
Chapter 606 is up

Chapter 606 is up
The water intake process of the 'Divine Medicine Spring' was uneventful, but in the end it turned out to be a side effect. According to previous experience, there would be [-] drops each time, but this time there were as many as four drops. Everyone in the room was stunned.

Although the people of Zhengxingmeng were the last ones to fetch water, the major powers who were present first paid homage to others, and they didn't care about it for a while.

Yi Tian looked at the expressions of everyone on the sidelines, and he didn't shy away from it at the moment. Anyway, it was up to them to discuss this matter.

But the development of the matter is quite different from his own ideas. Obviously, these sect forces are not willing to offend Zhengxingmeng to death at this juncture.After all, they still hold the key to enter the ruins of the Beast Temple, and there is no need to offend them and ruin their future opportunities.

At this time, Li Qianjun of Qibaozhai showed his true qualities as a businessman. Seeing that the matter was at an impasse, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet the monks of several major forces and began to discuss a solution.I saw six golden core monks directly opened a sound-proof barrier in the open space in front of the stone wall and chatted unscrupulously inside.

Yi Tian beside him also had nothing to do, so he quietly infiltrated his spiritual consciousness and eavesdropped on the conversation of several people.He frowned after hearing a few sentences. It turned out that the monks of the Zhengxingmeng were determined to ask for six drops, because they had at least two spiritual pets that needed to activate the power of blood.

The monks of Tiandao Sect also refused to give an inch, and their reasons were different. On the contrary, the monks of Qianling Sect and Tianli Sect had an ambiguous attitude.

It's just that the people in the Zhengxing League are still four drops away.For a moment, Li Qianjun, the old peacemaker, also felt very difficult. When he was helpless, Yi Tian's voice transmission suddenly came to his ears: "You talk to people from Qianlingzong and Tianli Sect, two fifth-level middle-level spirits. The weapon is exchanged for three drops of spiritual springs. Let the people of Tiandaozong and Zhengxingmeng each provide a spiritual stone to fill the gap."

Li Qianjun rolled her eyeballs after a shock, and then said the solution with a smile on her face, and Yi Tian who was listening on the side also secretly applauded.

According to this proposal, the Qianling Sect and the Tianli Sect would not need that much, so the method of exchanging the spiritual weapon for the holy spring.As for Tiandaozong and Zhengxingmeng, they originally needed an extra drop and exchanged it with spirit stones.

However, the members of the Zhengxing League proposed that the 26 drops of the five points should be taken by them in the end, which made the other families feel unacceptable for a while.Seeing that the negotiation was about to reach an impasse again, it was Li Qianjun who suggested that Qi Baozhai would also offer a share of Lingshi to make up for the vacancy.

Such Yi Tian looked at Li Qianjun differently, he was worthy of being a monk who was born as a businessman, and managed to deal with all the major forces to turn around the predicament in front of him.Even if she didn't have her own spirit weapon to support her, Li Qianjun would have other ways to remedy it.

After some discussion, Li Qianjun came back in a hurry and explained the result of the negotiation. This time, except Tiandaozong and Zhengxingmeng, the other two were willing to exchange the spiritual liquid on hand for spiritual weapons.Especially the Thousand Spirit Sect, they originally used it for exchange, and even privately sent a voice transmission to Li Qianjun, if the quality of the spirit weapons is decent, they can exchange them all.

Seeing Li Qianjun's anxious look, Yi Tian took out three storage bags without saying a word, put them in six spirit weapons and handed them to him.

The rest of the negotiations were all up to Li Qianjun, and the leaders of several major forces finally reached an agreement after some calculations.This happy situation is good for everyone. After all, no one wants to offend a certain force. After everyone goes out, they will look up and down in Qingling Mountain City. It is not good for anyone to form a beam.

In the end, Li Qianjun came back with two jade bottles in high spirits, and these things ended up in Yi Tian's pocket.However, it is estimated that six pieces of fifth-level spiritual weapons can be exchanged for five drops of spiritual liquid. The key is that the power of Qingyu who inherited the blood of Qingtian Demon King is too powerful, and all five drops are prepared for her.

If this doesn't work, then I can only admit it, but speaking of it, such an emotional investment is still very necessary, as long as Qingyu can stimulate the power of the blood, I believe that the Qingtian Demon King will definitely owe me a big favor.And what he paid was only six fifth-level spiritual weapons, no matter how you look at this deal, he got a big deal.

After fetching water, everyone summoned their spiritual pets one after another and rode away from the cliff. Yi Tian and Li Qianjun also rode Chi Yanju and Bai Huzi towards the direction they came from.

Not long after, the two of them came out of the range of the cliff. Li Qianjun put his feet on the ground and put away his spiritual pet, then cupped his hands and said, "I'm going back now after what happened here. I don't know if Daoyou Yi is going the same way or somewhere else?"

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian asked, "Is the broken exit the only way to communicate with the outside world?"

Li Qianjun didn't know much about this, but Liang Yuan, who was on the side, said, "This place was originally a space enclosed by formations, and Gongsun Jun, who is in the alliance, found the formation disk to open the seal. After being informed by the major forces, they negotiated to open it every [-] years. Therefore, if you want to enter and exit, you must pass through the opened passage."

Hearing this, Yi Tian recalled that when Gongsun Jun opened the ban before, he did take out a formation disk, but unfortunately, in order to conceal his identity, he couldn't use his spiritual sense to take a closer look, otherwise it would not be difficult to copy one with his own craftsmanship.

Since the information he obtained was limited, Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time. After bidding farewell to Li Qianjun and Liang Yuan, he flew in another direction alone, and the two returned the same way without saying much.

After the two of them walked away, Yi Tian unfolded his divine sense to investigate this area, and after a while, he started to mutter in his heart.It seems that this place is much bigger than what I thought. Moxiu, Lin Jianxin and Feng Renhan who came in together didn't sense the tracking marks on them for a while.

Immediately, he took out the tracking array card and cast spells on it with both hands. After three breaths, a mirror image slowly appeared on the array card. Yi Tian glanced at it and saw that it seemed to be Lin Jianxin. Flying somewhere.

It seems that this is the person closest to him, Yi Tian sacrificed a spiritual seal again and put it into the formation card, only to see that the formation card circled in the air for a few times and then pointed to the west and stopped moving.

In this way, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to receive the array of cards with joy on his face, and then urged the escape technique with all his strength to gallop towards the due west.

Except for Feng Renhan, the other two of these three people must go to the meeting, especially this Lin Jianxin.Ever since I received Shi Qianwei's message, I have screened out many questions in my mind. There are only two possibilities for this to happen, but in any case, this matter needs to be confirmed as soon as possible, even if it offends Qian Lingyuan. never mind.

(End of this chapter)

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