but the continuous high-intensity attacks made the demon species exhausted.

Coupled with the blessing of the surrounding formations, gradually the five people in the middle were able to get enough spiritual power supplies, so they didn't hold back their hands and each took out their special skills.

Abbot Wuyin held the nine-ring magic staff and greeted the monster with Buddha's light. The Buddha's light seemed to have a natural restraint effect on the devil's energy and monsters, and then he succeeded repeatedly.

Master Miaoyin and Monk Wuchen also relied on the moves performed by the Buddhist sect's secret method to resolve the demon's Yin Sha, Demon Thunder and Black Demon Fire moves one by one.

As for Yu Xiang and He Weiming, although they don't have much advantage in the attributes of their skills, they can win because of their old experience and their own strength. They control their respective spirit swords to attack the weak points of the horse's body.

Not long after, under the attack of the five people, the monster's body appeared full of scars. Under the strong attack of the five people, the people who formed the formation suddenly felt the pressure was greatly reduced, and there were very few of the monster at this time. The rest of the power is used to attack the people around the formation.

Abbot Wuyin hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Du Ziheng when he saw it. After hearing this, the latter frowned slightly, then gritted his teeth and nodded.Later, he directly sent a voice transmission to the surrounding people and said: "Now that the demon species is surrounded and unable to break through the encirclement, Wucai Abbot called us to help the battle quickly. Except for the monks in the early stage of Yuanying, please all other fellow Taoists to act together."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned and immediately understood the meaning of Abbot Wu Yin. It seemed that he wanted Du Ziheng to cooperate with the other three to maintain the formation, so that the other four could free up their hands to support them.

After all, such a violent attack cannot be sustained for a long time, and if the monster is allowed to take a breather, it is unknown what more terrifying tricks it will display, and all hidden dangers must be eliminated in the bud.

Immediately after a flash of golden light all over Yi Tian's body, he rushed straight towards the central battle circle, and at the same time, the other three people did not stop at all, performed escapism, and prepared the strongest magic in their hands.

After the four of them joined Zhanquan in the center, Du Ziheng, who was at the eye of the formation, also manipulated the command flag in his hand, raised it slowly, and then shouted: "The Big Dipper of Tiangang changes the formation, and the four spirits and four phenomena are arranged around," after finishing speaking He pointed at the Naling flag again.

Immediately, the other seven command flags gathered together in twos as if they were summoned, and the groups on the banners changed immediately, and after a while, two pairs of blue dragons, white tigers, rosebirds, and basaltic beasts appeared on the eight command flags. appearance.

Du Ziheng shouted to the other three people: "We will reorganize the 'Four Spirits and Four Elephants Formation', each guarding the four gates in the southeast and northwest under the guidance of command flags." The world of the goalkeeper was once again shrouded.

Now under the blessing of the 'Four Spirits and Four Elephants Formation', everyone in the center clearly felt that the surrounding spiritual power seemed to be mobilized by the formation, but all skills with the same attributes were more than [-]% more powerful when deployed on the corresponding side.

The one who benefited the most was He Weiming's fellow teacher Ning Jun. The power of the swordsmanship displayed by the two in the area under the jurisdiction of the Western Baihumen was doubled.Even He Weiming's sword moves repeatedly pierced the horse's body of the demon species, leaving deep and visible scars on the opponent's back.

Although Yi Tian made frequent shots on the battlefield, he always used a sense of consciousness to keep a close eye on Lu Linsheng. He is also a descendant of Lihuo. It is his own fault that the opponent was able to make Lihuozong bigger in such a complicated environment in Zhongzhou. place of people.

Lu Linsheng must have chosen the Southern Vermilion Bird Gate, and the effect of the Fire Element Kung Fu performed in that area is really amazing.He took out a five-inch black token with his left hand, and blew out a trace of real fire from his mouth to envelop it.Then, under the seal of the right hand, he manipulated the token and attacked towards the front of the demon seed.

Under Lu Linsheng's control, the token flickered from one to two, and then flickered again from two to four. After several times, hundreds of fire sources were listed and attacked the monster's body.

The demon species seemed to be the most sensitive to the Buddhist sect's skills, and then the fire-type skills of the Lihuo sect caused the most serious damage to it.

The rain of fire hit the place where the demon seed was located one after another, piercing through a layer of black protective shield around him and directly attacking him.

After being hit by this sudden continuous attack, the centaur of the demon species was burned with hundreds of wounds all over his body.But after all, the other party was a demon who had survived the God Transformation Tribulation. After suffering several attacks, the demonic energy all over his body continued to emerge from his body to protect the original pitted wound, and Shaoqing returned to his original state.

It's just that the aura of the demon seed is not as strong as before. It is obvious that the two sides are now competing to see who can't hold on and fall first.

The Buddhist sect skills used by Abbot Wuyin, Monk Wuchen, and Master Miaoyin can fuse attributes, so no matter which door they are in, they can be enhanced, but the effect is not as qualitative as He Weiming and Lu Jinyuan.

Yi Tian chose to be in the Qinglongmen area in the east. Firstly, he wanted to be far away from the other monks so that his flaws would be seen. Secondly, he was closer to Monk Wuchen. There was cooperation in the past, but now they cooperate in a decent way.

Except for the eight sounds of Lei that day, Yi Tian took out the string of rosary beads hanging around his neck, poured Buddha power into it with both hands, and then slowly sacrificed the string of rosary beads, following the exercises recorded in the Prajna Kuzen Displayed Buddhist esoteric techniques.

Wu Chen on the side had already been instructed by Abbot Wu Yin to know Yi Tian's true identity, but when he saw this secret technique, he was also speechless.The Buddhist sect doesn't pay much attention to killing, so all the moves are soft means of suppressing and sealing.

But in front of him, Yi Tianming had only practiced Prajna Kuchan for less than a month, and he was able to cultivate such a secret technique, which made him look at it with admiration.Immediately, Wuchen waved his subordinates in the air with a Jialan pennant in his hand, and a golden light shot out from it directly broke through the monster's defense. When the golden light hit the monster's head, the entire giant centaur body suddenly slowed down. .

Seeing the right moment, Wuchen shouted: "Nephew Huitian quickly hit the seal on that monster."

(End of this chapter)

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