
Chapter 602

Chapter 602
After leaving Yuepenglou and saying goodbye to Feng Renhan, Yi Tian turned around and walked towards the refining shop where Fei Yan was. Now he has identified that this person is most likely a remnant of the Qiankun Yuhuo Sect, but he didn't know for a while. How to persuade it for your own use.

Considering that he has Huo Chilian's Communication Jade Talisman on his body, this can be regarded as a favorable proof.Later, he came to the refining shop, and as soon as he walked in, he realized that something was wrong. All the spirit weapons made by Fei Yan on the first floor were put away.

At this moment, Yi Tian was stunned and secretly thought that it was not good. Could it be that he had slipped his mouth when he met Fei Yan in Yuepeng Building.

After thinking about it carefully, I felt annoyed. Ordinary monks would not care about this refining technique. Just mentioning it like this is like encountering Fei Yan's sore foot. He must have noticed something strange, so this When I came back, I put away all the things I refined.

I'm afraid that no one else will stay here at this time, thinking in my heart, I hurriedly used my secret technique to sense it.Sure enough, I used my spiritual sense to sneak into the storage ring to check the jade plate, and found that there are still three imprints staying in Qingling Mountain City, and one of them is heading southwestward, about three hundred miles away. Left and right are far away.

With a sigh in his heart, it seems that this matter can only be discussed in a long-term way, and he turned around and took out Huo Chilian's messenger jade talisman and told him what he saw here, I believe it would be easier for him to come forward.

After leaving the refining shop, Yi Tian was helplessly unable to find the other two tracking targets. Suddenly, there seemed to be a sense in the storage ring, and he checked his spiritual sense and found that it was a message from Li Xinlan. When I arrived, a buyer heard that Qibaozhai had come to offer a high-level refining weapon, so he wanted to come to order a sixth-level spiritual weapon.

I didn't want to take care of this matter at first, but under Li Xinlan's repeated requests, I had no choice but to agree.However, it was agreed that Qibaozhai would pay for all the materials, and he was only responsible for refining the spirit weapon.

After the matter is completed, a handling fee of one million spirit stones will be charged, and Qibaozhai needs to provide information for himself for free before giving up.

After returning to Daoqibaozhai, the confidants sent by Li Xinlan came to lead them into the wing room in the back courtyard.In order not to reveal his identity, Yi Tian took out his mask to cover his face. Now that he met Lin Jianxin, who was exactly like him in Qingling Mountain City, he was distracted and tried not to show his true face.

After pushing open the door and entering the wing room, Yi Tian's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and saw that there was already a middle-stage Jindan cultivator waiting in the room, and this person was the same cultivator who appeared on Fuman Tower with Lin Jianxin.At that time, I mainly locked my spiritual consciousness on Lin Jianxin, as for the other two, I only roughly recorded their appearance and spiritual pressure breath.

When the visitor saw someone coming in, he politely stepped forward and saluted, and then introduced: "My lord, Lin Xun, I recently heard that a craftsman from Qibaozhai came to worship Master Yi, and hereby come to ask for a handy spiritual weapon."

After Yi Tian nodded and returned the salute, he walked to his seat and sat down, and then replied lightly: "I don't know what requirements you have for the spirit weapon, please tell me this together so that I can have a bottom line in my heart. .”

After thinking about it, Lin Xun asked again: "I wonder if Master Yi can refine five-element attribute spiritual weapons?"

Yi Tian was excited when he said this. It seems that the strength of the person who uses it is not simple. You must know that only the Nascent Soul cultivator can control such a spiritual weapon. As for the Jindan cultivator, he has not yet mastered the spiritual power of the five elements. It is also inconvenient to use for a while.

Yi Tian sized up the other party and then sneered, "Your Lin Daoyou was joking, may I ask if this spirit weapon is suitable for human use?"

After hearing this, Lin Xun respectfully said, "It's my master Lin Jianxin."

After hearing this, Yi Tian raised his brows and then talked eloquently: "As far as I know, your Patriarch of the Lin family is only in the middle and late stage of Jindan, and it's too early to break through the alchemy and become a baby. Is it so soon to prepare? "

Lin Xunwenyan was stunned for a moment, then showed a little embarrassment and said: "Master Yi seems to know something about our Lin family? To be honest, this spiritual weapon is used by the master to honor our ancestors, so please take care of me, master." gone."

It turned out that there was actually a Nascent Soul cultivator behind the Lin family as a backer. No wonder, as a casual cultivator of an aristocratic family, he could not buy other people's account, and even Lin Jianxin was not to be outdone when he could face Feng Renhan, a direct disciple of Tiandaozong.

Then I remembered that Feng Renhan had mentioned that Lin Jianxin should use the skills derived from Qianlingzong Yao's swordsmanship, so the backside of the Lin family is probably related to Qianlingzong, but for the time being, I only know Qianlingzong There are four Yuanying monks in Lingzong, and there is no monk surnamed Lin.

With this question in mind, Yi Tian temporarily agreed to Lin Xun's request, and later took out two sixth-level elementary spiritual weapons, the 'Five Elements Exquisite Umbrella' and the 'Great Five Elements Sword Box'.

When Lin Xun saw the five-colored spiritual power fluctuating on the two spiritual weapons, he showed a surprised look on his face. After watching them for a while, he sighed and turned to Yi Tian to discuss: "Master Yi These two sixth-order spirit weapons are indeed exquisitely crafted, and my Lin family intends to buy them, so I wonder if Master Yi can give up his love or not."

"It's okay, this spirit weapon is for people to use when it is refined, and it's just for stockpiling in my place. As long as your Lin family can afford the price, just take it," Yi Tian stopped talking and just said quietly Waiting for the other party's reply.

Lin Xun took out the communication jade card and wrote a few words in it to describe the situation here. Later, there was a flash of inspiration on the jade card, and Lin Xun hurriedly picked it up and read the reply carefully. smile.

After three breaths, he asked: "The head of the family sent a message to take both of the spiritual weapons. I wonder if Master Yi can accept the price of the precious materials. The spirit stones brought down may not buy two high-level spiritual weapons."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the treasure material is confirmed to be correct, it can be calculated according to the market price," Yi Tian lazily returned.

"Oh," Lin Xun said suspiciously, "Master Yi, don't you need to discount precious materials?"

"Two six-level primary spirit weapons can be better than Nantian Jianlin Jianxin, plus the value of the Qianlingzong business behind it," Yi Tian said with a smile.

After hearing this, Lin Xun's face changed several times, and then he sighed and said, "It turns out that Master Yi knew the details of my Lin family early in the morning, so on behalf of the Patriarch, I would like to thank Master Yi for his generosity."

Then Lin Xun took out three storage bracelets, two of which were filled with spirit stones, and the other was stuffed with a lot of fourth- and fifth-level treasures.

Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to find out that there are no less than 500 million spirit stones, and the coefficients are all piled up with intermediate spirit stones and placed in storage bracelets.Most of the precious materials are medicinal materials and a small amount of refining materials, most of which are fourth-level materials, and less than one-tenth of fifth-level materials.

There was not much disappointment on his face, and he stretched out his hand to put everything away.Later, he said: "If you meet Patriarch Lin in the Temple of the Royal Beast this time, please take care of me."

Lin Xun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hastily agreed, leaving behind a jade talisman for communication.

(End of this chapter)

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