
Chapter 601 Gossip

Chapter 601 Gossip
In Yuepeng Building, Yi Tian and Feng Renhan came back here again and found a private room. The two sat down facing each other and started chatting.Although Yi Tian had many doubts in his heart, he didn't have any clues for a while, so he had to ask around without saying a word.

It turns out that Feng Renhan and Na Lin Jianxin just met each other, the two are kindred spirits, and they had met for a while when they were fighting swords in Beiman Mountain a hundred years ago, so they directly mistook themselves when they met this time.

However, Yi Tian became more and more curious about how similar Lin Jianxin was to himself. Even though his face was the same, his personality, mood and tone of speech would be different.

I really don't know how the high disciple of Tiandao Sect in front of me confuses the two of them.Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly Feng Renhan in front of him saw a strange look on his face and said, "Brother Lin, this is the best drink in the Yuepeng Building here, why don't you have your eyes?"

Yi Tian just smiled lightly, then picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip. This wine should be brewed with spiritual fruit, and it tastes a bit sour and sweet, but the spiritual power contained in it is quite strong. It is indeed of great benefit to me, but it is just a way to satisfy my appetite.

Seeing this, Feng Renhan couldn't hold back his face. The other party who was attacked outside the city before helped him out of trouble. He wanted to thank him, but he didn't expect that the wine here didn't seem to suit the other party's appetite.

Feng Renhan felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and suddenly saw the other party take out a jug of wine and put it on the table, poured two glasses into two glasses, and then gestured.

It turned out that Yi Tian thought that the wine here was too weak, so he took out his own uniquely brewed spirit wine. This recipe was changed from the previous recipe of the heroic wine, adding a lot of six-level ingredients to make the original recipe a few flavors. The main ingredients have been replaced.

For some unknown reason, Feng Renhan picked up the wine glass in front of him and smelled it, and there was a pungent spicy smell in it. Seeing that the other party picked up the glass and drank it down without hesitation, a feeling of displeasure suddenly sprouted in his heart. With the strength to admit defeat, he took advantage of the trend to get bored.

Immediately, a burst of pungent alcohol rushed down from his throat and into his belly. Feng Renhan's tears were about to flow out. When he was about to speak, he suddenly found a burst of pure spiritual power bursting out of his body, and he was so frightened. He hastily restrained his mind and silently refined the strength of the wine with his kung fu.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, looked amused in his heart, but pretended not to care on his face, and then filled the wine glass again, then picked up the wine glass and slowly sipped tea.

After ten breaths, Feng Renhan refined the strength of the wine, and then opened his mouth to spit out a breath of alcohol: "Brother Lin is really a real person, a glass of this wine should last a hundred days of cultivation, and it is disrespectful for me to accept this kindness. "After speaking, he followed suit and picked up the wine glass in front of him and continued to drink.

Yi Tian didn't talk much but continued to drink, and the two drank seven or eight cups in this way. After Feng Renhan's face showed a little drunk, Yi Tian asked, "I don't know why Brother Feng was killed. Ambushes by the four Northern Mang monsters?"

Feng Renhan narrowed his eyes and replied with a smile: "Brother Lin, have you forgotten that when we were fighting swords in Beiman Mountain, we killed their elder brother. Fortunately, none of them were at home at that time. Come to seek revenge on us."

Yi Tian was dumbfounded for a while, and secretly thought that it was good to get him drunk, or he would be exposed immediately.Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly shut up and changed the topic to the Qingling Mountain Fair.

This time the two of them appearing here at the same time should not be an appointment, so I might as well go with Feng Renhan, so that someone can cover me.

After thinking about it, he said, "I recently got a quota for the relics of the Lihuo Sect's Royal Beast Temple, and I'm going to check it out. I don't know if Brother Feng is interested?"

Hearing this, Feng Renhan's whole body trembled, and after shaking his body, he finally woke up most of the wine, and then replied: "It's precisely for this reason that I came here this time, it's really great to have brother Lin with me .We can set off together after I get the quota token from the Zongmen resident."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "It's okay, there is still a period of time for this fair, how about we meet here again after Brother Feng gets the token?"

Feng Renhan looked at it with a flushed face, then smiled and said: "I guessed that Brother Lin, you are a high-level disciple of Qianling, this time I finally missed the trap."

Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "This time, I exposed the truth by saving my heart, but it shouldn't be."

Feng Renhan said disdainfully: "I found out when we were fighting swords in Beimang Mountain a hundred years ago. I asked at that time, but Brother Lin, you directly denied it. It's a pity that although you have thousands of swordsmen in your swordsmanship The Lingyao sword technique has been changed, but the Shensui is still there, and outsiders can't see it, so why don't we disciples of the big sect not know."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed, and after asking for a long time, he finally found some valuable information.According to what Feng Renhan said, it shouldn't be bad. Since this Lin Jianxin can overwhelm the direct disciples of Tiandaozong, his birth must not be simple.

Looking at the Zhongzhou mainland, the only sect that can surpass Tiandaozong in power is Qianlingzong, and Lin Jianxin is a disciple of Qianlingzong who can beat Feng Renhan, but this matter has yet to be confirmed by him himself.

I wanted to think about it, but I felt a strange feeling in my heart, maybe this matter has nothing to do with me, could it be that Lin Jianxin intentionally transformed into his own appearance.

But if you think about it the other way around, it's really not necessary. I have a small reputation among the Nascent Soul monks like this, and even the Four Great Demon Kings recognize me when I go out.If he, Lin Jianxin, did it deliberately, he would not know the deep meaning of it.

Afterwards, the two chatted without saying a word, and they also mentioned Fei Yan, the weapon refiner. It turned out that Feng Renhan asked him to refine a fifth-level high-level or quasi-level-[-] spirit sword.And it also revealed the bottom line. It turned out that half of the desire for the sword this time was to compete with Lin Jianxin again, but after this helping hand battle, Feng Renhan fully realized the gap between the two, so this is also true. Just use it as a joke.

It's just that Yi Tian has a strong interest in Fei Yan in his heart after hearing this. If Jin Danqi can refine quasi-level six spiritual weapons, it is likely that he is a descendant of the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect. It is necessary to pay attention to this.

In this way, Yi Tian directly took out a sixth-level elementary spirit sword from the storage bag and gave it to Feng Renhan. Although this person is a Jindan monk, he admired him after some friendship.

And after Feng Renhan received the spirit sword, he also believed that Lin Jianxin was an unborn disciple of Qianlingzong, and everyone kept quiet about it.

After drinking, the two exchanged communication jade talismans with each other, preparing to meet again in the ruins of the Royal Beast Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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