
Chapter 598 Misunderstanding 1

Chapter 598 Misunderstanding One
After the auction in Qingling Mountain City, Yi Tian did not directly return to the headquarters of Qibaozhai, but wandered around in Qingling Mountain City.

Although the little episode of Moxiu found in the auction house made me feel suspicious, these little characters can't make any big waves. As long as they don't hinder my plan, I can let them toss.

After the meeting, I came to the largest restaurant in Qingling Mountain City, 'Fumanlou'. There are many monks coming and going here, but there is a monk in the Qi refining period at the door who acts as a waiter and stands there to greet the guests. Seeing a guest approaching He hastily greeted him.

Following the waiter at the door, he walked slowly up to the second floor, and then he was led up to the private room on the third floor by the foundation-building monks here.

During this period, Yi Tian casually asked and found out that this place was originally an industry under the name of the City Lord's Mansion. Although there are only four floors, each floor corresponds to visitors with different cultivation levels, except that the top floor is reserved for those important guests. The rest are open to the outside world.

Now that I have suppressed my cultivation base in the mid-stage Golden Core, I can go directly to the third floor. As soon as I stepped on the floor, I saw a guy who looked like a mid-stage Foundation Establishment eagerly walked up to me and bowed his head to salute: "So it is The well-known Nantian Jianlin Jianxin greeted Jia Er face to face, the Tianzi No. [-] room you booked is now vacant, please come along with me."

After hearing this, Yi Tian said calmly and said, "You have misunderstood the person, this seat is a new enshrined from Qibaozhai." After finishing speaking, he took out a piece of Qibaozhai's token jade pendant and waved it in front of the guy down.

After the latter looked at it, there was also a suspicious look on his face, and after three breaths, he resumed his smile and said, "It turned out to be the priest of Qibaozhai, and now there are rooms on the third floor except Tianzi No. Kong, I don't know what you want."

"Then Tianzi No. [-], quickly lead the way," Yi Tian also replied impatiently.

Seeing the displeasure on the face of the Golden Core cultivator in front of him, Jia Er hastily smiled and led the way, leading him into the room after a while.Yi Tian glanced at this place, but he was facing Tianzi No. [-] room. The room is located in the middle of Fuman Building, and you can see the scenery of the street when you open the window.

After randomly ordering some spirit wine and delicacies, Jia Er hurriedly left, but after closing the door, he muttered, "It's impossible to misidentify someone, is there really someone who looks so similar?"

After speaking, he walked towards the stairs, but he didn't know that Yi Tian in the room heard all his whispering just now.Sitting cross-legged in the room right now, tapping the table with his right hand, Yi Tian also showed a bit of puzzled expression on his face. According to Jia Er's reply, it seems that there really is a monk who looks very similar to himself and has reserved a box here.

But is there really someone who looks very similar to me in this world? It would not be a good thing if my reputation is damaged by an impostor.

I didn't expect that I would encounter such an interesting thing just on a whim, and now I have a sudden idea in my heart that I need to get to know this 'Southern Sword Forest Jianxin' well.

After a while, Jia Er knocked on the door again and came in. After serving all the food and wine, he said "slowly use" and turned around and left the room.With a smile on Yi Tian's face, the seals on his hands pointed towards Jia Er's body for an instant, and a white light flew into the back of his head.

Since it was a bad thing for Jia Er to recognize him, he still needed to do some preparatory work. Just now, he just did a little trick to erase all the information about his appearance from his memory, so that he only vaguely remembered that he had entertained Qibaozhai.

After finishing these things, Yi Tian slowly raised the wine glass in front of him, filled it up for himself, and then waited alone in the room.

About an hour later, I realized in my consciousness that someone was walking towards the third floor, and Jia Er, who was standing at the entrance of the corridor, was received in groups.There were three people who came to this investigation, two in the middle stage of Golden Core and one in the early stage of Golden Core.The three of them went to the No. [-] room of Tiantian Zi, greeted Jia Er directly, and closed the door.

Yi Tian was about to slowly extend his spiritual consciousness in to see what the three of them were discussing, when suddenly a layer of white spiritual light outside Room No.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian was about to forcibly invade the room, when he suddenly saw a flash of spiritual light around the room and looked carefully, it turned out that the array defense had been activated.It's not difficult to crack it, but it's not a good thing to startle the snake and let the people inside know.

Now Yi Tian had no choice but to continue to wait with aggrieved, but after a while, Jia Er came from the entrance of the corridor with a table of spiritual wine.With a knowing smile on his face, he quickly made a seal with his hands and pointed again at Jia Er who was outside the door.

Then, with his finger dipped in the wine in the glass in front of him, he flicked it towards the wall, and a drop of wine touched the wall in a short time, showing a three-foot-large scene.

If Jia Er saw it here, he would be surprised and said that the mirror image in front of him turned out to be what he saw in his eyes.

At this moment, Yi Tian held the wine glass and stared at the mirror image of Qiang Shang surprisingly, but there was a look of surprise in his eyes.In this mirror image, there is one who looks almost like himself, at first glance, it is really carved out of the same mold.

At the moment, I couldn't help thinking that there is really someone who looks so similar, maybe some of my brothers and sisters have also stepped into cultivation.However, this ridiculous thought disappeared in a flash. It had been confirmed many years ago that the Yi family in Hewan Village had been passed down for several generations.

Later, I saw that the three figures in the mirror image on the wall had disappeared, and when I checked with my spiritual sense, Jia Er retreated directly after serving the drink. Before leaving, I didn't forget to close the door so that I couldn't find it anymore. where the situation is gone.

But Yi Tian didn't show any disappointment on his face at this time. Anyway, he was still across the room, and he couldn't run if he was stared at by him. Then he looked at the spirit wine and food in front of him and continued to eat. Chun Duoying rose.

The three of them chatted in Tianzi No. [-] room for nearly two hours before they came out. Lin Jianxin paused obviously after walking out of the door, and then turned his head to stare at the opposite door for a while. Not finding anything, he greeted his two companions and went downstairs together.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly took out a mask and put it on his face, then took out a handful of spirit stones and put them on the table, then his whole figure turned into a transparent one and disappeared from the room.

After reaching the main street and locking in on Lin Jianxin's movements, Yi Tian followed him all the way through several streets before he came to a shop, and saw the other party walking straight past and showing the jade token in his hand, Then swaggered into it from the main entrance.

Later, Yi Tian felt that the mark of divine consciousness he had put on the other party suddenly became blurred, and this effect was consistent with the situation of the demon cultivator in the auction house before.After careful investigation, it turned out that these shops were surrounded by protective formations, so they cut off their sense of the tracking mark.

(End of this chapter)

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