
Chapter 603 Appeal

Chapter 603 Appeal
After sending Lin Xun away, Yi Tian calmed down and thought about it carefully. Now this matter is a bit strange. Lin Jianxin is only in the middle stage of Jindan, but he directly wants to use a sixth-level elementary spirit weapon. This is already in the early stage of Yuanying The category of monks.

As for Lin Xun's words, the fact that the Lin family still has Yuanying Patriarch as a backer in Qianlingzong is just a one-sided statement and cannot be believed.

When I took out two sixth-level elementary spirit weapons, the other party ate them all in one go, which means that they are capable of using these spirit weapons. It seems that there is at least one early Yuanying cultivator hiding in this trip to the ruins of the Beast Temple. in it.

In order to prove his own ideas, Yi Tian directly took out Shi Qianwei's communication jade talisman and wrote down all his doubts and things he wanted to ask.After sending out the jade talisman, he stopped going out and sat cross-legged in the secret room alone waiting for the end of the Qingling Mountain City Fair.

Within a few days, only Li Xinlan came twice. The previous time she brought a few storage bracelets, and converted the consigned spirit artifacts into the precious materials and elixir needed by Yi Tian.

The second time was half a day before the start of the trip to the Royal Beast Temple, and there was a young monk who came together.After the three of them sat down in the room, Li Xinlan said nervously, "Senior Yi came here this time to ask for something, and Senior Wanwang can help."

With his spiritual sense, he glanced at the appearance of the monk in front of him at the early stage of Golden Core, but there were several beast-controlling pouches pinned to his body. It seemed that he should be the beast-controller of Qibaozhai.

As soon as Li Xinlan opened her mouth, Yi Tian could guess seven or eight points, it was nothing more than that she needed to take care of this person during the trip to the ruins.But I still have a lot of things to deal with this time, so I don't know how to reply to the other party for a while.

Seeing this, Li Xinlan said that it was because Yi Tian was afraid of trouble, so she didn't let go, and after a moment of silence, she said again: "Senior Yi, this time, I also ask you to help my younger brother Li, as long as I can get three drops of that'spiritual medicine Quan' can."

After hearing this, Yi Tian asked with a strange expression on his face, "What is the function of this 'Divine Medicine Spring'?"

Li Xinlan hastily motioned for Li Qianjun, who was at the side, to come forward and answer, but he stretched out his hand and bowed to her, and then said: "Senior, I don't know that this 'Divine Spiritual Medicine Spring' was originally raised by the disciples of the Lihuo Sect's Royal Beast Temple. Spiritual pet drinking is a means to stimulate the mutation of its talent."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was excited and couldn't help thinking of the attribute mutation after the fat dog took a trace of his own true fire when he was crossing the catastrophe.

It turns out that the Lihuozong had a better way to stimulate the mutant talent of the spiritual pet back then. After calculating that I still have two cultivation bases of Qingyu and Chiyanju in my beast-controlling bag, which are still around level four, this time it may be Their time has come.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian looked at Li Qianjun and said: "If you get the 'Divine Medicine Spring', how do you use it?"

Li Qianjun was overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "You can just take it orally directly. The best period to stimulate the companion talent is about [-]% to [-]% at the fourth level. If the spirit pet reaches the fifth level, there is only about [-]% chance. It fully stimulates the talent mutation, and it will be useless at the sixth level."

"What is half-life talent?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Li Qianjun replied respectfully: "I would like to report back to Senior Yi, when all spiritual pet monsters are promoted to the fifth level, their talents will be strengthened, and there are a few spiritual pets that can stimulate the second talent that was originally hidden due to their blood. .”

Seeing that the other party didn't know much about it, Li Qianjun patted his own pocket and summoned a white tiger cub with a head length of more than a foot, and continued talking with eloquence: "Senior Yi, please see that this is my third-level spiritual pet. It was originally a tiger cub. For hybrid species, there are still some unknown powers in their bloodlines that have not been stimulated."

Yi Tian stared at the white tiger boy in front of him and found no other difference. After a flash of blue light in his eyes, he scanned his whole body with the Qingling method, only to find the blood in the white tiger boy in front of him. There is even a hint of golden light in it.Although it is not obvious, it does prove that there are other unknown powers in his blood.

From this point of view, this 'Divine Medicine Spring' used the power to stimulate all its blood. Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and summoned the fat dog and Qingyu, and then used the pupil technique to sweep the two beasts several times.

The room suddenly became a little cramped after two more spirit pets appeared, but the fat dog just glanced at it and said, "What's the matter this time, don't keep disturbing my sleep."

Seeing this, the siblings of the Li family widened their eyes and looked at the fat dog carefully, especially Li Qianjun stammered, "Sixth-level spiritual pet, half-step transformation." And the tiger cub saw the fat dog. Suddenly curled up and hid in Li Qianjun's arms, trembling all over.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and sent the fat dog back to the spirit beast bag, then stared at Qingyu in a blink of an eye, and saw that the blood power in her body was obviously stronger than that of Baihuzi.In my heart, I couldn't help admiring that the four big monster kings were all genuine materials, and the blood in this body was much stronger than other monsters.

After sending Qingyu back to the spirit beast bag, Yi Tian sat down and thought about it for a while, then raised his head and asked: "I don't know how much this 'Divine Spirit Medicine Spring' needs?"

After seeing the two-headed pets, Li Qianjun has already admired Yi Tian in front of him. His greatest wish in his life is to cultivate the pets to the fifth level.Now I can imagine the surprise in my heart when I suddenly saw a sixth-level spiritual pet. After calming down, I slowly replied: "The dosage of this 'Divine Spirit Medicine Spring' does not require many bloodlines and potential spirit beasts, only three drops are enough, a small bottle It can be used more than three times."

After nodding his head, Yi Tian thought about it, according to Qingyu's appearance, at least one bottle should be used to fully stimulate the second talent.A light cough attracted the attention of the next two people: "I don't know how many of this 'Divine Medicine Spring' are produced in total. If there are not many, the competition may be more intense."

Li Qianjun said with a solemn face: "It's really not much. There are only three bottles each time. In the past, the major casual cultivators in Qingling Mountain City discussed and shared among themselves. It's getting out of control."

"In this way, there will probably be variables in fetching spring water this time?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

The sisters and brothers of the Li family couldn't hold back their faces at this time, Li Xinlan said after three breaths: "Senior Yi, please help me this time, my Li family will definitely inherit the favor of senior, and I will be able to use my Li family in the future At that time, seniors can speak up."

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows when he heard that Li's family was mentioned instead of Qibaozhai, so he asked: "Isn't Qibaozhai your Li's family?"

Li Xinlan smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I don't know that Qibaozhai is divided into three parts of the world, and my Li family, Gu family and Liang family are jointly in charge."

(End of this chapter)

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