
Chapter 605 Assignment

Chapter 605 Assignment
There is only one entrance in the ruins of the Temple of the Beast, and you must pass through it when you come out, so Yi Tian discussed with Li Qianjun early in the morning, and the two will meet at the entrance and go directly to the "Spirit Medicine Spring".

After flying through the light gate for a quarter of an hour, an exit of the light gate suddenly appeared in front of him. After Yi Tian jumped out of it, he opened his consciousness and scanned the surrounding environment.

I saw that there are bushes everywhere here, and the roads extending in all directions on the ground are criss-crossed like spider webs.Looking from a distance, there are several areas deep in the jungle that are shrouded in a blue halo.

Looking back, Li Qianjun was waiting not far from the exit and staring at the Guangmen, with a look of anxiety on his face.Beside him there was actually a Jindan female cultivator waiting, judging by the clothes she was wearing, she should be from Qibaozhai's side.

Yi Tian thought in his heart that it should be Liang Yuan who Li Xinlan temporarily added to him before departure, but since he agreed to the other party, it is not easy to refuse, but he doesn't know whether Liang Yuan knows the inside story.

Slowly flying forward, Li Qianjun hurriedly greeted her and said respectfully, "Since Daoist Yi is here, let's set off quickly." After speaking, he pointed to the cliff in the northeast of the jungle and flew straight away.

Yi Tian hummed lightly and followed up directly.Liang Yuan on the side looked up and down for a while and then said: "Follow up quickly, don't dawdle, I will wait for you."

Now she has a solid foundation in her mind, it seems that Li Xinlan hasn't told the other party all about her situation, and Yi Tian doesn't care about it anyway, anyway, she is just helping to be a nanny along the way.

Anyway, after getting the spring water, he let the two of them go away, and he still had business to do.

Along the way, I saw several monks flying straight in the same direction. After asking Li Qianjun through voice transmission, I found out that these people are all spiritual pets in various sects, and most of them have the same purpose for The most important thing is the thirty drops of 'Divine Medicine Spring'.

After flying for a while, the three of them found that there were divine senses sweeping towards this side from time to time, and after Yi Tian carefully distinguished, he found that there were about ten people in front and back, but there were no Moxiu and Lin Jianxin among them.

Immediately, the two of them seemed to fly in different directions after they separated at the door, and they were getting farther and farther away from themselves.I don't care about so many of them now, so I can only deal with the matter in front of me as soon as possible.

The few monks who followed behind seemed to be in a certain tacit understanding with each other.Seeing this, Yi Tian quietly sent voice to Li Qianjun and asked: "It seems that you have already had opinions on the distribution of the divine medicinal spring?"

Li Qianjun replied with a voice transmission with a silly smile: "Before Senior Yi came in, we had already divided the ownership of the thirty drops of 'Divine Medicine Spring'. There are five families here, besides Qibaozhai, there are Zhengxingmeng, Tiandao Zong, Qianlingzong, and Tianlijiao, each family has six drops. The juniors only take three drops, and the remaining three drops are given to the seniors."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned and thought in his heart that he could only get three drops at most, but there was still a Chiyan horse in the spirit beast bag that needed to be used, so he couldn't favor one over another.

However, Li Qianjun had already arranged this matter before she came in, and then she will have to think of a way.

After seeing Yi Tian's pensive look, Li Qianjun said again via voice transmission: "Senior Yi, you can actually get more by bidding, and it's not that these sect forces got the 'Divine Medicine Spring'." It's all for raising spirit beasts, and some of them are used for bidding with people."

Hearing this, Yi Tian finally settled down, he doesn't have many other things, but he has plenty of spirit weapons.And according to this posture, it seems that there is a lot to do, and it will be fine to ask Li Qianjun to come forward to deal with it.

Immediately, the three of them galloped towards the cliff without stopping, and it took about three or four hours before they got close to it.Li Qianjun who was leading the way suddenly slowed down and landed slowly on the cliff, then summoned her spiritual pet and put it in her hand.

A sound transmission quietly drifted past my ears, and I only heard Li Qianjun say: "The next road will be led by spiritual pets, if you fly directly there, you will be attacked indiscriminately by the spirit beasts from this mountain."

I saw Li Qianjun whispering a few words in the ear of the white tiger cub, and after hitting him with a magic formula, he saw that the pet's body became more than ten feet long.Then Li Qianjun and Liang Yuan lightly jumped onto the tiger's back and ran down the cliff.The following groups of horses also summoned their spiritual pets one after another and rode towards the same direction.

With a cold snort, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and patted the spirit beast pouch on his waist, only to see a fiery red light flashing, and he was already riding behind the red flame horse.After clamping the horse's belly with both feet, the Chiyan horse turned up to the sky and neighed a few times, then dropped the cloud head and galloped away on the mountain road with all four hooves.

It didn't take a while to catch up with Li Qianjun who was leading the way ahead. Yi Tian gave him a little signal, and then the three of them and the two beasts drove side by side towards the destination under the cliff.

Not long after, they came to a bare stone wall, and after the two of them summoned and put away the spirit beasts, the groups of people who followed were all there.However, everyone's face is cloudy and uncertain, and everyone has their own thoughts.

Li Qianjun explained with a smile: "The order of getting water is based on the order of arrival. This time we are the first to get water later." After speaking, he took out two jade bottles to hold in hand.

Everyone in the back also took out the containers at hand in twos and threes to get water, and the scene seemed to be quite orderly for a while, which can be regarded as a rare harmony.

After the number of people arrived, everyone lined up around the stone wall in front of them in an orderly manner, and then sat on the ground and waited.After about three or four hours, someone shouted: "Here we come, water is coming out."

Yi Tian followed the trend and saw a small hole on the bare stone wall, in which water vapor seemed to condense and slowly drip down.So Li Qianjun did her part, she quickly got up and walked forward to wait below with the jade bottle in her hand.

There are only three drops in each jade bottle, and then another one is replaced.After taking two bottles and filling them, he returned them directly and motioned for the next one to go up.

When Li Qianjun came back, she put away one bottle and handed over the other bottle, saying, "Your share, Fellow Daoist Yi."

After taking over the jade bottle, Yi Tian was also very surprised. He didn't expect it to go well this time, and everyone seemed to be in harmony on the surface.

After all the people from several parties had finished collecting, the Jindan monks from Zhengxingmeng went up last. Unexpectedly, after they took two drops, there was no more spiritual spring flowing down from the spring cave.Immediately, everyone on the scene also showed strange expressions, and only 26 drops flowed out of the 'Divine Medicine Spring', which was something that never happened before.

For a moment, the Golden Core cultivator of the alliance showed embarrassment. After waiting for a long time and no spring water came out, he turned around and said to the people behind him: "This time there are only 26 drops in total. It seems that everyone should take a drop evenly." Come on, or it will be really difficult."

As soon as the words came out, the faces of all the people present were very ugly. Even if it was negotiated before, but now the situation has changed, they don't know what to do for a while.Li Qianjun frowned deeply. If this is not handled properly, the result will be troublesome.

The Golden Core monks of the other major forces also kept silent, and everyone could see that they were not willing to do such a disadvantageous thing.

(End of this chapter)

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