
Chapter 597 Doubt

Chapter 597 Doubt
Thinking that Yushou Yitian has a big head, fat dog is lucky to have reached level six now, as for Chi Yanju, it seems that after repairing the foundation for so many years, his cultivation has not improved much.

I have already prepared the refining materials for the car 'Yunxiao Yu', but it is useless without the chariot spirit pet.The Crimson Flame Horse's cultivation must reach at least the fifth intermediate level before he can barely move Yunxiaoyu. Now he is looking forward to it and only hopes that it can advance to the next level. It is a headache for this matter.
This time I also have plans to go to the ruins of the Royal Beast Temple. In the high-level spiritual pet cultivation method brought by the Southern Border Royal Beast Sect, I also mentioned the method of using new materials to make pills to raise spiritual pets.

At that time, I happened to be entangled with many things, so I put the matter aside, and then refined some of the beast breeding pills and used them on the fat dog, which was quite effective, but Chi Yanju didn't see anything after taking the pills for a hundred years Great improvement.

Fortunately, after coming to Zhongzhou this time, the information I got from Qibaozhai mentioned that there were several ways to cultivate spiritual pets in the Royal Beast Temple in the Lihuo Sect. Although the conditions are relatively harsh, there is always a way.

In addition, this happened to coincide with the once-in-a-hundred-year exploration of the relics of the Temple of the Beast, and now Yi Tian wanted to confuse it and stay in the relics, and then find a way to find out if he could find the ancestors' letters or animal breeding records. and other literature.

More than a month later, the entire Qingling Mountain City suddenly ushered in a large wave of traveling monks, from all major sects down to the qi refining period, all swarmed here. Everyone's purpose was clearly aimed at the three-day transaction in Qingling Mountain City meeting.

This grand event has attracted those famous alchemists or alchemists on the Zhongzhou mainland. Even if you can't find any suitable treasures, spirit weapons or elixir on such an occasion, it is also good to be able to communicate with your colleagues. All have benefited a lot.

On the first day of the trade fair, Yi Tian wandered alone on the streets of Qingling Mountain City.Although I don't even look down on the garbage sold on the street, I can't help feeling nostalgic in my heart when I think back to how I started out like this.

After walking around, he didn't find any treasures that could catch his eye, so he walked straight towards the auction.

A moment later, after showing Qibaozhai's enshrined token, the waiter of the auction house directly found a free private room and sent Yi Tian in.

Entering it, you can see a wide field of vision. This box is on the second floor of the auction hall, and the auction is more than halfway through at this time.The ones in front were all the supplies sent by the monks in the foundation building period. Looking at the catalog in his hand, Yi Tiancai found that among the things he took out, there were still a few that were sent here by Lishuilan.

Looking at the fiery atmosphere of the auction in the hall below, the corners of his mouth just twitched lightly, and the item that he presented for bidding was the 'Devil Killing Spear' that he had once refined.

These are spirit weapons that were refined from some magical ores found in Taihuang Mountain back then, and some of them even contained traces of pure magic power.

It's a pity that the attributes of these spirit weapons are quite different from their own after being refined, so they can only be used by those monks with Yin attributes or magic ways.

Just thinking about it, the hammer in the hands of the auction host below is the deal, and the final bidder is a box in the middle of the second floor. Usually, the monks who can occupy this place are basically either the city lord or those A direct disciple of a large sect.

Usually when they bid, those casual repairmen on the first floor will stop bidding appropriately, and the contenders are often distinguished guests who are also in the boxes on the second floor.

Yi Tian didn't care about it after scanning it, and then he just stopped and carefully read the list of auction items in front of him.Later, it was his turn to bid for the Spirit Artifact Mall. This time, what he got on the stage was a three-foot-long machete, which was also produced in batches with the previous Demon Killing Spear.

As soon as it came up to the entire hall, the price of this item was directly increased by [-]%, and then a murky and powerful male voice from the middle box on the second floor increased the price of this spiritual weapon by as much as [-]%.

Immediately, the bidders in the arena obviously lost their temper, and after less than half a quarter of the price increase, no one was able to offer a higher price, and this spiritual artifact fell into the hands of the same person logically.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in a remote box on one side, showed a strange expression on his face. After entering the auction venue, he found that the monk in the middle of the second floor made three short shots, two of which were his own spiritual weapons.

At first glance, there was nothing suspicious, but the third thing he photographed was a magic weapon made by a demon cultivator at the Jindan Stage. Although the magic source power contained in the weapon is not as strong as the two auras he refined, it can be regarded as one of the few magic repair tools in this auction.

A thought suddenly appeared in Yi Tian's mind: "This is not a coincidence, the other party seems to be able to sense the magic power contained in these spiritual weapons. This person should be a magic cultivator, and his strength is not low." But even so The reason why I let myself take action is to slowly cast the spell to quietly extend the spiritual consciousness from the box.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there was only one monk in the middle stage of the golden core in the whole room. This person was wearing a mask and exuded a strong devilish energy all over his body, and his spiritual consciousness was so tightly wrapped that he couldn't go any further.

What this person is holding is the demon-killing gun that was auctioned earlier. I saw him stretch out one hand to hold the gun quietly, and within three breaths, he saw a trace of pure magic power being absorbed by the gun. He withdrew it from the gun.

After swallowing it with one mouth, he sat on the ground and began to refine the magic power.

Such weird behaviors made Yi Tian frown. The other party's methods were rough, and the method of cultivating magic power was not like the authentic magic cultivation method, but in his own eyes, he always felt that it was not a big deal.

After quietly imprinting a tracking mark on his body, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness from the box. Anyway, he had already memorized his voice and image. When he went outside, he believed that as long as he was still in Qingling Mountain City, he could lock him instantly. live.

The auction that followed was extremely intense, but after that, no spirit weapon containing magic power appeared, so that person also became surprisingly quiet.

After the auction was over, the VIPs on the second floor could leave the venue through a special passage. After Yi Tian walked outside, he suddenly realized that his An Xia tracking mark had disappeared under the induction.

Immediately thought of various possibilities in my mind, and rejected most of the ideas before confirming that the ambiguous induction may be that the place where the opponent is has the partition effect of the formation, and the person being tracked has not yet realized the mark on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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