
Chapter 596 Help

Chapter 596 Help
Li Xinlan, the big shopkeeper of Qibaozhai Qingling Mountain City, is sitting on the third floor of Qibaozhai's store at this time, discussing something with two other people dressed as shopkeepers.

At this time, Yi Tian saw the words and actions of the three people in the room exactly through peeping with his spiritual thoughts, and he didn't have time to listen to the previous part, but he heard all the conversations of the three people at the moment.

Lishui Lan said: "The two spirit weapon masters in Qingling City, Biwo Qibaozhai, will definitely maintain the same ranking as they did 50 years ago."

An older late Jindan cultivator beside him shook his head and said, "Shopkeeper Li, you also know that our Qingling Mountain Headquarters has always focused on selling precious materials and elixir, and the refining of spiritual weapons has always been relatively difficult. Weak. Besides me, Qibaozhai, there are several other factions in Qingling Mountain City who have also made full preparations."

Another middle-aged man interjected: "Shopkeeper Li, I even heard that the Zhengxingmeng even sent enshrined priests to participate. I'm afraid that this grand trading event in Qingling Mountain City will not be that simple."

Hearing this, Lishuilan's brows furrowed even deeper, and she sighed helplessly, "Don't we have any countermeasures, you two? We must know that this once-in-a-century transaction in Qingling City The final transaction volume of all parties involved in the grand event is related to the number of people who can enter the ruins of the Beast Temple, and the headquarters attaches great importance to this matter, and even bluntly said that they have reserved a number of people."

After hearing this, the two of them became very embarrassed, and later they said with fear: "Shopkeeper Li, you haven't mentioned this matter before, if the people from the headquarters catch some pigtails, then our future life will be extremely uncomfortable .”

"I don't know about this, it's just that who else can I find to represent Qi Baozhai in a short while?" After speaking, Li Xinlan glanced towards the backyard intentionally or unintentionally.

Suddenly, Yi Tian's voice came from his ear: "Then what's the matter with the quota to enter the Temple of the Beast?" It was Yi Tian who spoke.

A gleam flashed in Li Xinlan's eyes, and then she said to the other two: "I have a distinguished guest coming, please be safe and don't be impatient, it's easy to solve this matter." After speaking, she hurriedly got up and said goodbye to the two of them , and then hurried to the backyard.

In Shaoqing's elegant room in the inner courtyard, Li Xinlan sat down at the head with a respectful face. At this time, her face seemed very relaxed, and she explained in detail the content of the once-in-a-century transaction ceremony in Qingling Mountain City.

It turns out that this is a grand event jointly organized by Zhengxingmeng and many casual cultivators, which lasts for three days once every hundred years.All parties will sell the precious materials, spiritual tools or elixirs that are offered for sale with clearly marked prices.

[-]% of the income is handed over to the city lord of Qingling Mountain City. As for the city lord, he is also the elder Yuanying sent by Zhengxingmeng to sit in the town.Afterwards, all parties can share the admission quota for the Lihuo Zong Beast Temple Ruins according to their contributions.

Although Yi Tian had no interest in the trade fair in Qingling Mountain City, the ruins of the Imperial Beast Temple moved his mind.Since there are quotas allocated, it seems that it is not easy to get in.

In an instant, a thought flashed through my mind, since the Zhengxingmeng also sent monks at the early stage of the Nascent Soul to guard and coordinate the admission quota of the Imperial Beast Temple ruins, it is better to go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to ask for it.

However, this idea was forgotten later on. If I asked myself to ask for it so forcefully, I am afraid that it would not be long before it would lead to rumors about the plan to use the opportunity to integrate the forces of Zhongzhou to fight against the big sects of Qianlingzong and Tiandaozong. I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.

After thinking for a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "Shopkeeper Li doesn't know how Guizhai plans to participate in this transaction, and how much spirit stone contribution he needs to provide to the City Lord's Mansion to maintain the previous quota."

Li Xinlan straightened her expression and said: "Jizhai has always displayed [-]% of its shops in the exhibition shops, and sold the rest at the auction."

"Is there any difference in the contributions paid?" Yi Tian asked.

"The shops in the exhibition are all clearly marked and registered in a booklet and handed over to the city lord's mansion. However, half of the registered price will be included in the contribution for all items sold, and the same amount of spirit stones needs to be paid at any time," Li Xinlan Explaining this way, seeing Yi Tian kept nodding his head, he continued: "As for the commodities handed over to the auction, an inspector will be asked to record the lowest bidding price. For this part, [-]% of the spirit stones will be paid. If it is higher than The extra portion of the transaction at this price requires an additional [-]% of the Lingshi share."

Yi Tian sighed and said: "In this way, the intention of malicious hype can be eliminated. Sure enough, the guard of Qingling Mountain has played a good trick. If it is placed in the mortal world, it can be regarded as an expert in tax collection."

After looking at Li Xinlan's complexion, Yi Tian took out some middle and low-level spiritual weapons from the storage bag, erased the marks on them, put them into a storage bracelet, and handed them to Li Xinlan, saying: "Here is a hundred spiritual artifacts." The utensils are all between the fourth and fifth ranks, which are my handicrafts when I was young, and it is appropriate to bring them to you as trade exhibits now."

After hearing this, Li Xinlan was overjoyed but didn't move her hands. After a moment of hesitation, she asked cautiously: "Senior Yi also seems to be interested in the entrance to the relic of the Temple of the Beast, right?"

Talking to smart people always saves effort, especially for someone like Li Xinlan who is good at reading words and expressions. It is not surprising that she can be the big shopkeeper of Qibaozhai in Qingling Mountain City.

Yi Tian said slowly: "Qibaozhai has semicolons all over the Tianlan Continent, and the news is transmitted quickly. Presumably, shopkeeper Li must have known the identity of the next person early in the morning."

Li Xinlan nodded embarrassingly and replied: "That's true. Bizhai has special personnel responsible for collecting news from all continents, including top monks and rising stars in those large sects."

"My sect has a lot to do with the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou, so I have the obligation to investigate all the remains of the sect."

"With the help of Senior Yi, I believe that I will be able to return to Qibaozhai with great success during this trip to the ruins of the Yushou Temple," Li Xinlan said.

"I want to occupy a quota, but I wonder if shopkeeper Li can adjust it," said Yi Tian, ​​of course, who seemed to refuse to let him talk about the business.

After hearing this, Li Xinlan glanced at the storage bracelet on the table without any hesitation and replied directly: "All the monks who entered the ruins of the Imperial Beast Temple were monks who had cultivated at the Golden Core Stage and above, and the purpose was to collect All kinds of medicinal materials for animals, so that they can be made into high-level animal cultivation pills after they are taken out."

Yi Tian asked inexplicably: "How is this different from the ordinary Beast Breeding Pill?"

"Senior Yi doesn't know that the treasures used to raise spirit beasts are not the higher the grade, the better, but the best attributes. The Lihuo Sect opened up several blocks in the Royal Beast Temple for planting as early as 3000 years ago. About [-]% of the area of ​​the spirit plant medicine garden suitable for spirit beasts of different attributes has been discovered after several thousand years of continuous picking by monks," Lishuilan explained.

(End of this chapter)

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