
Chapter 607 Clone

Chapter 607 Clone
Flying in the space of the ruins of the Imperial Beast Temple, Yi Tian looked serious at this time, thinking about how to deal with Lin Jianxin from time to time.This time, I didn't fully predict the scope of this space. Originally, I could cover the area of ​​a thousand miles with my spiritual sense, but even so, I couldn't find the whereabouts of the three of them.

In the end, he had to use the tracking imprint array to determine the direction. Fortunately, the direction of the opponent can be roughly determined through the secret method.Then he restrained his breath and used all his escapism to chase in that direction.

After flying hundreds of miles, the feeling of the imprint gradually became clearer, which made Yi Tian happy. It seemed that he had found the right direction. Although there was still a distance, it was only a matter of time to catch up.

Flying! Suddenly a fluctuating feeling of imprints flashed across my heart, I stretched out my hand to seal again and began to explore the three imprints, and suddenly found that Feng Renhan was rushing towards Lin Jianxin five hundred miles away, it is estimated that the two would compete Meet before you arrive.

As for Feng Renhan, he still feels that this person has a bold personality and good wine, he is a rare year-end friend.However, I believe that the other party probably mistook him for Lin Jianxin, but letting the other party notice it in this way is not very beneficial to his next actions.

After thinking about it, the spiritual power in the whole body was mobilized rapidly, and the whole figure was like an arrow leaving the string, flashing a blue flash in the air and then disappearing in a flash.

The distance of hundreds of miles is just a cup of tea for Yi Tian now, when the target is getting closer and closer, suddenly a few flashes of spiritual light in front of him slow him down a little.

Under the investigation of the spiritual sense, it was found that several violent spiritual pressure fluctuations burst out from the point to the surface not far in front, and after ten breaths, they directly spread to the surrounding area within a radius of three to five miles and overturned all the trees here up.

Quick Jieyin cast a concealment, and after Yi Tian submerged his figure into the air, he slowed down and approached quietly.Not long after, he came to the sky above the center point where he took out his spiritual power to burst. After hiding in mid-air, his eyes flashed with blue light, and he could see the scene below clearly.

I saw Lin Jianxin standing in one place with Lin Xun holding a sword, opposite to him stood four mid-stage Jindan monks wearing Tianli Cult costumes, but at this time Feng Renhan was standing in the middle of the two groups of people, as if wanting to cross It's like inserting a stick to mediate.

In front of the seven people below is a dying sixth-level pterosaur. It seems that it is mostly a dispute caused by the uneven distribution of spoils after the seizure.But Yi Tian stared at Lin Jianxin several times, but the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

Suddenly the people below moved again, and the four people from the side of Tianli Sect spread out in all directions as if through Qi, and sandwiched Lin Jianxin and the two of them. Immediately, Feng Renhan joined the battle circle to resist the attack for the two of them.

Just when I was hesitating in my heart about whether to go down and show up, I suddenly saw Lin Jianxin's spiritual power surging wildly, and then his cultivation level directly broke through the middle stage of Jindan and reached the peak of the later stage.

After a golden light flashed in his hand, a shining spirit sword was sacrificed, and after flying around the body, it instantly transformed into thousands of light spots and directly attacked the two people in front of him.

When Yi Tian saw this, he frowned and looked solemnly, only to see that thousands of light points of books and swords intertwined into a sky full of shooting stars, enveloping two monks of Tianli Sect.

After a sound of 'Zla', these light spots directly sieved the surrounding two people, and the situation on the scene was reversed for a while.

However, Feng Renhan and the other two Jindan cultivators of Tianli Sect stopped their hands at the same time, and then distanced themselves from Lin Jianxin. Afterwards, the three of them looked at the situation in front of them incredulously, and they all showed fear towards Lin Jianxin. color.

At this time, Feng Renhan's eyes not only did not have any joy, but he frowned deeply and looked at Lin Jianxin in disbelief, wanting to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

After a stalemate for three breaths on the scene, the two of Tianlijiao ran away in opposite directions at the same time. At this time, they no longer had any thoughts of dividing the spoils in their hearts.

After the two disappeared without a trace, Feng Renhan stammered and asked, "Brother Lin, is it really you? Why is your strength so much improved compared to that outside Qinglingshan City, and what's wrong with your voice?" Another change."

As soon as the words came out, Lin Jianxin also frowned and looked at Feng Renhan in front of him with a strange expression, and then shouted in mid-air: "Fellow Daoist has been watching in the air for a while and still hasn't shown up, do you want me to invite you?" Come out?" After waving his hand, a sharp sword light slashed directly upwards.

An identical sword light appeared out of nowhere in the void and defeated Lin Jianxin's spell directly, and then a figure slowly appeared, but the three people below swept with their spiritual sense and all showed vigilance on their faces.

The person who came was a mid-Golden Core cultivator with a mask on his head to block his consciousness, but this was indeed even more suspicious.Seeing this, Feng Renhan raised his sword and asked, "Who are you, and when did you hide in mid-air?"

After slowly taking off the mask, Yi Tian showed his true face with a nonchalant smile and said, "Feng Daoyou, you and I had a drink once, how did you forget it so quickly?"

At this time, Feng Renhan was taken aback, looked at Lin Jianxin and then at Yi Tianhou with an incredulous expression and said: "It was you who saved me outside Qingling City, but what happened to your faces?"

"Is it exactly the same?" Yi Tian sneered: "But you can tell from the voice that the person who was drinking with you at that time should be me."

Feng Renhan nodded dully, and after a sound transmission came from his ear, his face showed an unbelievable expression, and then he stopped and dodged into the distance.

After getting rid of Feng Renhan, Yi Tian looked at Lin Jianxin in front of him up and down, but kept admiring in his mouth: "If you don't use the swordsmanship, I really can't recognize you, you are the only one in the entire Qianlingzong You have such attainments in the way of swordsman, don’t you, Fellow Daoist Qian Lingyuan?”

As soon as the words came out, Feng Renhan and Lin Xun, who was beside him, stared at Lin Jianxin with wide eyes, but the former showed fear while the latter showed awe.

Only Lin Jianxin said slowly: "I didn't expect to meet you so soon. It seems that you have cultivated so hard in less than 200 years. I'm afraid that if you give you a little more time, you will definitely surpass me."

"Does it sound like you are going to make a break here? Don't forget that you are just a clone of Qian Lingyuan," Yi Tian commented, "And the attributes of the soul baby who sacrificed the clone are not compatible with the skills. No wonder Xiu Because even the monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul could not catch up, I calmly put a tracking mark on them."

After hearing this, Lin Jianxin's face showed an angry look, not to be outdone, and said: "In this space, your cultivation is not suppressed at the peak of Jindan late stage, so our strength is not on the same level."

(End of this chapter)

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