
Chapter 593 Eliminating Demons 3

Chapter 593

After Yi Tian understood, he stretched out his hands to sacrifice to the string of Buddhist beads, and saw a dazzling golden light shining from the beads in the air, and then the bead chain broke suddenly, and the one hundred and eight beads turned into golden light and shot out from the air. Surrounded the monsters.

After chanting the mantra in his mouth non-stop, Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "Feng", and saw that the Buddhist beads shot at the monster's body in volley, broke through the protection and directly sank into its body.

But after ten breaths, the demon hadn't changed at all except for its ferocious face. Just as everyone was staring at it with incredulous eyes, suddenly a Buddha's light appeared from the horse's back, and after the golden light faded away, he saw A small Sanskrit word 'Buddha' appeared on the skin.Later on, the remaining one hundred and seven golden lights gradually appeared.

At this time, Yi Tiancai's face relaxed and said to Wuchen: "I have already injected the Prajna Sealing Demon Art into his body, I believe that his strength will not reach [-]% in this way."

Wuchen replied with a knowing smile: "Master nephew is a good planner, I hope we will have the opportunity to study Buddhism together after this matter is over."

"That's what I want," Yi Tianji said first.

At this time, the demonic energy in his body was not flowing smoothly. Seeing that he was being restrained by the Buddhist exercises of the two people in front of him one after another, he couldn't help roaring loudly: "It's you two again. I didn't expect that I was restrained by you two everywhere since I escaped." , Is this God's will? I don't accept it."

After speaking, he forcibly mobilized the remaining black devil energy, as if he was going to make a final blow, and the Buddha light seal on the centaur suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.It's just that after the monster raised its hands high, it condensed a huge black thunderball above its head, and the magic energy spinning rapidly in the center seemed to tear apart the surrounding air, sending out a 'tear, tear, tear' sound in a hurry sound.

Later, I saw that the body of the centaur monster began to shrink slowly from the lower body as if deflated.

Yi Tian stared at the monster with wide eyes, but he played a series of spells after linking the seal technique in his hand to activate the sealing Buddha beads again.I saw that the centaur monster shrank smaller and smaller, and finally shrunk its lower body into a mass of black flesh.

I only heard the monster laugh a few times and said: "Don't think that you won this time, I just fell into a deep sleep again. In the future, someone will untie the seal and release me again. Don't It's too early to be happy, please accept a little gift from me first." After speaking, the grimace sank into the head and neck, and then the hands also retracted.

But at the last moment, the black thunderball above his head turned into Jiufen instantly and attacked the nine besieged people.

For a while, there was a continuous sound of thunderstorms in the dark sky again, and the thunderball came so fast that it swallowed Yi Tian and others in an instant.

Staying in the thunder ball, Yi Tian felt a black devil's energy surrounding him as if it was going to erode his spiritual power, so he immediately used his skills to open the protective cover to the maximum.

Facing the last blow of the demon seed, he naturally dare not take it too seriously. The Buddha sect's exercises are only used to deceive people's eyes and ears. In a real crisis situation, it depends on one's own true ability.

At this time, a purple spiritual flame flickered all over his body, and a piece of true flame armor was put on his body directly, and then he sealed his mouth with both hands and first used the Heavenly Thunder Eight-tone Kung Fu to force the thunderous flames around him to a distance of one foot.Then, he put his hands together in front of his chest and continuously changed Nanming Lihuo to form a spiral fire shield in his hands. In an instant, the black magic fire around him seemed to be pulled over and continuously twisted into the spiral fire shield.

In an instant, Yi Tian was stunned, and there was still a Buddha's light secretly hidden in the spell he cast, and he couldn't help secretly applauding in his heart.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that I unintentionally integrated the Buddha power in the Prajna Kuzen into Nanming Lihuo, so that the real fire containing the Buddha power will continuously purify the black flame at the same time , so the stranding speed becomes faster.

After ten breaths, I felt the pressure on my whole body was greatly reduced, so I sacrificed the golden sun body of the corona again, protected myself with a layer of faint golden light, and then put away the true flame armor.Then, after purifying most of the surrounding magic flames with the spiral fire shield in his hand, he chanted the mantra of the eight tones of heaven and thunder in his mouth one after another, and saw that the sound waves containing Buddha power gathered into a bunch and stabbed violently at the weak point of the magic flame and thunder ball. go.

In an instant, a bright light suddenly appeared, Yi Tian put away the spell in his hand, and exerted force with his feet, only to see it come out from there.After three breaths, the air outside the respiratory tract, Yi Tian slowly stabilized his figure, opened his consciousness and glanced at it.

I saw that there was already Yu Xiang at this time, and Abbot Wuyin and Master Miaoyin came out of it, but the faces of the three of them also became very exciting.Yu Xiang looked at Yi Tian with a look of surprise, but he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Abbot Wuyin slowly flew over with a smile on his face and said, "Holy Son is really powerful. I didn't expect you to be the fourth one to get out of trouble. We thought it was He Weiming."

Just as he was talking, another thunderball dissipated not far away, and He Weiming's figure appeared from it.

Yi Tian smiled and replied via voice transmission: "Abbot Wuyin has won the award, and he has taken advantage of the Prajna Temple. This Buddhist practice really restrains the black demon energy so that I can break the ban smoothly."

It didn't take long to see Monk Wuchen breaking through the magic ball with a Jialan pennant and escape, followed by Lu Jinyuan, Hao Ji also successfully broke through it, and it took half an hour for Shi Ningjun to break out of the cocoon.

When he showed up, he only saw his face in a state of embarrassment, as if he had been fished out of soup, and almost collapsed, and the spirit sword in his hand was corroded by the black magic fire, and he probably had to go back to the furnace to refine it again. Use it again.

After everyone escaped, Master Wuyin said: "You guys, that monster has been sealed by the Buddha's power at this time. In my humble opinion, I still need to find a proper place to suppress it forever."

After the monster contracted into a ball of meat, it is now floating in mid-air, but at this time the ball of black meat is covered with golden '卍' seals.

Yi Tian glanced at it and knew that it was a Buddha power seal transformed from the Buddhist beads refined by him, and it was already his best to be able to do this.

In the future, there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, this follow-up is a headache for Wu Yin and others. Thinking of this, I just stop talking and stop interjecting.

After some discussions among several big monks, Abbot Wuyin proposed to seal this monster back to the top of Taihuang Mountain again, and use the Garan pennant to permanently suppress it.

Several other big monks also agreed with this, and finally decided that Master Wuchen would personally preside over the sealing ceremony, with the assistance of Yu Xiang from Tiandaozong and Miaoyin Shitai from Cihang Jingzhai.

After arranging everything in this way, Abbot Wuyin took Huiyuan, Yi Tian and everyone to say goodbye one by one and embarked on the process of returning to Prajna Temple.

However, before leaving, Yi Tian suddenly received a voice transmission from Lu Jinyuan: "Friend Daoist is extraordinary, but he seems to have reservations, and we must communicate with each other if we have the opportunity."

At that moment, Yi Tian's heart trembled and he thought that maybe the other party saw some clues, but after thinking about it carefully, he was always cautious and did not show his flaws, and he only nodded in response for a while and then stopped talking.

However, when his eyes swept over He Weiming, his heart was shocked again, and this person seemed to be quite hostile to him in his eyes.Yi Tian wondered, could it be that he was worried about breaking the ban sooner than him, but his deep eyes made him feel very uncomfortable, and it seems that he should be more careful in the future after offending the No. [-] faction in Zhongzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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