
Chapter 604 Dispatched

Chapter 604 Dispatched
After the transaction in Qingling Mountain City was over, many monks from various cultivators and sects gathered in the mountain city one after another. During this time, Yi Tian stayed in Qibaozhai in a simple way. Li's siblings meet.

It wasn't until the seventh day that Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the secret room, woke up from the trance, and when he stretched out his hand, he found a message flashed on the jade tablet of communication.Gently picked it up and scanned it with divine sense, it was a message from Li Xinlan.

This time, Qibaozhai not only maintained the ranking of the previous year, but also contributed a lot more than expected when paying Fangshi. In the end, Li Xinlan evened out a spot from other forces after many twists and turns.

Counting the original three in Qibaozhai, a total of four people can enter this time.On the bright side, Li Xinlan still handled it properly, and one person from each of the three Qibaozhai families can be shortlisted, and they will not be criticized by others.

And I use the extra, anyway, one side keeps the ranking and the other has an extra quota, as for this point, everyone is tacitly aware of it.

Later, I heard the voice of Li Xinlan's visit, and after she came in, she explained the origin of this item in detail and handed over the entrance token.After Yi Tian took it, he swept it away with his divine sense, and the front was engraved with the emblem of the Zhengxing League of Qingling Mountain City.

Then Li Xinlan opened her mouth to explain: "Senior Yi bought this item from an elder and deacon in Fenglei Pavilion in exchange for this item. At that time, senior only needs to go to the entrance and show this item."

Yi Tian put away the token and said lightly: "Brother Ling is ready? I will meet him as soon as I enter."

Li Xinlan showed a smile on her face and said: "The formation in this ruins will suppress the strength of the monks who entered the Jindan stage, but I believe that with the ability of Senior Yi, they will be able to deal with it calmly."

"It doesn't matter, even in the late stage of Jindan, my understanding and application of spells are far superior to others, unless I meet those monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul. But I believe they won't go here to wander around when they are full. Yes," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "If I didn't want to know the legacy of Fuze left by the ancestors of the next sect, I wouldn't go in and check it out myself."

After hearing this, Li Xinlan showed a gratified smile on her face, but Shan later seemed hesitant to speak.Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and asked: "Is there anything else that needs to be explained?"

"Senior, if you meet Qibaozhai's disciples in distress after entering this time, please help them, especially Liang Yuan and sisters of the Liang family. If you can take care of seniors, I will be grateful," Li Xinlan said. road.

"In the final analysis, you still care about your own family, well, I will promise you too," Yi Tian replied, and then he immediately disappeared into the secret room after putting away the token.

Two hours later, Yi Tian wore a mask and suppressed his cultivation base at the middle stage of Golden Core, and hurriedly rushed to the designated place in a small valley fifty miles away from Qingling Mountain City.As soon as I got there, I sensed that the previous three tracking marks had all arrived at the same time. As long as I pay attention, I can find Feng Renhan, Lin Jianxin and that Moxiu.

At this time, the three of them were all in the middle stage of Jindan, but after Yi Tian glanced at it, he felt that the magic cultivation was not easy.After walking by his side, I was surprised to find that the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not seem to be the first time I saw it. After thinking about it in my mind, I suddenly thought of the one I met in the old lair of the Black Dragon Cult when I first arrived in Zhongzhou. Nascent Soul monk.

The spiritual pressure of the two is similar but not the same, which makes me a little doubtful.It seems that there must be a place in the ruins of the imperial beast temple that attracts it to enter.

After passing by the demon cultivator, the other party also seemed to notice his existence. After the demon cultivator looked at him for a while, he pretended to be nonchalant. In fact, both of them had locked each other secretly.

As for Lin Jianxin, he took Lin Xun to stay in the Holy Emperor's Sect team, which made Yi Tian have to admire the other party's sky-reaching skills.At this time, facing the monk who was exactly like him, his heart was full of disdain and sarcasm.I contacted my teacher Qianwei before, and according to the reply, there is no Yuanying monk with the surname Lin in Qianlingzong.

The only person who could be connected was a branch of Lin surnamed in the clan of her master Qian Lingyuan.If this is the case, then Lin Jianxin and Qian Lingyuan must have some ulterior secrets.

No wonder Feng Renhan was able to see some clues when he was fighting swords with him. After all, he was the descendant of Qianling's lineage.Since I was bumped into by myself this time, it is no wonder that after going in, I will settle the account carefully. The person who impostor is a person who deliberately dialed the test.

At this time, Feng Renhan seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally looking towards Lin Jianxin and showed his favor frequently, but the latter was treating him coldly.As a result, Feng Renhan was making fun of himself, but the trace of doubt on his face was fleeting.

Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart, it seemed that his messing up the situation was actually turning Feng Renhan around.But this is also good if the water is clear, there will be no fish, so I can see more clearly after mixing it up like this.

A group of more than 20 people waited in the valley at the starting point for about an hour, and then suddenly a golden light flew over from Qingling Mountain City.

I don't know someone next to him said: "It's the city lord, Gongsun Jun, and the city lord is here."

Following the sound, a figure of a Nascent Soul cultivator appeared in mid-air after three breaths. This person was Gongsun Jun, an early Nascent Soul cultivator stationed here by the Zhengxing League.

After sizing up the opponent for a while, Yi Tian restrained his divine light and pretended to be nonchalant, and then got mixed up among the queues entering the ruins of the Imperial Beast Temple and waited in line one by one.

Although this Gongsun Jun's cultivation base has reached the early Yuanying period, his roots have been around for seven or eight hundred years. A monk like this has basically exhausted his potential, and it is difficult to make any progress in this life.To be honest, if he was serious about dealing with this person, I'm afraid Gongsun Jun would not be able to take his three moves.

Just as he was thinking about it, he turned his head and glanced at Moxiu and Lin Jianxin in the crowd, and suddenly found that both of them looked at Gongsun Jun with a slight contempt in their eyes.

Immediately, Yi Tian felt bad in his heart. These two people really have a big problem, and it is probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

A little later, I heard Gongsun Jun who was in mid-air slowly say: "The auspicious time has come, after the old man unlocks the formation restriction of the Imperial Beast Temple ruins, all of you who are present hurry up and enter, and the time you stay here cannot exceed Three days. After three days, go back the same way, and the beams knotted inside can't be entangled after they come out, or you can blame the old man for being ruthless."

The Golden Core cultivators at the side hurriedly agreed, and Yi Tian also nodded in a pretentious way.

After ten breaths, I saw Gongsun Jun take out a formation plate and mutter something in his mouth. A few magic seals formed on his hands and he punched it into it. After being injected with mana, the formation plate trembled violently.

Seeing that Gongsun Jun injected spiritual power into the formation disk again after seeing the Lianlian seal in his hand, Shaoqing saw a white light shoot out from the formation disk directly hitting the depths of the valley, and then a light door slowly opened up. Open the passage to reveal the inside.

All the monks present were not far from wasting time and filed in one after another. For a while, everyone used escapism and swarmed towards the light gate passage.

(End of this chapter)

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