
Chapter 608

Chapter 608
When he was misunderstood in Qingling Mountain City this time, Yi Tian had an ominous premonition in his heart. How could there be exactly the same twins in this world? Even twins would be different, and he had no brothers at all.

When Fumanlou was misidentified by someone, I was already thinking about this matter in my heart. After peeping, I found that there was indeed a Lin Jianxin who looked exactly like me, but I was stunned when I saw it through the mirror at that time. Didn't realize where the weirdness was.

Such a coincidence is absolutely uncommon, recalling that there are very few people in Zhongzhou who have seen their true face, if you want to say who has the deepest Liang Zijie here, it is the Qianlingzong.

And afterwards, through Feng Renhan's mouth, it was confirmed that Lin Jianxin was using the Qianlingzong's Yaojian technique. It was only after this close-up and personal confirmation that the other party's identity could be confirmed.

Also, the news mentioned in Shi Qianwei's message also confirmed his guess that Lin Jianxin in front of him was a clone of Qian Lingyuan.Fortunately, he used the body of a spiritual infant with mutually restraining attributes to refine it, otherwise he would have seen his flaws early in the morning.

At this time, the whole scene became more subtle, Feng Renhan obviously noticed the abnormality on the scene after he transmitted the sound, he quickly dodged to the side and sat on the wall to close it.

Lin Xun, on the other hand, stood behind Lin Jianxin with a face full of indignation, as if he wanted to advance and retreat together.

Yi Tian smiled and said: "If your real body is here, I'm not afraid of just a clone. Fellow Daoist Qianling, let's make a quick decision. Let's use your best Yaojian Sanjue as a bet."

Lin Jianxin said with a solemn face: "How do you gamble?"

"Take my three tricks and let you go, but in the future you have to change your appearance and not show my true face in front of the world." Yi Tian said indifferently.

Lin Jianxin sighed and said, "Do I have any other choice? His Royal Highness, the Son of God, is really quick to resolve his grievances with a word, but I don't know if your Qianlingyao swordsmanship is genuine."

"I will definitely not disappoint you," Yi Tian raised his right hand and took out the Taiyuan Sword to hold it in front of his chest. His left hand slowly formed seals, as if to let the opponent see clearly the process of his moves, but his lips moved slightly A few times.

At this time, Feng Renhan got the sound transmission and hurriedly jumped into the air, and then flew thirty miles away before stabilizing his figure.For him, a fight of this level would be enough even if it was only marginal.

And Lin Xun seemed to have gotten Lin Jianxin's voice transmission and rushed to the rear of the air, and flew to the distance to watch, just like Feng Renhan.

I saw a cyan spiritual energy slowly flowing around Yi Tian's body, and after ten breaths, it injected into the sword body of Taiyuan Sword, and then the whole spiritual sword made a clear buzzing sound from top to bottom.

Lin Jianxin in front of him also took out a three-foot-long and half-foot-wide sword box, and also slowly sacrificed the white spiritual power. Two identical people sacrificed the same shining sword technique in their hands tens of feet apart. The disciples of other sects thought that the Qianling sect was fighting internally when they saw it.

But it is obvious that the white aura seems to be a little more fierce, and there is a strong killing intent mixed in the moves.On the contrary, the cyan sword light actually showed a peaceful color, which made people feel no murderous aura at all.

I saw Yi Tian's face was peaceful and he performed Yao Jianshu without any killing intent, but Lin Jianxin couldn't help shouting: "Where did you learn this Yao Jianshu? The power of Buddhism."

Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and avoided mentioning it, but just replied indifferently: "Fellow Daoist, let's see how powerful my sword Qi Rusi is." After speaking, he shook his hand and a cyan sword light directly slashed towards the opponent.

Lin Jianxin also condensed the same moves in his hands, seeing a flash of blue light in front of him, he did not show any weakness, turning the sword energy into thousands of filaments to attack.

For a moment, the blue and white sword threads collided fiercely in the air, driving the surrounding spiritual power as if being backlogged in it to form a spiritual vortex.

After three breaths, a two-color vortex flew out of it and hit the surrounding jungle, rolling the overturned trees into the air again and directly smashing them into pieces, leaving a pit with a diameter of about one mile on the ground.

Feng Renhan stayed in the distance and watched the battle situation in the air, sighing non-stop. It is rare to see such a scene of Nascent Soul monks fighting in front of him even in Tiandaozong.

Even if there is even a little aftermath splashed by the two people's precise control of the swordsmanship, the Jindan monks can't handle it. Even in this suppressed space, the power range of the moves seems to far exceed the Jindan monks. Reach the strongest state.Feng Renhan reckoned in his heart that the power of his sword moves had already reached the Nascent Soul level, and he didn't even know that the teeth in his mouth had bitten his lips.

Suddenly the situation changed during the battle. Although the cyan sword light was not as sharp as the white one at the beginning, it was stronger because of its long spiritual power.It seems to be loose in shape, but its solidity is more important. Often, a cyan sword wire defeats several white sword wires before it is stopped.

The blue and white sword lights held each other in the air for a few breaths, then crossed, and the rest of the sword power directly attacked in the direction of the two.Seeing this, Yi Tian just slowly raised the Taiyuan sword and swiped it lightly to kill the white sword energy that would be committed in the future.

And Lin Jianxin took out a spiritual umbrella to 'bang', opened his hands and poured all the spiritual power into it, forming a white light shield around himself.The cyan sword wire hit the mask and made a dense sound, and the mask trembled frequently under the attack of the sword wire like a storm, but it was not broken until the end.

After one move, Lin Jianxin put away the spiritual weapon and looked at it, except that the aura was slightly dimmed, there was no damage, and then he sneered and said: "Yi Tian didn't expect you to be able to practice the swordsmanship of our sect to such a level, it seems It’s impossible to immerse yourself in it without hundreds of years of kung fu. It’s just where did you learn all the swordsmanship?”

Seeing that the other party still had the strength to ask questions, Yi Tian didn't think so, he directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword in his hand, poured spiritual power into it, and sealed his hands with both hands: "After receiving this move, I will tell you where I learned it from."

After speaking, I saw the Taiyuan Sword trembling violently, and then a blue light suddenly appeared to wrap around the sword body, revealing a faint power to destroy the world.

Lin Jianxin squinted his eyes, looked at it and blurted out: "This is the 'shocking sword' of Yaojian Sanjue, no, you modified the trick slightly to have such momentum."

Before he finished speaking, he directly raised the sword box in his hand to transform it into a sword net to surround himself, and then raised the spiritual umbrella to support it on top of his head.

Yi Tian couldn't help admiring the opponent's eyesight from the bottom of his heart, this move seemed to be a shocking move, but the essence of it had been changed by himself.He secretly said in his heart: "The opponent has already seen the strength gap between the two sides in the first move just now, and starting to defend is definitely the best strategy. It's just that such actions are still useful before, but now."

Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he muttered a few incantations that others could not understand, and then swung his sword down, only to see the Taiyuan sword shrunk to about one foot, forming a blue sword pill, and then attacked the sword net defense in front of him.

In an instant, the cyan sword pill effortlessly broke through the two layers of defense and pierced Lin Jianxin's body directly. Even a trace of Qian Lingyuan's divine sense avatar was scattered by Yi Tian's control of the sword pill just after it left the body of the baby. up.

(End of this chapter)

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