
Chapter 595 Learned

Chapter 595 Learned
In front of the main gate of Qibaozhai in Qingling Mountain City, Yi Tian was stopped by the waiter at the gate and was about to leave with a smile at the corner of his mouth, when suddenly a voice came from his ear: "Treasurer Li is home."

Turning his head, he saw that the carriage with a face like a dragon had just arrived, and the door curtain on the carriage was slowly opened, and a twenty-eight beautiful woman in a red shirt came out of it.

Two maids in the Foundation Establishment Stage came out of the lobby of Qibaozhai and waited beside the car. The waiter at the door changed his face and shouted at Yi Tian: "You monk, retreat quickly, don't disturb me." my lord."

Yi Tian glanced at the shopkeeper Nali and frowned. It turned out that it was Li Xinlan who I had seen in the Chengshan market back then. I hadn't seen her for more than 200 years. Now her cultivation base has reached the middle stage of Jindan and she has become the big shopkeeper in charge of one side.

After getting off the dragon cart, the other party raised his head and glanced at the gate of Qibaozhai. He smiled and nodded with the maid beside him, "Let's go," but before he walked a few steps, he glanced at a 20-year-old beside him. The monk dressed as a ranger couldn't help being stunned.

Then Li Xinlan quietly called the maid beside her, whispered a few words in her ear, and then walked straight into the main hall of Qibaozhai.

Just as Yi Tian was about to leave, he suddenly saw the maid from Qibaozhai hurriedly came forward and said to him as a junior: "Senior, please come and rest in the inner hall, shopkeeper Li will come to personally receive him later. "

After shaking his head, Yi Tian's lips moved a few times, and then the maid turned around and led the way into the main hall of Qibaozhai.

After passing through the main hall, led by the maid, he came down to a unique elegant garden in the backyard. After entering the wing room, Yi Tian sat down slowly on the main seat.In less than half a minute, I heard someone outside the door hurriedly walking towards this place, and when the door opened with a 'Zhi', I saw Li Xinlan in palace attire walking in.

Li Xinlan only spoke after she dismissed the maid a little later: "Senior Yi, I haven't seen you for many years, are you okay?"

"I didn't expect you to be the big shopkeeper who sits in the town. I remember the experience of that ignorant little girl in the qi refining period back then, and those experiences are really vivid in my memory," Yi Tian joked with a smile.

Li Xinlan blushed a little shyly and said: "Senior Yi is the one who has advanced in cultivation. He achieved the initial stage of Yuanying at the age of less than three hundred years, and after a hundred years, he broke through the barriers and improved his cultivation to a higher level."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, but then he figured it out. He still underestimated Qi Baozhai's ability to collect information.After dealing with Gu Baichuan when he was in the Wandao sea area, his news must have been spread to Zhongzhou, and after returning to Dong'ao, it is difficult to think of reasons such as merging the three factions and rectifying the Yin Corpse faction.

Then he turned his head and glanced at Li Xinlan before saying: "I didn't expect your cultivation base to reach the middle stage of Golden Core. If this continues, there is hope for Nascent Soul in this life."

Li Xinlan replied with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Senior Yi, for your kind words. I don't know why seniors come to the humble house."

This question was on point, and Yi Tian was not polite at the moment and directly asked Lishuilan for a copy of the Zhongzhou Continent's information, which focused on the Zongmen's forces and the Zongmen's relics left by the Lihuo Sect back then.

After thinking for a while, Li Xinlan took out a three-point jade slip, engraved it and handed it over.Yi Tian was a little hesitant about this, and the other party didn't even mention the fee, so he asked the monk Yuanying to sign a personal favor, and Li Xinlan had a good plan.

After a little hesitation, he reached out and took out a storage bag, put in enough spirit stones, and then gently handed it over.

Li Xinlan's face was full of smiles, her little calculation was directly pierced by Yi Tian, ​​showing a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

Yi Tian was amused and didn't pay much attention to it. She just picked up a jade slip on the table and put it on her forehead to read it through with spiritual immersion.

After a while, he sighed. It seemed that the situation in Zhongzhou was more complicated than he thought.In addition to several major sects, there is also the Tianli Sect, which rose seven or eight hundred years ago, lurking in the three-way zone between Zhongzhou and Beiyuan.

There are also many casual cultivators all over the Zhongzhou Continent. Among these monks, there are more or less monks who have found the legacy of the Lihuo Sect. After obtaining the treasure, their cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and there are many who have achieved Jindan and even Nascent Soul.

And in the south of the central axis where the Lihuo Sect is entrenched, there is also a Zhengxing League formed by several sects. According to the description on the jade slip, there are three early Yuanying monks sitting in the Zhengxing League.Originally, there were three Nascent Soul cultivators from the branch of Lihuozong who were eating the Zhengxingmeng to death, but with the fall of Lu Linsheng 200 years ago, Lihuozong fell into a disadvantage against Shangzhengxingmeng.

If it weren't for the support of Lu Jinyuan, a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, the Lihuo Sect would be forced to relocate again.

In the realm of comprehension, weed out the weak and leave the strong to live in. Yi Tian asked himself that this iron law applies to any monk, even himself. Back then, he brought the five sects of monks to the Yin Corpse Sect to inquire about their crimes and forcibly forced them to leave the Hundred Ghosts Cave. ancestral land.

In Zhongzhou, the foundations are relatively stable or Qianlingzong and Tiandaozong
After knowing the specific control of the major forces in Zhongzhou, Yi Tian looked at the special treasures and elixir of Zhongzhou.He took out a jade slip and engraved all the things he liked one by one, then handed it to Li Xinlan and said: "You Lao Guizhai collects all the things on the jade slip, and I will add [-]% to the market price. of".

Li Xinlan reached out to take the jade slip and scanned the content with her spiritual sense, and then said with a cloudy expression on her face: "Senior Yi requires a variety of materials and treasures, and it will take some time It can only be transferred here. However, some of the high-level materials may not be available, so please forgive me, senior."

"It's okay, you just need to find some precious materials to trade, and I will find a way to find the missing high-level materials," Yi Tian replied lightly.

So Li Xinlan stood up on the spot and said goodbye first, Yi Tian didn't say much but just nodded.

Later, when I picked up the third jade slip, I saw on the seal the summary of the Lihuozong. After inserting the divine sense into it, the first place was the Lihuozong's Imperial Beast Temple near Qingling Mountain.

After reading the information carefully, Yi Tian recalled Li Xinlan's actions just now, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, it seems that this little girl really has a lot of eyes.Looking back, I thought about whether I really wanted to go into this muddy water. Generally speaking, all the things left over from the Lihuo Sect should belong to me, the new suzerain, but if I did this, it would be difficult for me to cause public anger.

A few hours later, in the wing room, Yi Tian's spiritual sense sensed some unusual spiritual power fluctuations in Qibaozhai's shop.For the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, as long as they want to, they can use their spiritual consciousness to monitor every move of the entire Qingling City at any time.

It's just that I want to prepare for joining the WTO, so I don't have any thoughts about it for the time being, but it's not elegant to check the situation in Qibaozhai a little bit.

Quietly stretched out her spiritual sense to investigate, only to find that on the third floor of the main hall, Li Xinlan was talking with two Jindan monks who were also dressed in the costumes of the shopkeeper of Qibaozhai. The look of disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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